Showing posts with label anti-racism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anti-racism. Show all posts

Monday 8 January 2018

The Antifascists.

           In this capitalist world fascism never dies, from time to time it raises its ugly head  and vomits out its hate and divisive filth. Fascism seems to make its appearance within a state when the state feels under threat, it is fanned by the right-wing parasites that hold tenuously onto their privileged positions, Its rise is not an unavoidable accident of fate, but a strategy of capitalism to protect and or bolster the wealth, power and privileges of the parasite class that hold the reins of power. To allow fascism a voice does not enhance free speech, on the contrary, it stifles free speech and gives rise to hate and opens up irrational and unnecessary divisions within the ranks of the ordinary people.  
        Fascism, like capitalism cannot be reformed, it must be confronted head on, and destroyed. We don't need lessons on what it does when it gains power, we have history that paints a true picture of its methods and aims. If you wish to be able to make you own decisions, and choose your own path, then you are an enemy of fascism, and should join in the fight to drive it from our communities,  off our streets, stamp it out in our work places and eradicate it from any of our groupings and organisations.
       The Antifascists, is an excellent documentary on the rise of fascism across the world and how best to mercilessly crush this cancer in our midst. Thanks Loam for the link.


Sunday 31 December 2017

It's Very Simple, It's So Easy---.

      Following on from the last post on refugees, a beautiful moving poem, Thanks Loam.
The sea and the earth common pits,
the rain, acid, and the sun, thirsty;
the feet boots, the feet obstacles,
the shoulders load, the eyes tears:

invincible bodies passed out.

If your country did not have oil, coltan or any coveted wealth,
or if you were white or if you were rich,
if you were hetero or co-religionist,
if you wear a veil or if you do not wear it,

if you were what you are not and do not want and can not be,
if you were not you
you should not run away from your house and your landscape and from your air and your water.

Barbed doors and hosts
the soldiers, and, if there is no death, field
of extermination for men,
women, children and girls

If we were human - I do not say yet in solidarity -
if we had a brain - I still do not say, thought-
if we were respectful - no, I do not say tolerant-
if we had heart, eyes and arms, and curiosity
- I have not said love, hug, look or desire to know-

if we were not what we are because we want
and because we can,
if we were not us
you should not run away from your house and your landscape and from your air and your water.

What is all this plot we have hatched
to create a problem that does not exist?
What is all this technical-economic gibberish

Nothing of that.
No, nothing.

It's very simple, it's
So easy
so much:

home, welcome,
let's share
bread and salt.

Isabel Rivas Etxaniz

Wednesday 8 March 2017

No Tolerance To Those Who Divide The Working Class.

          Time and time again when ever capitalism stumbles into one of its many cyclic "crises" and the ordinary people start to challenge the system, out of its cesspools and sewers slither the fascists. Today is one of those crises, and fascism is once again, raising its ugly head and spewing out its festering poison among the ordinary people. Fascism, aided and abetted by sections of the rich elite, plants the seeds of division among the ordinary people, dividing them along race lines, religious lines, nationality lines, holding up that well worn  illusion of that great past, when we were "pure". As long as ordinary people keep fighting ordinary people, over imaginary differences, the rich can continue to exploit us, and hold onto their power and wealth. Fascist knuckle-heads are the storm troopers of the rich and the elite, their duty is to keep the ordinary people from organising as one group against this system of ruthless exploitation. It is the capitalist system's last line of defence against an organised working class, and its tactics are those of fear and brutal intimidation. Though, let's not forget that there are more fascist in fine suits strutting the corridors of power, than there are knuckle-heads stomping our streets. Nor should we forget that since their ideological stance is based on irrational illusions, it can't be dealt with by reasoning, it has to be met head on with force. As the man said, fascism doesn't start with concentration camps, that's where it ends.

