Showing posts with label youth unemployment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label youth unemployment. Show all posts

Wednesday 7 March 2018

Capitalism A Failed System.

       There are lots of methods by which you can asses that capitalism is a failed system. Probably the greatest indictment against the system is its continuous wars, wars are just an ongoing aspect of capitalism. It is always there in some form or other in some part of the world, with all its attendant features of misery, trauma, death, destruction, and massive profits to the corporate world. 

       Another measure of its failure is its gross inequality, from state to state, you have opulence and deprivation living side by side. In this insane system, since money is the main ingredient in the quality of your life, you have to prostitute yourself as a productive unit to some corporate body, or live in poverty. However even here they system fails, by being unable to to allow everybody the necessity of being a productive unit, it functions by leaving a pool of individuals with no means of survival except charity or some form of miserable state hand out.
      The EU is one of the worlds most developed capitalist power blocks, but even here, unemployment is rife, which in turn means poverty and deprivation are endemic. The EU is a rich capitalist enclave of 511.8 million people, with the vast majority of its members states having unemployment above 13%, the EU average is 7.3%, that is approximately 40 million people excluded from the possibility of a decent standard of living in the midst of a very rich enclave.
       More than 117 million people across EU member countries (or 23.4% of the population) were living at risk of poverty in 2016, according to the Eurostat statistics agency.

     Of course the unemployment average doesn't tell the true story. Looking at figures in individual member states, you start to see the real horror of being dumped as "surplus to requirements".
        Greece leads the field in having the largest percentage of unemployed with a staggering 20.7% of its population dumped as "surplus to requirements", Spain following close behind with 16.4%, Cyprus 11.3%, and Italy 10.8%, and so it goes on.
       If you happen to be among the youth of this very rich bastion of capitalism, the EU, then you are in an even more precarious state than the population at large. The EU average for youth unemployment is 16.1%. If we look at individual states within the EU, then we see the real plight of the youth of this vast rich corporate body. Once again, leading the charge at destroying the next generation by killing off their potential, Greece is at the front with 40.8% of its youth dumped in that "surplus to requirements" category. Spain next with 36.8%, Italy with 32.2%, Cyprus 25%, Croatia 24.5%, France 22.3%, Portugal 22.1%, Finland 19.9%, and on it goes. That is 8 countries in the very rich EU, with approximately a quarter or more of the youth population unemployed, a quarter of its youth population facing daily poverty and deprivation and a monumental struggle to survive. Unless otherwise stated, all the above figures are for 2017.
     Surely that is cause enough to state unequivocally that capitalism has failed and failed miserable to see to the needs of the people. It is a destructive, unfair, unjust, corrupt, exploitative system that grossly over benefits a small army of parasites to the great disadvantage of the many. Its total destruction is the only way to resolve the problems it has created.
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Saturday 29 June 2013

European Success.

      The European Union today is a corporate entity brought about to bolster the European capitalist camp, allowing it to compete with the other power blocks around the world. It is however finding it rather difficult, so it has set itself on a road to improve its chances of competing in the big boys league. First it has to get taxes down for the corporate world, this entails getting rid of social services, so that governments wont need to raise so much in taxes. Then it has to get wages down, which they have been quite successful at since 2008 as wages in the UK have shrunk by 10% since then, but have further to go. The third piece of their strategy is to shred employment regulations, allowing them to offer zero hour contracts, give the employee four hours today and six two days later and so on. and be able to hire and fire at will.
      If you are in the under 25 age group, Europe is not a nice place to live. Across Europe, in this age group there are more than 26 million unemployed. In Greece the under 25 unemployment rate is 62% and in Spain it is 57%. These figures in what is one of the richest areas in the world is undeniable proof  that the system doesn't work in the interests of the ordinary people. Every under 25 belongs to a family, a family that is seeing its living standards pulverised. It is 26 million young people being denied their right to develop to their full potential. All in the interests of big capital, corporate greed.
     After a recent meeting of the leading financial Mafia's European puppets, where they discussed this under 25 unemployment problem, (crime), they trumpeted there very generous solution. They would allocate £6 million pounds to help alleviate the situation. £6 million divided between 26 million young people, works out at about 24 pence each. This overwhelming generosity will do  fuck-all for the under 25's, it will all be gobbled up in the bureaucracy, giving some extra bureaucrats a fat salary to hold more meetings.
      We are being developed into the biggest sweatshop in the world, and we seem to be going along with the plan in a quite and willing manner. Enter into their economic debates and we have lost, we don't want to manage the cuts, austerity, tough decisions, better, that is just more of the same with a different time span. We want to change the system, scrap this greed driven, everything must have a profit, parasite lead, insane, unjust system of exploitation. We can create a community based world of co-operation, mutual aid and sustainability, a system that sees to the needs of all our people. A world that will release the full creative energy of that 26 million young unemployed, allowing them to enrich all our lives. We have the resources, the imagination, the ability and the dream, all it now requires is the will. 

ann arky's home.

