Friday 9 September 2011


            Anarchists have always said, “Why vote, it changes nothing” and this has become more apparent in recent years than ever before. In this corporate capitalist system, when it comes to fiscal policy, all national governments follow the instructions of the IMF (International Mankind Fuckers). Country after country introduces austerity cuts and in so doing devastate the living standards of its people. Elections come and elections go, Liberals win here, Democrats win there, Socialist win next door and Conservatives win down the road a bit. However, it matters not one jot, as the policies will all be much the same, it will just be a matter of how fast, how deep to make the cuts. Is this because the politicians of all persuasion want to screw the public? Or is it because the have no alternative but to follow the dictate of the financial world, The IMF, World Bank etc.?

          Because of the financial sector's unbridled greed and gambling addiction, they went bust, so to get their money back and start their binge all over again, they had to plunder the world's public purse. This is the process we are going through at the moment. The following statement by Peter Gauweiler, CSU representative of the German Bundestag, is from an interview with Welt Online, “We’re on the way to a worldwide financial dictatorship governed by bankers, -- We don’t support Greece, We support 25 or 30 worldwide investment banks and their insane activities.” I believe he is away off the mark, we are not “on our Way”, we have reached, worldwide financial dictatorship. The policies they will pursue will be to create conditions in which all public assets will be transferred to the private sector, this will help to swell their coffers by billions of pounds worldwide.

        National governments are no more than regional managers for worldwide corporate capitalism. The anonymous unelected financial rulers of the world will sit in a few offices scattered around the world and make the decisions that will protect and enhance their wealth and power at the expense of the ordinary people, their managers, (national governments) sitting in the capitals across the globe, will carry out those instructions. It's called corporate fascism, it is here now, and it is worldwide.

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