Sunday 2 March 2014

Workers, Know Your History, Miners Strike 1984/85.

      The miners’ strike, began on 12 March, 1984 and ended on 3 March, 1985. This year marks the 30th. Anniversary, and in certain areas, feelings still run deep and bitter. In appearance it was an industrial dispute over planned pit closures, but at its heart, it was a battle of ideologies, sacrificing communities in the killing off of heavy industry. The intervening 30 years has not seen an industrial dispute of such length and heartfelt passion and intensity. It was a dispute in which the British state threw its full power against a well organised trade union in an attempt to crush any resistance to the new Britain of financial services, as opposed to manufacturing. 
The miners strike was a monumental show of working class heroism, the like of which has not been seen since. It also should the brutal extent that the British state would go to in crushing working class struggles. We should learn from the tactics of the miners and their supporters and take pride in their strength in that bitter brutal struggle, and be prepared for future savage attacks on working class resistance, as capitalism continues to savage the living conditions of all our people. 
    In a simple and humble way, Spirit of Revolt has put up a small display marking the 30th. anniversary of that strike. It is in the window of the 13th Note pub in King Street, near Trongate in Glasgow.

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Punished For Being Low Paid!!

       So you think the present "austerity" policies are as bad as it gets, and you believe that the rich bastards can't do much worse to us? Well, what is in store for the us will make the present feel as if you have been living in a socialist utopia. You will be punished for not earning enough, you know it's your fault, you should be out looking for a better paid job. It's a strange philosophy, you work but don't earn enough, so punish the worker and not the employer who doesn't pay them enough. Logic, sanity, fairness, justice, all turned on their heads and spouted as truths. Ah the wonders of capitalism.
This from The Void:
     In breath-takingly savage news, it has been reported that the DWP plans to stop Housing Benefit payments to low paid part time workers if they fail to carry out ‘work related activity’.
       When Universal Credit is finally introduced, those earning less than the equivalent of the minimum wage for 35 hours a week will be forced to constantly look for more or better paid work to qualify for in-work benefits such as Tax Credits and Housing Benefit.  Part time workers could face being sent on workfare in the hours they are not at work and will have to prove to Jobcentre busybodies that they are constantly looking for another, better paid job.
Read the full article HERE:

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