As September closes, a bit late to mention, but one not to be overlooked, Ricardo Flores Magon, he was born the 16th. September 1874. After a life of revolutionary struggle and years in prison, he was arrested in America in 1918 and sentenced to 20 years in prison for "obstructing the war effort" and died in Leavenworth Prison on the 21st. November 1922.
WE cannot break our chains with weak
with whines and supplicating cries.
'T'is not by crawling meekly in the
The free-winged eagle learns to mount
the skies.
The gladiator, victor in the fight,
On whom the hard-contested laurels
Goes not in the arena pale with fright
But steps forth fearlessly, defying
O victory, O victory, dear and fair,
Thou crownest him who does his best,
Who perishing, still unafraid to bear,
Goes down to dust, thy image in his
Farewell, O comrades, I scorn life as a
I begged no tyrant for my life, though
sweet it was;
Though chained, I go unconquered to my
Dying for my own birth-right --- and
the world's.
Ricardo Flores Magon.
Also see