Showing posts with label surveillance society. Show all posts
Showing posts with label surveillance society. Show all posts

Saturday 12 March 2016

Anarchist Ladies In Leadershiop Positions!!!

        A recent article on the Anarchist News, How the FBI monitored Crust Punks, gives a insight to the gross waste of tax payers money, as highly paid "agents" scurry about the country keeping tags on such radical threats as organic food growers, punk bands, and growers markets. If the article was not so serious it could be a good script for a comedy movie. Following unknown people driving to a place where anarchists hang out. Such major threats as two cars meeting a bus and driving to a destination and  then seen getting out carrying what looked like placards and then forming up in a protest outside a bank.
        Though you can read this stuff and smile, it is deadly serious, it is all part of the surveillance society, where if you look, act, or speak different from their accepted norm, you are deemed to be a threat. Therefore worthy of constant monitoring. Though the article is about America, I have absolutely no doubt the same thing is going on here. Remember the undercover cops in environmentalist groups etc.
         Since International Women's Day has just passed, I thought this piece of FBI information from the article was worthy of repeating:

        Finally, an October 2002 memo warns agents that Lady Anarchists can be a whole mess of trouble:
   Source advised that the females of the anarchist's movement are in leadership positions in Eugene, Oregon. These females are described as being very feminist and militant.

Anarchist Ladies or Gentlemen, in leadership positions???
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Monday 15 February 2016

Snitching, Snooping, Surveillance Democracy??

            How deep have we sank into the fascist world of Orwell's 1984? More and more legislation stopping you from doing this, more and more legislation stopping you from saying that, more and more surveillance, a polite word for snooping, ever greater encouragement for people and institutions to snitch on people's idiosyncrasies, if you don't fit into their straight-jacket, you're a threat. Always the bogey man of terrorism is dangled in front of you, seeking your acquiescence in this avalanche of fetters on your freedom. 
            The recent case of school boy, Rahmaan Mohammadi who had a visit from the police after his school reported him under the government's “Prevent” scheme, gives us some idea of how this snitching, snooping, paranoia permeates our society. What was Rahmaan's heinous crime, he wore a “Free Palestine” badge, what narrow minded, paranoid member of the school staff thought that supporting the cause of the people of Palestine, merits a police investigation? Rahmaan also alleged that the police warned him not to talk about Palestine in school, and further claimed that staff members put pressure on his 14 year old brother, telling him to get Rahmann to ”stop being radical”. This is an outrageous assault against the individual's right to voice their opinion on whatever matters to them. You and I know, this is not an isolated case, this cancer is everywhere. The government is spending £40 million on the snitchers program, “Prevent”, while continually cutting budgets to health, education and all other social services. Under no stretch of the imagination, would you call this democracy.
        Our millionaire friendly state now plans to go further, 
under new government legislation Local councils, public bodies and even some university student unions are to be banned by law from boycotting “unethical” companies, as part of a controversial crackdown being announced by the Government.
        Under the plan all publicly funded institutions will lose the freedom to refuse to buy goods and services from companies involved in the arms trade, fossil fuels, tobacco products or Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank.
        So you elect your local council, they are supposed to do your bidding, you instruct them to stop handing your money to industries that ruin your kids health, tobacco, industries that gain from bloodshed, the arms industry, and those millionaire shareholders sitting the Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption, say, no you can't do that, we might lose if the share prices go down. According the millionaire Bullingdon Club boys that walk our corridors of power, the boycotting of such vile, destructive, money making concerns is responsible for, “undermined good community relations, poisoned and polarised debate and fuelled anti-Semitism”. 
       So, where is our “democracy” that illusion that the state has created by means of smoke and mirrors, that same illusion the state used to get millions to shed their blood, supposedly defending, when in fact they were participating in an imperialist land and power grab, defending the wealth and power of those who control that state. Democracy can only be found outside the state, the state is authority, democracy is anti-authoritarian, the two are totally incompatible. If you want freedom and democracy, the state has to crumble and the system that it spawns must be destroyed.
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Thursday 24 September 2015

The Surveillance Society.

       Big business and state apparatus will always be found to be holding hands, it is a festering marriage that destroys any semblance of democracy. Big business buys governments, governments give the stamp of legitimacy to the big business's plundering of the earth. Both agree that the populace must be kept under control, otherwise their partnership of greed and corruption collapses. Whatever foul deed they get involved in should not surprise us, our only answer to this cancerous marriage is the destruction of the present economic system. Though the fight to get that desired end will take many different shapes, we should not lose sight of the fact that if we want freedom, justice, peace, sustainability, and a society that sees to the needs of all our people, then each battle should be with that destruction of the economic system in mind.
     Apple, Microsoft, Adobe, Salesforce, Symantec, and a handful of other companies just betrayed billions of people and publicly aligned themselves with spy agencies like the NSA.1
        We tend to be pretty skeptical, so it’s hard for tech companies to shock us. But this latest development is significant because these companies aren’t even trying to hide the fact that they’re lobbying for MORE government spying, and asking for government handouts and protection if they play nice.
      Here are the facts: last week, this group of companies sent a letter to Congress endorsing bills like CISA—the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act. It’s a dangerous bill that security experts say will erode our privacy while actually making our data less secure.2
      So why are these companies pushing for it? Because the government is offering legal immunity to companies that share private user information with dozens of government agencies.
       We need to act now because if we don’t respond swiftly and loudly, more companies will jump on the bandwagon and sell out their users privacy in exchange for government protection. If more major companies endorse CISA, it will be almost impossible to stop it in Congress.
      We have an opportunity right now, but it won’t last long. If we can create a massive public backlash and make these companies regret endorsing CISA, we can make sure that no other companies are willing to betray their users so publicly, and send a message to Congress that this is still a supremely unpopular bill, no matter what Microsoft and Apple’s lobbyists say.
    Thanks for all you do. More on this soon.
~ Evan at Fight for the Future
P.S. We’re a small group of activists who consistently take on and win huge campaigns — chip in $5 to help us make sure we have the resources we need to beat these companies.
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Thursday 26 December 2013

