Wednesday 13 January 2021

Your Thoughts?

         As stated earlier on this blog, the latest issue of the Glasgow Keelie came out on January 6th.. I'm sure a lot of you will have already popped your nose into this great wee paper, (online at the moment). However there may be some who haven't yet had a wee look, so to tempt you to look in that direction, here is an article from that new issue. If you find the subject matter is something you would like to say something about, then drop your thoughts to the Glasgow Keelie or on the comments of this blog. You can state whether you wish it to be published or not. We are always keen to hear your opinions on anything we publish. Go on have a look at the Keeli, then say something.

Keelie 14:

The Urge to Self-Destructis Not a Creative Act

           It is no accident that two-thirds of drug deaths were born in the period 1966 to 1985.De--industrialization and a decline in the typical job opportunities for school-leavers without qualifications drove many to seek escape and construct a new harsh self-destructive culture. 1979 witnessed the Tory Government that brought Thatcher and her cronies to power. The Blair Government acted to accelerate globalisation and market forces. 'Lame Duck' industries were obliterated, some like the Miners through confrontation, but more usually by jobs being exported to countries by Multinationals with lower wage costs and social security. It is also no coincidence that after urban riots in the early to mid-80s, when collective resistance was a possibility that supplies of street heroin increased at affordable prices. Throughout history, people have been drawn to experience substances and out of body experiences. The Late 60s glamourised recreational drugs like LSD and Marijuana as pathways to self-exploration & enhanced consciousness. From a communal experience it has become an individualised or sub-group expression of alienation. Males are brought up to act ‘tough' not share feelings, and drugs and alcohol are escapes from hurt and confusion. It is a challenge that those with radical politics are not meeting. This is especially true in housing schemes where anonymity is more difficult with sectarian or drug dealers attacks more likely. There are exceptions, as with the motorway protests in Pollok in the 90s, the Independence referendum five years back, but it can quickly dissipate. A culture of education, resistance and local agitation is largely absent. Living Rent is a cause of hope, such as in The Wyndford in Maryhill

Visit ann arky's home at https://radicalglasgow,me,uk      

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