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Monday 20 February 2017

Rough Beast, Its Hour Come Round At Last--

        Capitalism’s regular cycle of crises come round and round again, and each time a new crisis hits us the ugly body of the behemoth fascism, spawns its malignant twins, “Racism” and “Nationalism” who scurry forth in ever growing confidence, creating division among our people. Today, in capitalism’s latest crisis, we see their malevolent hands create hatred, between brother and sister, drown rationalism in dogma, shed blood in the name of ideology, drag humanity to the edge of the precipice. However, time and time again humanity, by solidarity, understanding and tolerance, has tamed the beast and hauled itself back to a brighter horizon. Today is such a time to muster these qualities, as the beast runs rampant across our world, fed by those captains of capitalism, who have most to lose, should capitalism stumble further into crisis. This time we should not aim to tame the beast, but to destroy it, obliterating it from humanity’s consciousness.


Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

The darkness drops again but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

William Butler Yeats, 

 What Rough Beast Slouches Towards Bethlehem?
         In the darkening dawn of the 20th century, William Butler Yeats wrote, "Things fall apart, the center cannot hold." Yeats' Second Coming glimpsed a nightmarish "rough beast, its hour come round at last" slouching towards Bethlehem to be born. As we move into the 21st century, my fear is that the "center" is getting too strong--there seems to be no limit to what technology and government can do.
       Computers can only get so fast, but quantum computing harnesses parallel timelines to do things that just aren't possible in a Newtonian universe. A fully-functioning quantum computer should break the barriers between relativity and quantum physics, and should also be able to bioengineer proteins from scratch. Given today's pace of progress, I expect decent quantum computers to be operational by 2025, yielding a whole new generation of technology by 2045.
       Technology isn't the only thing that changes. There's a pace of progress in human relationships, too. I'm not aware of any "Moore's Law" for human interconnectedness, but we've gone from writing to printing to telegraph to radio to television to internet to blogs to Facebook to Twitter over time. Communications move further and faster. The news cycle has gone from monthly magazines to weekly papers to the nightly newscast to 24/7 cable to a constant feed to the Blackberry.
       Yeats heard the winds of chaos scattering the ashes of Europe after World War I. Today an invisible web is twining its tentacles around a shrinking world. Who knows what the future holds?
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Saturday 10 December 2016

The Anarchists Have Been Right All Along.

        Anarchist have been consistent in their belief that, if you seek freedom and justice for all, you can't modify the state and/or capitalism, you have to destroy them both. However, this hasn't exactly went down wholeheartedly among the general population. One reason could be that it is difficult to go out and take on the state when your fridge is full, you're booked for a nice holiday abroad. and the "far right" hasn't been rampant on the streets. Now the situation has shifted, lots of people have empty fridges, can't afford any holidays, and the far right is openly on the march, trying to kick the shit out of all those who dare to be different. It is obvious that the so called "left parties" have failed miserably in bringing about a fair and just society, they haven't even been able to defend the few perks that have been won through centuries of struggle, they have presided over the social fabric of society being wiped away before our very eyes, while they displayed their complete impotence.
      We have to shout our ideas louder than ever, people are looking for answers, and if our ideas are not on the table, they wont be picked up. Encouragingly though, our ideas are being picked up, more and more people now realise that the "left parties" as an opposition, have been the problem, and allowed the "far right" to flourish, allowed neo-liberalism to run rampant, and allowed our standard of living to be whittled away.  Politics today, must be moved away from the party political system, moved away from the marble halls, party leaders, presidents, prime ministers, must be ignored, politics must move onto the streets and into the communities. 
      Our struggles can no longer be confined to the local or national level, our enemy is a global enemy, and so we must see a world without borders. Wherever the people enter into open rebellion against the state and/or its bed partner, capitalism, we must display bold and virulent open solidarity with them. Their struggle is our struggle. I can hear the whisper that is becoming a roar, "The anarchist have been right all along." 

     Electoral politics feeds off of grassroots social movements and struggles, not into them.
       As Scott Jay wrote:
[E]lectoral activism feeds into electoral activism. It relies on itself to further itself. It attracts people who are attracted to electoral politics and generally does not attract people engaging in class struggle. It does not need, nor does it feed class struggle, except to the extent that it might be able to take advantage of the sacrifices of militants in order to declare itself a proper representative of a social movement it did not create.

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Tuesday 18 October 2016

That Illusion Of Democracy.