Friday 2 March 2012



          What is happening to the Greek people is an avoidable tragedy and is brutal by any standard of measuring. However we should not be lulled into thinking that Greece is the only problem facing the European people. Right across the continent the people are suffering in unimaginable numbers. If we look at the unemployment numbers in some of the major economies in Europe what we see is a depressing picture of ever increasing poverty. The unemployment figure for Italy is 8.5%, UK 8.4%, Portugal 14%, Greece 20.9%, Spain 22.5%, that's an awful lot of people who are unable to provide for themselves or their families, an awful lot of people living in poverty. However that masks the real tragedy, the youth unemployment, in Europe we are talking in millions upon millions. Young people who have their future obliterate because of the financial Mafia dictating the shape of our society. If you go through your early years unemployed and living on miserly unemployment benefit what kind of life will you have by the time you get to 30 or so? How do you provide a roof over your head, how do you provide for your family, what hope have you got of any kind of decent future? This so called “financial crisis” has destroyed the future of millions of ordinary people, but not that of the financial barons, and in doing has plunged generations of ordinary people  into poverty. The youth unemployment figures for the same major economies make extremely depressing reading, UK 22.2%, Portugal 23%, Italy 30%, Greece 48%, Spain 51.4%, in these countries alone, how many bighted lives does this translate into? This is the real picture behind all the nonsense spouted about the need for “austerity cuts”, these cuts translate into lives in misery, futures destroyed, a downward spiral for millions for generations to come.
        This is the reality of the system we call capitalism, this is the system working the only way it can, it cannot work for the benefit of all our people. If we wish to shape society so that it sees to the needs of all our people then capitalism has to go. We surely have the imagination and the compassion to come up with a fairer and more just system than a “winner take all and to hell with the hindmost” greed driven system of exploitation. As social creatures we can create a society based on mutual aid, free association and voluntary co-operation, a system freed from the greed motive built on sustainability and the desire to see to the needs of all our people. What we have at the moment is corporate fascism that feeds the ego of a small bunch of parasites who have a voracious insatiable greed.

ann arky's home.

Monday 13 February 2012


           Having been a long term visitor to Greece and having a family connection there, I can tell you that the full extent of what the Greek people are suffering is well beyond the propaganda on the media. What is not reported widely by the mainstream media are the facts on the ground, the people behind the statistics. Overall unemployment is running at over 22%, among the young it is over 50% and the IMF, (International Mankind Fuckers) has dictated that another 150,000 have to lose their jobs. On top of three years of wage cuts and tax increases, the Mafia at the IMF are demanding a further 22% cut in the minimum wage with further pension cuts. Think on these figures, try to see it happening where you live, what would you do? The Greek people are expected to accept a life of severe third world deprivation at least for the next generation or two, and accept it like good subservient serfs. Would you kneel and accept this plunder of the social fabric of your society, see your kids future deposited in the bank account of the corporate fascists that rule this world, or would you stand up and try to do something about the situation? There is no point in appealing to your "elected" government, it has been taken over by a Goldman Sachs hit man with his heavy team waiting in the wings, the illusion of democracy has been broken. The technocrat Papademos, installed by the IMF to run Greece in a manner suitable to the financial Mafia, obviously has double standards. In a statement about the mass protests taking place across Greece he said, ”Vandalism, violence and destruction have no place in a democratic country and it won't be tolerated.” Of course he believes that an international body imposing somebody to run that country, has a place in democracy and will be tolerated? Well perhaps it will be tolerated by the suits in parliament, but will it be tolerated by the people? The extent of the anger in Greece can be seen in the bitter clashes with that imposed authority. In Athens as the suits with their imposed leader sorted out the implementing of the IMF plan, riots covered the city. More than 150 shops were looted including at least one gun shop, 48 building were set alight. Also destroyed, perhaps symbolically, was the Asty cinema, which was used during the second world war by the Gestapo as a torture chamber. While this was going on, similar scenes were taking place in Thessalonika, other cities and on some of the Greek islands.


What worries me is that we all tend to feel that it is all happening over there, it couldn't possible happen here, but we are all in the same ponzi scheme, sooner or later our little illusion will be shattered and we will all be standing doing battle in our own little patriotic backyard. Mean while, the corporate fascists are organised world wide. This is not a national problem, this plunder of public assets is organised on an international basis and it can only be combated on an international basis, this is corporate fascism taking full control, the end of elected governments having a say in the fiscal policies of their country. Of course you may feel that your government is more democratic and won't let it happen to you, they'll fix it before it really hurts you, more the fool you.

ann arky's home.

