Tuesday 10 September 2013

More On The "Who Dunnit" In Syria.

      The longer the American "clinical" cruise missile strikes are delayed the more information that comes out pointing the finger at the members of the "Syrian Free Army" as being the perpetrators of the chemical attack in Damascus. This report from Counter Currents again throws the spotlight on that ratbag of fundamentalists, Jihadists, militia and power mongers, called the "rebels".
        More than a year ago, Iran warned the US: The Syrian interventionists possess chemical weapons. [1] And, there is report that the interventionists plan chemical attack on Israel. [2]
Citing leaked diplomatic correspondence a Christian Science Monitor report said:
     Iran has been warning Washington since July 2012 that Sunni rebel fighters have acquired chemical weapons, and called on the US to send “an immediate and serious warning” to rebel groups not to use them.
       The report headlined “Leaked Iranian letter warned US that Syrian rebels have chemical weapons” said: Iran said it has warned the US about chemical weapons in rebel hands for more than a year.
     The report by Scott Peterson, Staff writer, said:
     In a letter acquired by The Christian Science Monitor that was sent sometime in the spring, Iran told American officials that, as a "supporter" of the rebels, the US would be held responsible for any rebel use of chemical weapons.
The September 9, 2013, Istanbul datelined report said:
    Iran amplified those year-old warnings over the weekend in its strongest public comments to date linking the rebels with chemical weapons.

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