Tuesday 5 April 2022



                                            Image courtesy of Al jazeera:     

            My heart bleeds for all the ordinary people of Ukraine who have seen loved ones killed, maimed and displaced, their homes, towns and villages destroyed. What I can't understand is this adoration of the present Ukrainian regime by the so called "free world" and the supposedly "defenders of democracy". What they omit or fail to understand is that they are praising a far right fascist regime. The President Zelensky, whose every word they report and worship has more or less banned all political parties except those of the far right and his own. This western worshipped President has presided over the neo-Nazi groups being integrated to the Ukrainian security forces, and our London Daily Mail even mourned the death of Maksym Kagal, a member of the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion which was integrated into the Ukrainian security forces, with the aim of "purifying" Ukraine and freeing it of Russian blood. All of this is brushed under the carpet in the media's sublimation to the Western imperialists hatred of Russia. The reason being that Russia is seen as a possible rival to the hegemony of the American imperialists. This in no manner or means condones the Russian invasion into Ukraine, they are part and parcel of this imperialist carving up of the planet and its resources for profit to a few wealthy, privileged and powerful groups. I often wonder if they actually believe the bullshit they vomit over us in the false name of "news".
         It is never the ordinary people of a country that call for a war, it is always the rich, powerful and privileged who decide when and where to have a war, but it is the ordinary people who are sent to do the killing and be killed, while the spoils of war go to that rich, powerful and privileged bunch of parasites who called the shots. So they have no real fear of war, they never enter the battlefield.
       If only the media would report what they see with a true appraisal of the background without eulogising the fascists that their corporate bosses adore, but that then might cost them their job.


Visit ann arky's home at https://spiritofrevolt.info 

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