The Spying, Prying, Society.

        It is unacceptable the way that this surveillance, “big Brother” society, has infiltrated all aspects of our life. The moment you leave through your outside door, the cameras are tracking your every move, where you shop, where you drink, who you meet and whatever else you get up to. If you live in Glasgow, until the recent police helicopter crash on top of the Clutha, you would also have been tracked from the sky. You then go home and think, well that's me free from prying eyes. Well not quite, did you know that Facebook keeps records of all you type, even if you DON'T post it. Yes, your unpublished irate drivel that you decide not to make public, is recorded by Facebook. Facebook of course makes all that available to the various state spying organisations. You have been warned, those unguarded crazy moments in private, are being logged for future reference. In this society, you have no right to privacy.

This from Care2:

       At this point, it's a pretty safe bet that Facebook keeps track of the groups we "like" or the games we play on the site. But now, it turns out that the company has also been keeping track of the notes and comments we don't publish -- even if we never intended to share them with anyone.
       Who hasn't come home from a hard day at work or a frustrating conversation with a loved one, written a status on Facebook, and then decided at the last minute not to hit "post?" All this time, it may have seemed even safer than writing in a diary. But Facebook's policies enable to keep track of every single keystroke entered into the site -- meaning that the company can essentially peer into our private lives whenever it wants.
        To make matters worse, in the United States, Facebook has been recorded sharing data with the National Security Agency. That hasn't extended beyond American borders, but where is the line?
We have the right to censor ourselves without Facebook looking over our shoulder. Tell Facebook to stay out of our private and unpublished posts!
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Sunday 15 September 2013

The Surveillance Society.

    We live in the surveillance society, cameras in pubs, on buses, in offices and other workplaces, in our streets, at buses stops and train stations. Now it seems that Google believes that gmail users have "no legitimate expectation of privacy".
  Google reads every word of every email you send to or from a Gmail account in order to target you and your friends with ads. They read about your personal relationships, your health information, your finances, and more.

     Tell Eric Schmidt, the Executive Chairman of Google, that you want Google to stop selling ads at the expense of your inbox! »

     It's illegal for someone to open and read your paper mail without permission, but Google reads every word of every single email you send or receive every single day.
     In response to a lawsuit against Google for snooping through personal Gmail, Google claims that users have "no legitimate expectation of privacy" when it comes to their email. But, common sense says that's ridiculous; clearly, when you send a personal email to a friend or colleague, either on paper or online, you expect that the message will not be read to target you with ads.

     Tell Google that you DO have an expectation of privacy and that you demand that they stop reading the contents of your private emails to sell you ads. »

Thanks for taking action,

Care2 and ThePetitionSite Team 

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Thursday 13 December 2012


      The surveillance society is well and truly established here and else where. You can't walk about your city without being observed, photoed, tracked and the information stored. The local bus stop at the bottom of our street has SIX cameras mounted on it, you enter the bus and you are recorded. I have counted as many as six cameras on some buses. Dotted around town are cameras with speakers mounted, you will be instructed what to do if you are seen to be doing something THEY deem to be wrong. Now it seems that this is not enough, in some cities in America they are fitting voice recording equipment on public transport buses, to record your conversations and store them. Where America goes today, we go tomorrow. How long before all new build houses will have a camera and sound recording fitted at the construction stage? Far fetched? How long ago was it that you would have been laughed at if you said that the bus stop will have six cameras fitted? Of course you know it is all for your own good and safety. Oh George, we should have listened.

This from The Stranger:
      When people worry about drones, they worry that the information gathered by the little fliers will be stored forever as a blanket violation of Fourth Amendment protections—a warrantless search with wings. (That's what people in the US worry about, anyway. People in other countries worry that drones will kill them.)
Looks like drones are the least of the Fourth Amendment's worries. From
      Transit authorities in cities across the country are quietly installing microphone-enabled surveillance systems on public buses that would give them the ability to record and store private conversations, according to documents obtained by a news outlet.
The systems are being installed in San Francisco, Baltimore, and other cities with funding from the Department of Homeland Security in some cases, according to the Daily, which obtained copies of contracts, procurement requests, specs and other documents.
Read the full article HERE:
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