Monday 1 August 2011


          It seems that the police have decided that being an anarchist is a crime, and if you know of any you should immediately report them to the police. Last week according to the Guardian the Metropolitan Police issued to businesses and members of the public in Westminster a leaflet asking for anti-anarchist whistleblowers. It went on to say “Anarchism is a political philosophy which considers the state undesirable, unnecessary and harmful, and instead promotes a stateless society, or anarchy. Any information relating to anarchists should be reported to your local police.” Well at least they got the aims of anarchism correct. I doubt if any anarchist would disagree with the first part of that statement. However should holding that belief mean you automatically fall into the criminal category? By linking anarchists with Islamic fundamentalists on their leaflet it would appear that they are attempting to create an impression in the public mind, that there is a connection between Islamic fundamentalist terrorists and anarchists. Of course anybody that has an inkling of an idea of what these two groupings are about will know that is utter gibberish.

        Anarchists have always stood with the people against any authority that would attempt to restrict the freedom of the people, whither that be the churches in their various guises or the state in its many shapes and forms or corporatism in its greed quest, it makes no difference. No group has a right to to restrict the freedom of the people of any country. If any authority stands up and says, that is a crime, it lays bare it own desire to control and restrict the freedom of the people. Today's state does not represent the people, it is a festering marriage of wealth, religion and corporate fascism, that represents wealth and big business and protects the status quo. To say so is to state the facts as we see them, but in this society stating such facts is now becoming a crime, verifying the beliefs of anarchists.

You can read Ian Bone's take on this  HERE. 

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