Wednesday 30 November 2011


       Glasgow's march and rally, Day of Action, today, November 30, was probably the largest protest march seen in the city since the demonstration against the Iraq war. It was large by anybody's standard. Chatting to people on the pavement as I gave out leaflets I was pleased by the welcome response I was receiving and the eagerness for a leaflet and information. On Glassford street as I handed a leaflet to a woman who was standing watching the march go past, she smiled and said, “That is the most beautiful thing I have seen in years, good on them.” That I believe is the most common response among the ordinary people of our city.

      The public are aware that they are being ripped-off by a bunch of wealth parasites, they are aware that the millionaire government are lying to them, they are aware that the politicians are in the pocket of the corrupt bankers, and they are pissed-off with the lot of them. Let's hope that the public in their anger, come together not just to protect pensions, not just to stop the cuts, but to change the system. Our living standards are heading to the Victorian era, our kids education is being decimated, our social services are being dismantled, our health service is being privatised, if we have to stop all of that we have to change the system.

      The system that this government willing presides over and eagerly pursues, is responsible for callous and cruel criminal acts. It is responsible for throwing well over 1 million of our young people on the dole, stifling their potential for a decent life, and destroying a multitude of dreams and hopes. Their system is responsible for another brutal crime, that of massively increasing child poverty in this country. Their attack on the ordinary people, is at all stages of their life, increase child poverty, massive youth unemployment, soaring adult unemployment, and decimation of pensions. Add to that the wage cuts/freezes, and destruction of social services, while the rich get richer and you see the extent of their attack on the ordinary people and you can only come to one conclusion, they see it as what it is, class war. Only when we see it as the same, and fight back to destroy their power and change the system, to one that sees to the needs of all our people, only then will we eliminate all the problems listed above.

ann arky's home.

Wednesday 26 October 2011


         The recent riots across a large swath of England are no longer in the headlines, the state and their propaganda machine, the media, would like to think that the public have accepted the pumped out lies that it was all down to mindless thugs and blind vandalism. The state's vengeance on those who would dare to break their sacrosanct love of property has seen over 2,000 people dragged through the courts and threatened evictions. All this done out of the spotlight and it still goes on. At no time is it mentioned that in this country there are thousands of young people with no hope of a future, no wealth of possessions, no choice of opportunities, in the midst of opulence, and greed. What the state and its millionaire cronies want is that those young people just accept their place at the bottom of the heap in this repressive and exploitative system. What they don't say is WHY.
    The following is an extract from an interesting article in Freedom Socialist.

       ---The rioters, far from being “animals,” are young people with bleak prospects. Like all over the globe, this “lost generation” is fighting for its future. Add police brutality and murder to the mix and the riots make total sense. As for “crimes,” committed during the riots, how can people respect private property when they have none of their own? How can youth respect a state where police routinely harass minorities and poor people, and are never found guilty of deaths in custody?
The real criminals are global corporations and neoliberal governments that allow banks and big businesses to amass vast fortunes while the majority of society suffers.

ann arky's home.

Monday 3 October 2011


             Millionaire Cameron wants to put the”GREAT” back into Great Britain. Well, Britain is "GREAT", it just depends on which side of the financial apathied wall you sit. It is “GREAT” if your are Sir Philip Green, owner of Arcadia/Topshop/Burtons/BHS, you earn all that money from that group of companies and you don't pay tax, a nice wee fiddle, you see the company is in his wife's name and surprise, surprise, she doesn't live in Britain, she is a resident of Monaco!! It is “GREAT” if your are one of Britain's too many millionaires. Since the “financial crisis” of 2008 the number of millionaires in Britain has grown from 528,000 to 619,000 an increase of 17%., Britain has the fourth most registered millionaires in the world coming in after USA, Japan and China. So millionaire Cameron has no worries there, Britain is “GREAT” for this bunch of parasites.

It's a GREAT country.
             However, what if you happen to be on the other side of that financial apathied wall? Well millionaire Cameron has a wee problem there. There is nothing “GREAT” about Britain if you are among the 4 million children growing up in poverty, more than 1 in 3, a figure that is amongst the worst in Europe. Nothing “GREAT” if you happen to be one of the 2 million pensioners living below the breadline and facing winter in fuel poverty. Again we are amongst the worst rates of pensioner poverty in Europe. I wonder if millionaire Cameron and his millionaire cabal, can even grasp an inkling of how “UN-GREAT” Britain is for the 20.2% of our young people who live a life on the dole? How “GREAT” is that, a fifth of all our young people unemployed, a waste of talent and resources, a destruction of the future.

          Sorry Mr. millionaire Cameron, you and your corporate cronies with policies of profit before people can never make Britain "GREAT" for the people of this country. You and the system you fight so viciously for, has to go, your greed driven corporate fascism has to be flushed down the toilet before this country can be "GREAT" for all of the people who live and work here.