Sunday 19 February 2012


         It would appear that the Scottish Defence League (SDL) intend to hold a “static” demonstration somewhere in the centre of Glasgow on Saturday February 25. It is up to the Glasgow citizens to turn up in their hundreds and show their disgust and hatred of this fascist off-shoot of the English Defence League/BNP Nazi grouping. The ordinary people of Glasgow should make it quite clear that there is no room on our streets for this bunch of racist/Nazi/fascist scum. These people have been responsible for intimidation and violence against any group that shows any form of libertarian views. They have attacked stalls in the city centre because they don't like what they say. When ever these brainless clones raise their empty heads above the sewer it is with the intention of intimidation and violence, they get off on doing Nazi salutes in front of a mirror, we should not allow them to create divisions with in our class, we are all being exploited by the same corporate greed machine, even the Nazi scum, but they are too stupid to realise that fact. They should not be let out alone.

         At a time when we are facing an all out attack on our living standards from the corporate fascist, these brain dead street fascists seek to find scapegoats. It can be anyone who is different, immigrants, people of colour, those with a different religion, all they do is create divisions in the working class making it easier for the corporate fascists to plunder the public purse. The ordinary people have a common cause against the corporate world that is destroying the very fabric of our society, there is only one division, those who own and control the means of production and distribution, and the ordinary people, those exploited of this system. We can't allow the brain dead fascists of the SDL ilk to divert us from our resolve to win a better life for all.

ann arky's home.

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