Showing posts with label foreclosures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label foreclosures. Show all posts

Friday 28 December 2012


       The financial Mafia's grand plan is world wide, it is in fact a world wide epidemic. It is not something that is limited to Europe, no country is immune from this destructive infection. The only real antidote to this vile infection is social justice through anarchism. 
     America, that land of freedom, democracy and opportunity!! Well just like the rest of the corporate dominated world, ordinary Americans are getting poorer and the rich Americans are getting richer. Forbes has just released the latest figures on the richest Americans, and it states that the wealthiest 400 Americans posses 13% of the total wealth of all of America. This year alone their wealth increased by 7%, making the average wealth between this 400 work out at $4.2 billion each. This puts people like the most recent Presidential contender, Mitt Romney, in the poor league, as he has to get by on a personal fortune of a mere $250 million.
       Compare this to the ordinary American, this year millions of workers have been forced into poverty, saw the pensions disappear, along with their health care. Their wages are now in lower than what they were 40 years ago, if you take into consideration the rate of inflation over that period, the average wage is 22% lower now than the average in 1972. Unemployment is high, house foreclosures almost common place, homelessness rampant, jobs almost impossible to find.

       The onslaught against the ordinary people is world wide, no country is immune from the financial Mafia's plans to drive down wages, Greece, at the moment, may be at the sharp end, but others are perilously close, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Ireland, to mention a few in Europe. There is nothing in the rule book that says that the American people can't follow the Greek people into total misery and deprivation. By the slashing social spending the corporate world will achieve two things, one, it will reduce the tax they are asked to pay, so increasing profits, and two, it will open up greater opportunities for the corporate bodies to privately supply, at a profit to themselves, those services that have been trashed by national governments. No social services, only privately provide services at a cost, and if you can't pay, then you have to go without.
       Everything must turn a profit for the corporate body, no public assets, no public spaces, no social services, just big business. A bleak, harsh and desperate world for the ordinary people, a world where if you fall on hard times, it will be up to charities to help you out, or friends and relatives, who might themselves be facing the same poverty and deprivation. This is the great austerity plan, the pinnacle of capitalism, the corporate planet controlled from the boardrooms of fat-cats, with one aim in mind, increase profit, to fatten your shareholders. We either face this world and live with it, or face it and destroy the present greed driven system and replace it with a better world driven by co-operation and mutual aid, based on sustainability with the aim of seeing to the needs of all our people.The only real

ann arky's home.


Thursday 29 November 2012


       Quite often, from that babbling brook of bullshit, the media, we hear about the economic hardship being faced by people in Greece, Spain and even now and again hints of what is happening here. Seldom are we told of the misery and deprivation in America. After all, it is the world's biggest economy, the pinnacle of corporate capitalism, so things must be better there, right? Well not quite, a recent Reuters report states that due to the “sub-prime mortgage crisis” (corporate greed) and the stratospheric rise in foreclosures of owner occupier houses, there is now a record number of vacant homes in that land of freedom and opportunity. It seems that the number of vacant homes in America now numbers more than 18.6 million, and according to the national Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty, there are 3.5 million homeless people in America. So, that should mean that the homeless problem is solved, each homeless person now has more than 5 homes from which to make a choice of that basic right, a roof over your head!!! Of course it won't happen, so it is obvious that in that land of plenty, the the capital of corporate capitalism, the system is just as screwed up as any other capitalist country. Another little fact from the land of opportunity, there is no other city in the developed world with a greater divide between rich and poor than New York. The bottom 20% of its citizens get by with less than $10,000 a year, you can guess what the top 20% have to struggle by with in glitzy New York, New York??

ann arky's home.

Tuesday 18 September 2012


     What does "austerity cuts" really mean. We here in the UK still haven't yet had our full dose of financial Mafia medicine. there is more coming down the pipeline. If you want to see what is in store for you just look across at Greece. There they have seen their education system disintegrate, schools with no books, etc. their health service devastated, hospitals and clinics closing, running short on medicines, unemployment stratospheric, with all that, that entails. So it goes on, a sea of human suffering, misery and deprivation, all summed up in those nice sounding words, "austerity cuts". 
       Our shiny millionaire politicians along with the media, (the babbling brook of bullshit), are forever pouring out those nice sounding euphemisms. "Wage freeze" translates into possible malnutrition, foreclosure, or hypothermia in the winter. "Benefit reform", attacking the meager living standards of the lowest paid and most vulnerable. "Capping housing benefit" throwing families onto the street. There is always a reality to their respectable sounding words, words that taken together really mean plundering the public purse for the benefit of the financial Mafia.
      Like I said, we haven't been pushed down as far as Greece, YET, but where is the guarantee that we will somehow be saved from that. Do you think that the compassion of the millionaires and their friends in the financial Mafia will some how see our suffering, and stop stuffing their bank accounts? As far as they are concerned, everything is working fine, we the public are pouring billions into their pockets, in the hope that they will be nice to us in the future.

140 university departments are closing down –

        The ministry of education decided to close down 140 higher education departments including entire institutes. In an effort to keep the society as less educated as possible, and given that a lot of young people are developing a radical political identity and practice within the universities, the government now closes down entire departments while from this year on the free textbooks policy comes to an end, while there are systematic efforts to introduce tuition fees.
        Meanwhile the union of the hospital doctors yesterday announced that they are going on a partial-strike accepting only A&E patients and rescheduling every arranged appointments with patients. Hospital doctors protest because the Ministry of Health does not pay them for work they done, while doctors salaries have fallen circa 40% the last couple of years.

ann arky's home.

Saturday 30 June 2012


     So the banks fiddled the interest rates, wow, that was so unexpected, we always thought that the banking industry, (sorry, wrong word their, it is hardly an industry, more a cabal of gamblers.) was filled with honest, caring, honourable men!!! Then of course there is all this cry from the political class of how much damage their fiddling the rate has done to businesses, but there hasn't been much complaining about the damage they have done to the ordinary people over the last four years. As a matter of fact our political masters have been keen to throw at the banking cabal, all the money they could steal from the public purse, and tell us it was all necessary, no matter how it devastated the lives of ordinary people.
        This latest banking scam is hurting some of those with big money, they lost out a little, when you are shifting about millions of pounds, a little shift in the interest rate can mean a lot of money to you, so that makes it a dreadful crime. They obviously want you to take their side so they throw in a bit about how it affects your mortgage rate. However it was alright when it was foreclosures and evictions, lay-offs and wage freezes/cuts, etc.. In those cases it was mostly ordinary people, so the banks had to be saved. Now they must be cut down to size, how dare they fiddle the rich class and businesses, when there is a multitude of ordinary people that can be screwed. After all the banking cabal, corporate businesses and the political class are supposed to be part of the one cosy little club, and one of their members has been caught cheating his mates. Now that is just not on.
Days of Decline from abc_xyz on Vimeo.

ann arky's home.