       A call for solidarity one month from now, November 19th. Hague, Netherlands. If you think you can make it, mark your diary. What form of repression happens in one city/town, if successful from the state's point of view, will find its way into other cities/towns. Banning anarchist from certain areas, can be expanded, in size of area, and description of those to be banned.  All part and parcel of the control mechanisms that the state needs for its illegal existence. Solidarity is our winning weapon.

Saturday 15 October 2016

One Day Without Us.

         As the xenophobic howling of our ruling class and their brainless moronic minions on the streets grows ever louder, the chanting is that migrant workers are the root of all our problems. Of course we should all realise that the ruling class will always pull a scapegoat out of their hat to take the focus off their greed and inadequacies, today it is those “nasty, lazy, greedy foreigners” stealing all your jobs, and living off your tax money. Now, because of this propaganda of delusion, fear and anxiety visit the daily lives of migrant workers in our country.       However, migrant workers, like all workers have power, they have to organise, and as a body, select their day and don’t turn up for for work. Our high streets would change dramatically, all those nice “foreign” restaurants closed, that convenience store at the corner, closed, operations in hospitals cancelled, A&E departments stop functioning all together, crops in fields start to rot, and more mayhem. Of course migrant workers should not be expected to take this action on their own, they should have the support of all workers, for that is what we are, workers trying to survive in an unjust exploitative system, we are one.
To that end, mark this day in your calendar, spread the word, organise.  
20 February 2017 at 8:00 to 21 February 2017 at 8:00

One Day Without Us

        There are moments when silence in the face of discrimination and injustice becomes complicity. In the last two decades, immigration has become a festering toxic obsession in British politics. Year after year, men and women whose only 'crime' is to live, work and study in the UK have been vilified and stigmatised as parasites, intruders, invaders and outsiders.
       Now, as a consequence of the June referendum result, xenophobic and racist attitudes previously lurking on the political fringes have erupted into the mainstream. We live in frightening times indeed, when government ministers can describe immigrants as 'negotiating chips', and threaten to 'name and shame’ businesses that employ foreign workers, as if these workers were something shameful.
       It is now clear that our government has chosen to pander to fear and hate in order to manage the UK's exit from the European Union. These developments not only pose a direct threat to the millions of immigrants who have made the UK their home - they have also unleashed forces that may do incalculable harm to British society itself.
We cannot accept this.

Who are we?
      We are British and non-British citizens; EU citizens and immigrants from beyond the EU; the descendants of immigrants, and non-immigrants. We come from many different political backgrounds. We include Leavers and Remainers. All of us share the same opposition to the dangerous social forces that now cast a shadow over our collective future. That is why we are calling on all those who share our vision to make 20 February, 2017 'A Day Without Us.'

What Are We Going To Do
      We believe that now, more than ever, it is essential to remind the British public of the contribution that immigrants have made to this country, and what the country might look like if they were not here.
     Liam Fox has said that migrants who ‘consume’ the country’s wealth and don't 'create anything' should not be allowed here. We reject these assumptions.
       Inspired by the two historic immigrant days of action in the US and Italy, we are calling for all immigrants and all British citizens who support them to join in a national boycott on February 20 next year which marks the UN World Day of Social Justice.

How are we going to do it
      For one day, we are inviting immigrants and their British supporters to absent themselves from the activities they normally do. To close their restaurants and businesses, leave classes, universities, and workplaces, and demonstrate by their absence what they have created, what they have given to British society and how essential and valuable they are.
      Strike or take the day off work. Let your absence also remind the country of your presence.. And if you can't do that, then join us in other ways.
March, hold parties and meetings.
       Do it in your town, your community, your workplace, your school, college, or university.
       We recognize this may be an unprecedented step for many people, and we don't expect immigrants to do this alone. We call on all British citizens who share our vision to support this event, because we believe it should be a day of solidarity and celebration - and a rejection of the dire politics that threaten our common future.
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Friday 14 October 2016

Living In The Illusion Of democracy.

