Showing posts with label Christianity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christianity. Show all posts

Tuesday 6 October 2020

I Believe.

       Wouldn’t we have a more sane and honest society if all those religious believers in positions of power would declare their beliefs before asking us to trust them with making decisions that will affect our lives. Since we live in a so called Christian country, I refer to those believing Christians that sit in the corridors of power holding sway over our lives. Before standing for office they should perhaps start with, “I believe there is a man in the sky and I talk to him on a regular basis and he guides me in my decisions”, “I believe that a man was crucified and died, then some days later rose up and spoke to us, before floating up in the sky.” “I believe that a virgin woman gave birth to a son, and he went on to raise the dead.” “I believe that a woman who looked back at where she was running from and was immediately turned into a pillar of salt.”. Now that you know my true beliefs, will you vote for me to have power over decisions that will seriously impact on you and your loved ones?
     Instead of this honesty, they shroud their true beliefs in platitudes of morality and ethics, talk of making rational decisions and following the science. Of course Christians are not alone in this duplicity, it is part and parcel of all those in power who hold to any one of a myriad of fantasies called religious faiths. Of course there are a few in power who more open and honest believers, like Mike Pompeo, who openly believes in the rapture, this is when their man in the sky will come down and lift all the true believes up to heaven with him, and leave all those nasty none-believers to rot in hell. No wonder duplicity and insanity reigns in our society, Ah, if only the human was an honest and sane creature, or perhaps we were less gullible. 

A to Z of Religions

Acclaim Arrogant Absolutes.
Bellow Bygone Beliefs.
Casuist Cackling Cabal.
Deadly Divine Dogma.
Embellish Earlier Errors.
Form Fearful Fundamentalists.
Gaily Gabble Gehenna.
Hype Holy Hate.
Ignorantly Idolise Illusion.
Justify Judgmental Jargon.
Knowingly Kindle Kulturkampf.
Lambaste Liberal Learning.
Machiavellian Mind Moulding.
Narrate Nescient Nostrum.
Obligatory Obnoxious Obfuscation.
Peremptory Pestiferous Panjandrum.
Quickly Quell Querists.
Redundant Reactionary Rants.
Suppress Scholastic Scepticism.
Totally Trammel Tolerance.
Ululate Useless Utterances.
Vaticinate Vicious Vengeance.
Wailing Wearisome Waffle.
Extol Excessive Exaltation.
Y? Y? Y?
Zany Zealous Zealots.

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Saturday 17 January 2015

Gods And Guns.

     Arming the people to go out and kill for god, no I'm not talking about ISIS or any other Islamic fundamentalists, I'm talking about those white Christian fundamentalists, fighting for capitalist America. Talk about double standards, are we really in a lake of blood because a bunch of opposing religious nutters want to kill all opposing gods and their followers? We have enough on our hands fighting the injustice of capitalism, religion, any religion, just makes that task so much more difficult, When can we send this airy-fairy, insanity of a belief in a man in the sky, to the dustbin of history. Another name for religion would be state sponsored insanity, with the aim of keeping the people in-line and confused.  There are a multitude of infallible gods to pick from, there are so many Gods, that you will soon be able to get them in Poundland, just pick the one that suits your devious purpose.

This From Daily Kos:
"That the impious presumption of legislators and rulers, civil as well as ecclesiastical, who, being themselves but fallible and uninspired men have assumed dominion over the faith of others, setting up their own opinions and modes of thinking as the only true and infallible, and as such endeavouring to impose them on others, hath established and maintained false religions over the greatest part of the world and through all time."
(2nd paragraph, Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom, composed by Thomas Jefferson in 1777, enacted into Virginia law on January 16, 1786)
Excuse me? “GOD and country?” Ahem, well, just WHOSE “god” might that be, U.S. Army?

Let me fairly go out on a limb here and gamble that it is neither the god of Islam nor the god(s) of Hinduism? No way it’s Buddhist, Sikh, Shinto, Native American Spiritualist or The Flying Spaghetti Monster. I believe it’s a very safe bet to presume that the Army is pretending to refer to the “Judeo-Christian” god, and by THAT worn out and duplicitously deceptive label, of course, I really mean what the Army REALLY means; only the “Christian” god, Jesus. Unfortunately, as the experts will tell you, there are literally multiple tens of thousands of distinctly separate denominations of Christianity in existence. So, once again, the question is begged as to exactly WHICH “God” the U.S. Army Special Forces are boldly, publicly and eagerly recruiting for?
Read the full article HERE:
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Saturday 22 September 2012


       Two interesting quotes, though I don't agree with the entire articles, but for sure, religion and superstition have brought nothing but havoc, misery, and violence to the world, from the days of sacrifices, to witch burning, to stoning to death, from blasphemy laws, to the right to brain wash our children, to censorship of expression. These religious rituals are and have been seen as, for the good of man and are considered the right of the religious, the so called devout. Preach love and indulge in violence and murder and that is alright as long as you say, it is god's name.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali: Muslim Rage & The Last Gasp of Islamic Hate “For a homicidal few in the Muslim world, life itself has less value than religious icons, such as the prophet or the Quran. These few are indifferent to the particular motives or arguments behind any perceived insult to their faith. They do not care about an individual’s political alignment, gender, religion, or occupation. They do not care whether the provocation comes from serious literature or a stupid movie. All that matters is the intolerable nature of the insult.”

Sam Harris: On the Freedom to Offend an Imaginary God
“The freedom to think out loud on certain topics, without fear of being hounded into hiding or killed, has already been lost. And the only forces on earth that can recover it are strong, secular governments that will face down charges of blasphemy with scorn. No apologies necessary.”

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Sunday 25 December 2011


       Browsing about this morning looking for something, anything, that didn't pay homage to the Western God of consumerism, Christmas, I came across this little piece and thought as it is that time of year I would like to share it with you all. Enjoy.

      It's the great dark winter of austerity but Michael Gove, the testicular-faced education Caesar south of the border has found enough pennies in his sporan to send a new copy of the King James' Bible to every school in Engerland. Not only that, but this new edition will be prefaced by the Book of Gove.

Let us worship, with Gove.

       Will the hitherto undiscovered Book of Gove be Old or New Testament in its leaning? Will kids be introduced to the vengeful, jealous and totally psychotic tyrant of the OT - the one who sends firestorms to engulf His creation and who has a bee in his bonnet about foreskins? Or will kids be given a hypocritical taste of the nice god - via his son, who is also er... himself... - who wants us to turn the other cheek except when marching into oil-rich nations to free their fossil-fuels for our use? Or will it be a kind of religious 'nice cop, nasty cop'?

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