Showing posts with label living wage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label living wage. Show all posts

Monday 10 September 2018

Couriers Unite

          Our corporate masters never miss a trick when it comes to cutting workers conditions and unloading their responsibilities. So along comes the "gig" economy, sold to the workers as freeing them up, allowing maximum flexible working conditions. Of course what they don't mention is that there is no sick pay, no paid holidays, no guaranteed income, and no protection if anything happens while you are working.  The bosses get a workforce that they have no responsibility for, no national insurance, no responsibility for accidents happening while on the job. It is a win win case for the boss. 
         The conditions that gig economy couriers work under can be dangerous, exhausting, and leave them struggling to pay their way. Most of them come out well below the living wage. However, Glasgow couriers that are tied into the UBER yoke are getting organised, fighting back, and demanding a fair deal. Though that desire in capitalism, is as rare as a two headed hippopotamus flying over Glasgow. That doesn't mean of course, that we should not get organised and take on the bosses for the right to decent working conditions.  
         Let's all get behind the couriers, and give them maximum support, and stand with them in solidarity, their struggle is our struggle.

Visit ann arky's home at

Monday 16 May 2016

Top Shop Is Bottom Of The Barrel.

       The campaign to get rid of zero hours contracts and force the fast-food industry, among others, to pay a living wage, is certainly hotting up. Regards the fast-food industry, this is an international campaign, with a huge following in America. In the UK, Saturday 14th. May saw protests and demonstrations out side branches of Top Shop across the UK, with London probably being the biggest. Of course asking your bosses for a little more please, is not the full answer, justice in the work place will only come when we get rid of all the Philip Greens and the rest of the parasitical class that screws us day and daily. Justice for working people will only be achieved when we rid ourselves of this exploitative capitalist system. Anything less is just a compromise which can be taken back by the bosses when ever they feel strong enough. You want an end to injustice, you want an end to capitalism. 

Visit ann arky's home at

Monday 29 October 2012


     Here we are in the UK, one of the richest countries in the world, with our lords and masters spouting how we are not like Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain. We are told that we are managing our affairs much better than those so called "PIIGS". However, in spite of our "good management" recent figures from KPMG tell us that 1 in 5 people in work in the UK don't receive a living wage, that equates to 4.82 million working people not getting enough to meet a decent standard of living.
     It varies from occupation to occupation, with bar staff having a staggering 90% not receiving a living wage and waitresses and waiters not far behind with 4 out 5 trying to get by, receiving less than the living wage. Outside London the living wage is set at £7:20 an hour and our parasitical employers can't even match that. The KPMG survey also found that 4 out 10 surveyed, stated that they were financially worse off than a month ago. The union Unite research shows that on average, people are being force to borrow £325 a month to pay for essentials such as food and housing.
     That is the state of affairs at the moment and there are more "austerity" measures coming down the line to hit the poorest and most vulnerable. We are not a poor country, we can afford to fight 11 year wars costing billions of pounds, support and upgrade a nuclear fleet costing more billions of pounds. Our parasitical "chiefs" of industry can afford to pay themselves millions in bonuses and pensions, we can afford to throw billions of pounds at the corrupt banking system, whose bosses continue to pay themselves millions in bonuses, salaries and pensions. 
    We can afford a decent life for everybody in this country, it is just that system is set up to siphon the wealth up to that small army of leeches that sit with their sweaty little hands on the control levers. Until we sort that out we will continue to be screwed, we will continue to see ever increasing numbers of ordinary people slip into ever increasing deprivation. It is not the lack of wealth and resources that is the problem, it is the stinking exploitive unjust greed driven system that is the problem.

ann arky's home.

Tuesday 26 June 2012


        Read this on Guardian on line and thought it said what we all know and feel but put it rather eloquently.

Why do the young need housing benefit? Let their parents keep them.
DrPorkbeast 25 June 2012 2:20PM
The Big Fat Lie.
          It was not the banks and their casino business practices paid for by borrowing other people’s pensions. It is not the idle undeserving rich who own 90% of the wealth despite only paying a fraction in taxes if any at all. Its not all our politicians who were bought by big business years ago and championed the gambling addiction of the banks.
     No the Big Fat Lie is that it was your fault people. You are lazy, addicted to welfare, demotivated to take up the hundreds of thousands of full-time high paying jobs that employers have to offer. Its often the immigrants fault because they are easy to spot on the whole and even easier to scapegoat as 20th century history warns us. Also you voted for - insert party you hate here – and they have destroyed our economy with their –insert your very own cretinus world view here. Also its is Europe that has beggared us as if the French were personally responsible for Lehman Brothers and Bear Sterns. What about foreign aid, or the disabled’s unreasonable demands to have access to a job like at Remploy. Yes little people it as your fault and now you must pay with your pensions, services and freedoms.
      No we need to funnel even more money from the bottom to pay bankrupt Zombie banks billions in UNSECURED loans. To achieve this we need to stop the poor from going to university or receiving training (EMA). We need to make the disabled compete on “a level playing field” in the job market, scrap funding for libraries and council run crèches. Stop the unemployed from living in social housing, push them into the landlord’s greedy hands. If they need to move to work they can always sleep under a bridge. Whats more our military industrial complex needs your taxes to invade foreigners and bomb them back into the Neolithic past. We have been at war forever it seems. War on communists, war on drugs, war on Argentineans over a rock and some Penguins, war with Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan (again), war on terrorists, war on wedding parties for some reason and more to come. Welfare is expensive but death from above is not cheap either.
     Why do they lie? Because they are a class of rich expensively educated out of touch toffs who hate ordinary people. Don't be old, don't be ill, don't be unemployed under the Conservatives. All they have to offer is lies, lies, self serving lies.
I would amend the last bit to read:
        "Don't be old, don't be ill, don't be unemployed under CAPITALISM. All 
They have to offer is lies, lies, self serving lies."

 ann arky's home.

Thursday 18 August 2011



       A call for solidarity, the cleaners at Heron Tower, employed by LCC need your support on Friday 19 August.

       These cleaners have been working under difficult conditions and have been struggling to get a living wage. After much bullying the management have agreed but have cut their hours and increased their workload. This is the usual response by lots of companies in the service sector. They must not get away with this form of modern day slavery.

        Please support them in their struggle for a living wage, they will be demonstrating at 110 Bishopsgate 5pm August 19, your support could make all the difference as these companies don't like their dirty work to be advertised in public, the more that turn up the less they like it.