          It always is the pattern, the so called democratic states always come down hard on those who fight for freedom and solidarity between people, while supporting the marches and actions of racist fascists. Anarchist and anti-fascists are always at the receiving end of state repression. The state spouts democracy while stifling any journey to equality and freedom, fosters divisions in society, while waving the flag of patriotism calling for unity to reclaim some mythical great past. It is in the face of this that we have to call on solidarity, and face this ongoing and ever strengthening state repression.
This from Contra Info:

          On Saturday November 19th, there will be a demonstration in The Hague, The Netherlands, against the wave of repression that Hague anti-fascists and anarchists have been facing in the last year. One who attacks one of us, attacks all of us. Solidarity through struggle!
       Within the last year, repression against anti-fascists and anarchists has greatly increased, with The Hague in the middle of it. An area ban for anarchists was issued for the Schilderswijk, in an attempt to break the struggle against the racist, violent, and murderous police. After that, another area ban was issued, this time against anti-fascists who have been resisting against the extreme right wing Pegida demonstrations. Damage claims of 50,000 euro were demanded from several anarchists who resisted against the eviction of social center De Vloek, which had been squatted for 13 years. The mayor also tried to shutter the local Autonomous Center. Furthermore, subsequent demonstrations were forbidden, people were intimidated by the police at home and on the street, numerous preventative arrests were made, and attempts were made to recruit informants.
          But these are not just attacks against individual anarchists and anti-fascists. This is an attack against all who fight  against racism, this is an attack against all who stand for a world without exploitation and discrimination, this is an attack on all of us. And this attack cannot go unanswered! This is a call for solidarity, because solidarity is our weapon against the isolation being forced on us by the police and the mayor. We must defend our autonomous spaces and structures!
         Come to The Hague on November 19th. Because the chains of the state dripping with racism and oppression must be broken! Because one who doesn’t fight has already lost.
Fight repression!
More information you find on:
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Sunday 31 July 2016

A Persistent Vermin.

           Sometimes it can take a considerable time to eradicate vermin, it can be very persistent, and requires constant monitoring, and at times harsh treatment.
      Fifty odd years ago there was a mass attempt in the UK to rid our streets of this menace.

Fast forward to New York today, and the stench of vermin remains, and is still getting harsh treatment. It is the only way to keep the vermin off our street. You have to keep o0n top of it, or it will spread.

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Thursday 28 July 2016

Remove All Traces Of Racist Scum From Our Streets.

         Since the "Brexit" vote we have seen an increase in racist posters and stickers appear in our towns and cities. It's good to see that the good people of Edinburgh and Leith are organising to do something about this. We should never allow the racist scum the publicity they crave, their stickers and posters should be removed as quickly as they appear. Perhaps other towns, cities, villages  and communities will follow the example of Edinburgh and Leith. More steam to their elbow.

Meeting 2pm Pilrig Park and marching to Leith Links, ”We love Leith. But we hate any kind of discrimination. It's diversity that makes Leith so colourful and special. We have to make sure it stays that way. This time we need to clean the streets of hate-filled messages, not litter. Just a few days after the #Brexit vote, some neo-nazi stickers have appeared around Leith. We need to nip this in the bud now. Our idea is to have a United Colours Of Leith demonstration to show the people who put up those stickers that we won't put up with them. We'd like you to join us and invite all your friends and family too.”
      ACE and its associated groups totally support this march and we hope to see you there!
7.30pm Thursday 4 August at ACE, 17 W Montgomery Place EH7 5HA
All welcome
       More volunteers needed to support ACE, please come along if you can (meetings are the first thursday of each month)

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Saturday 19 March 2016

Glasgow's Anti-racism March.

        Saturday 19th. March is United Nations Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, in cities and across the UK, and in countries around the globe, people came together to shout loud and clear, “ Refugees Are Welcome Here”. Glasgow saw a crowd in excess of two thousand gather in George Square, before marching through the city and returning to George Square for a display of solidarity against racism of any kind. There were the usual colourful banners, placards and flags, all with a similar message, “we're all Jock Tamson's bairns.”. People are people across the world, all of us struggling to survive in a brutal and exploitative system. Racism is an artificial barrier constructed by the power mongers to divide the ordinary people of this world, making it so much easier for them to rule over their fiefdoms, by creating an imagined enemy across the seas. Our only enemy are the power mongers, whither they be Presidents, monarchs, dictators, governments, corporations or religions. 
        It is sad that we still have to hold these events, but great that such numbers turn up and publicly display their support for people as people, we are all villagers of the world village. 
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Wednesday 25 November 2015

War, Racism, Two Sides Of The Same Coin.

