Monday 6 October 2014

The Only Answer, Kill Capitalism.

       The fight against "workfare" and it various permutations, is as admirable as it is necessary. However, if it is successfully destroyed, rest assured, our lords and masters will devise an equally noxious mutant to continue with our exploitation. Capitalism is a system of exploitation, that's how it works. We produce all the wealth of the world, and we get a pittance, the bulk is syphoned up to those who produce nothing, the wanker bankers, corporate CEO, financial Mafia and greedy shareholders. No matter how you look at it, that is total exploitation.

        Trainee schemes, apprenticeships, work placements, low wages, zero hours contracts, workfare, wage freezes/cuts, a minimum wage that nobody can live on, all tools in the exploiters bag of tricks. The political classes work hand in glove with the corporate world, to ensure that the exploitation is total. The slashing of benefits forces desperate people into deprivation, or into lousy, demeaning and/or dangerous, low paid jobs, in an attempt to survive.

      The struggle to improve our conditions has been going on as long as capitalism, and here we are in the 21st century, still struggling, while poverty spreads and wealth accumulates. Have we learnt nothing in 3 or 4 hundred years? It isn't that there isn't enough to go round, we are awash with wealth, it's the system of capitalist exploitation that keeps it in the hands of the few. We are the punters in the gambling casino, the odds are stacked against us, deliberately. Until the majority grasp this fact and decide to do something about it, nothing will change. Capitalism is destroying the planet and its entire population, for what?

        Though the powers that be tell us that it is the only game in town, capitalism is not a system set in tablets of stone, from some mighty god on high, it is simply a man made economic system, that works against the majority. It can be replaced by another man made economic system, that works in favour of the majority, and sees to the needs of all our people. It is up to to us, which one do we want?

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