Saturday 11 October 2014

Every 28 Hours!!!

       In America, every 28 hours, a "black" man is killed by a "white" cop, this is routine, this is totally unacceptable to any civilised mind. A recent, Wednesday 8th October, killing in St Louis, has again brought people on to the streets, how long will this go on before it really explodes. There is something rotten at the heart of any society where these kind of figures are accepted.

 This from Anarchist News:
     Just after dusk on Wednesday night in St. Louis, a cop killed 18 year-old Vonderitt “Drew” Myers. This is the third incident of cops killing black men in two months – sadly this is not above average. What is above average, though, is people's response to it. Like Mike Brown, there has been debate about whether he was fighting back, whether he was armed, whether stealing cigars or shooting at police is something you should be killed for. To us, this doesn't matter. We are against the police and all that they do.
     What has happened the last two nights in many ways is a continuation of Ferguson, but also something more. Here in St. Louis, the response to police killing people is now to take to the streets in retaliation. Though there is overlap between those who have been in the streets in Ferguson and in south St. Louis, there are other elements in play. The shooting happened in the Shaw neighborhood, near Tower Grove Park. The neighborhood calls itself “mixed-income” and “diverse” as a bragging right, but the class and racial tensions are very prevalent.
      The officer who killed Myers was off duty but working for a private security company, GCI Security, hired by the middle- and upper-class residents. The marches were still very much focused on race and police, but also on class, explicitly targeting the upper-class as the source of their oppression. Compared to rowdy stuff in Ferguson, this group (also quite rowdy) was way more racially mixed. The following is a collection of reports from the last two nights.
Read the full article HERE:

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Stop TTIP.

      I have often spouted that we are not governed by our so called "elected" government, but by the international financial Mafia. How ever, if this secretly negotiated deal, TTIP, goes through, it will without a shadow of doubt shatter any illusion of democracy that might still be held. The world will be one big corporate empire, our lords and masters will undoubtedly be international corporatism, capitalism will be king.
An Appeal from 39 Degrees:
      A deal that could permanently privatise our NHS is being negotiated in secret right now. It's called the Transatlantic Trade Investment Partnership, or TTIP for short, and this EU-US trade deal is one of the most dangerous ever written. [1] Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) have the power to scupper it. But first they need to feel the pressure from the people they represent - us, the public. Can you add your name to a huge EU-wide petition and help convince them? Click here to sign:
        Today, thousands of 38 Degrees members are out on the streets campaigning against TTIP and collecting signatures for this petition. The shady deal would allow big corporations to sue our government if they don't like our laws. Simply raising minimum wage could drag our government into a lawsuit that could cost taxpayers millions. [2] The same sort of deal is being negotiated with Canada called CETA. [3] Both of these massive deals have been negotiated behind closed doors. Now people across Europe are uniting to force them out into the open.
       If TTIP and CETA can be pushed to the top of the political agenda in the EU, then MEPs will be forced to say whether they support it or not. Your signature, along with hundreds of thousands of others from countries including Germany, France and Italy, can help move these dangerous deals into the spotlight.
     There are millions of 38 Degrees members in the UK alone, and there's millions more people across Europe who want to stop TTIP. Will you add your name? Please click the link to sign the petition:
      Working across borders which usually divide us can have a really powerful impact. This pettion is organised by 240 organisations and signed by people from all 28 EU countries. We may all live in different places and speak different languages - but together, we all stand against TTIP, and that sends a strong message. [4]
Thanks for being involved,
Belinda, India, James and the 38 Degrees team 
[1] Independent: British sovereignty 'at risk' from EU-US trade deal: UK in danger of surrendering judicial independence to multinational corporations:
[2] Touchstone: Special courts for foreign investors have no place in trade deals:
[3] Short briefing on CETA, by Nick Dearden, Director of World Development Movement:
[4] Stop TTIP: Supporting organisations:

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An Army Of Homeless Children.

      A human crisis is happening on the US border with Mexico, that doesn't get very much coverage in our babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media. Thousands of unaccompanied children are crossing into the US and thousands of them are languishing in US detention centres. Figures vary but most estimates put the numbers as high as 60,000 in the past year.

Two young girls watch a World Cup football match on a television from their holding area while others sleep
     The crisis has pushed a simmering debate about immigration into the US back into the spotlight as the US border system creaks under the strain.
The issue has become a political cudgel on both sides as the president and the Republican opposition argue over how to respond and the root causes of the crisis.
      The Freedom Socialist Party, the voice of revolutionary feminism, has an interesting article on the subject:

      Then Obama started deporting nearly half a million people a year. Families trying to put lives back together in a foreign land were re-traumatized and divided by ICE raids on buses, in schools and homes, and at traffic stops. Now there were more orphans on both sides of the border.
In Central America, these kids joined others left without family by criminals, poverty or government policy. They set out from their home countries ready to do whatever they had to do to find a better life. They suffered hunger and abuse on their way north. And it wounded their little psyches to be shoved aside like the Dalits (untouchables) of India once here, after they had endured such an odyssey. But regardless, they were undoing Obama’s mass deportation policy and putting it on its head.
It turned out there is something stronger than U.S. imperialism. It is the children’s hunger for safety, for a roof over their heads and, most of all, for the love of their families. It pushed them across mountains and cities, across deserts and rivers. It’s why they took care of each other.
Read the full article HERE:
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Friday 10 October 2014

Spirit of Revolt At Document Film Festival.

     Glasgow's Document Festival is always a must, a feast of entertainment, information, education and a good old "get-together".
      This is just a wee reminder that Glasgow's own Spirit of Revolt will be there with a short film, chat/discussion and mini-exhibition, about the Spirit of Revolt, on Saturday, 11th. October, 12 until  2pm. This event will be held in the Electron Club in the CCA. 350 Sauchiehall Street Glasgow. See you there.

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