     Our Western imperialist warlords are frothing at the mouth and spinning around in a frenzy attempting to convince us that the slaughter of civilians is an honourable cause. In their desire to unleash unbelievably powerful modern weaponry,  they try to conceal the fact that it is cities, towns, villages and their inhabitants, that are being pulverised, not an ideology. The Paris massacre is grasped by them as a reason for the intensification of their usual racist agenda of divide and rule. There propaganda machine, the babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media, spews out vile racist vomit, trying to convince us that a working class family in the Middle East is inferior to a working class family in the West, their lives of less value, and should be feared. However we should all be aware, that a bus driver with a family in Syria, is doing the same as a bus driver with a family in the West, trying to provide for that family. The people of this planet are not the problem, it is the economic system of power, greed and wealth, sponsored by multi-national corporations and endorsed by imperialist governments. Until we sort that problem out, we will continue struggling against racist propaganda and continuous wars, with all the misery and suffering that entails. In this climate of engineered fear and racism, we must stand together. It is the ordinary people of the world who will have to sort this destructive and exploitative mess out. We can't rely on a Messiah coming with the grand plan and leading us to that promised land, they have all failed in the past and consumed with greed for power, lead us into a desert of deprivation and carnage.
      This Saturday November 28th is a chance to come together and show that solidarity with all the ordinary people of this planet. The world is our village, its people our family. War and racism are two sides of the same coin.
Sat 28 Nov - 
St Andrew's Day March and Rally

Assemble 10:30am Glasgow Green, march off 11am, rally 12 noon Glasgow Film Theatre
No Racism: Refugees Welcome Here
The STUC's annual march against racism, more important this year than ever.
Organised by the STUC
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Thursday 12 March 2015

Unite Against Fascism.

        The racist English Defence League (EDL) had planned a march in Brighton but the consistent opposition to this and previous marches has meant that the EDL have cancelled.  Here in Edinburgh we have planned protests by Pegida from Germany (Sat 21 March) and the home grown Scottish Defence League (Sat 14 March). Let us make the opposition so big, so loud and proud that they never come back again.
      Also on 21 March there is a national demonstration in Glasgow, part of worldwide protests with the theme “Stand Up To Racism and Fascism”.
       Make sure your voice is heard, please come on the following events:
     Say no to the racist Scottish Defence League; meet 1.30 at the Scottish Parliament, foot of the Royal Mile.  Keep up to date by liking our Facebook page

      There has been plenty of media coverage of the first ever march by the anti- Muslim group Pegida in Scotland (see links below). In Germany “Pegida” have built up to having thousands of people on their marches; we can’t afford to let them grow to that size here.
      They keep changing the time and location of their protest, the latest is that they will be at Wellington Statue, east end of Prince Street at 8pm. To keep up to date with the latest situation Like our Facebook event  page

    There has been a fantastic range of groups supporting this event,
      Come along and join in the world wide protest on UN anti-racism day, March 21st.
Assemble 10.30 am, March & Rally 11 am, George Square, Glasgow.
We have a coach going to Glasgow so please get in touch to book a seat.
Download printer friendly flyers and posters here:
A4 Poster:
Double sided flyer:
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Saturday 29 November 2014

Glasgow, Anti-Racism March With Everybody And Their Dog.

        This year, as in the past, Glasgow's Anti-Racism March on Saturday 29th. November, was a friendly, colourful and well attended affair. I always find it exciting to part of a large gathering of friendly, like minded people, who are prepared to make a stand in favour of justice and equality, I could wax lyrically about it all, but instead, I'll let some of the photos tell the story.

       Of course no march, protest, demonstration would be complete without its dancing dog.

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