Showing posts with label EC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EC. Show all posts

Thursday, 18 May 2017

When Is Enough, Enough?

         As I said before, the people of Greece have been put through the capitalist shredder by its bully boys, the financial Mafia. Now the vampires are back for more. Their puppet government in Greece are now humbly accepting the latest crippling demands from the Troika, (IMF, International Mankind Fuckers, ECB, European Criminal Bastards, EC, Exceptional Criminals,)
        With its health service in ruins, its education system disintegrating rapidly, wages slashed, pensions decimated, the Greek government is set to unleash more savage "austerity" on the unfortunate people of Greece. Here are some of the measures to be foisted on the ordinary people. There will be 14.32bn euros ($20.50bn; £12.82bn) cuts in public spending, tax rises of 14.09bn euros, over the next five years. There will be 2.32bn euros of tax increases this year, this follows on from 3.38bn euros increase in 2012, 152m in 2013, and 699m in 2014. There will be a levy to be raised twice next year from households of 1% to 5% of income. A vast swath of the poorest of families who were below the tax threshold will now find themselves paying tax. as the tax free threshold will be lowered from 12,000 euros to 5,000 euros, and property tax will be raised. Then there is that tax that hits the poorest most, VAT, 19% will go to 23%, the 11% rate will rise to 13% and the 5.5% goes up to 6.5%, restaurants will see their vat rate go from 13% to 23%.
        There is no end in sight for the people of Greece as long as this economic strangulation system of capitalism persists, the financial Mafia is not going to come over all compassionate and devise a plan to help the ordinary people of Greece, it is not in their DNA. However the people of Greece, as I said before, are not sitting down weeping and hoping for a return of the "good old days".
This from Act For Freedom Now:

       “We won’t live like slaves – The only lost battles are the one that they have not been given”. On Wednesday 17 May 2017 thousands of people joined the general strike protests all over Greece, against the new harsh financial measures of 4.9 billion euros incorporated in the 4th Memorandum signed by a Greek government, aimed once again against the lower income classes rather, than the banks and the wealthy.
       The self proclaimed left government of SYRIZA in co-operation with the right wing party of ANEL have unleashed a new class war, this time specifically aimed against people with disability and pensioners that have worked all their lives and paid their share under the false notion -as it seems- that during the time when they will be most vulnerable, they would have free public health services and subsidies that would help them get by. On the contrary after 23(!) severe cuts in pensions and allowances during the 8 years of the financial crisis in Greece (amounting to more than 50 billion euros in pension and allowances cuts during the last 7 years), that has forced people to live like beggars, a further 18% cut will be imposed on pensions under the 4th Memorandum being voted in the Greek parliament these days and a “freezing” of even the slightest raise in pensions until 2022.
      And as if a life with no future wasn’t enough, the streets of Athens have been filled with thousands of riot policemen to impose fear on people daring to protest during the general strike of 17 May 2017. Thus, during the protest in Athens anarchists attacked the riot police brigades in Syntagma Square around the Greek parliament, whilst inside politicians were discussing the new harsh financial measures to be imposed on the people, without the people. More protest will take place tomorrow 18 May during the voting of the measures in the Greek parliament.
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Thursday, 9 March 2017

With Sticks And Stones---.

       While the Greek political ballerinas in secret, discuss the continual screwing of the people of Greece and the plundering of their assets, with the financial Mafia, in the shape of the Troika, (EC, Expert Criminals, ECB, Europe Criminal Bastards, IMF, International Mankind Fuckers) the people of Greece continue to fight back. On Wednesday morning, 8th March, the ferries brought 1,000-1,300 farmers and stock breeders from the island of Crete to Athens. Here they formed up in front of the Ministry of Agriculture Offices, demanding a meeting with the Minster, who refused to accommodate their request. As usual the police and riot police moved in heavy handed, only to be met with an army of farmers retaliating with their long shepherds staffs. 

       What the people of Greece are facing is tax rates of 26% and pension cuts of 22%, unemployment of 24%, youth unemployment of 50%, a collapsed health service, and crumbling education system, a massive increase in homelessness, mental and physical health problems and suicides. Still the financial Mafia want more of the same for the innocent people of Greece. This is capitalism attempting to sort its problems by bleeding the ordinary people. Capitalism can't be fixed, it is a system of exploitation, the people's struggle can fix things, by completely removing capitalism from our lives. 
        What is happening to the people of Greece is happening to all of us, it is all a matter of degree, the direction is the same, the ordinary people are being fleeced to enhance the wealth and power of those who control the system. We can sit and wait until we reach the same position as the people of Greece, and then sink further with them, or we can start now and demolish this unfair, unjust, exploitative greed drive system of inequality. We can shape the world to our desires, rather than follow the dictate of a small army of parasites. 

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Monday, 27 February 2017

"I Wont Pay".

       No doubt Greece will once again gain a little space in the babbling brook of bullshit, our mainstream media. The reason, well Greece has enough money to last until July, then it runs out. So another shuffling of billions through the various banks is necessary to keep the illusion of progress going, but for the people of Greece there is no progress. That band of robber barons that make up the "Troika", (IMF, International Mankind Fuckers, EC, European Conmen, ECB, European Criminal Bastards) are having their own problems. They can't agree on how to handle the mountain of gambling debt they have allowed to amass in Greece.  Each one of the three gambling organisations that make up that band of robbers is aware that their money, to a degree is lost, their squabble is about who has to take the biggest hit. The IMF is trying to look compassionate in saying that Greece can't make the conditions placed on it, and the debt has to be re-structured or written down. While the European wing of this criminal gambling organisation is adamant the Greece stick to the punitive policy already in place, as any change would mean that they, The European mob, would have to take the biggest hit.   
Protesters preventing a lawyer from presenting a case for repossession.
        Meanwhile, the people of Greece are experiencing ever falling living standards. The education system is in tatters, the health service has all but collapsed, unemployment is still running at around 24%, with youth unemployment at around 50%. Poverty is endemic, suicide is on a rapid increase, homelessness is at a level that no civilised country can accept, evictions are a daily occurrence. Of course the people of Greece are not sitting down and wringing their hands, they are fighting back in lots of ways. Squats, community feeding schemes, voluntary health centres and more. On the matter of Greek evictions, the group "I Wont Pay" is growing in strength and confidence. Much like the Glasgow 1915 rent strike, where the people in great masses, prevented Sheriff Officers from serving eviction notices, the "I Wont Pay" movement are cramming into the courts where landlords are attempting to get eviction orders, and making the court unworkable. They have had several successes, this we hope will give them greater numbers and greater confidence.
      While the billionaire robber barons of the financial Mafia, gamble and shuffle their ill gotten gains, we the people suffer, so that their gambling losses are recouped. How long will we put up with this blatant system of robbing the people to enrich the few. The choice is ours, do we sit and wring our hands, or do we organise to bring this festering cesspool of greed to and end?  
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Saturday, 28 May 2016

How Far Will You Let Them Push You?

         How far will the financial Mafia go in the decimating of people in their drive to re-capitalise their corrupt bankrupt system. Across the globe they have pushed this austerity plan hard, in some countries they have pushed it to the point of destruction. I have no doubt the will push it further if they can get away with their self-centred plan.
          Take Greece, it is now agreed that what the people of Greece are suffering is as bad as, or worse than, the 30's depression, and is expected to go deeper still. The policies forced on to the people of Greece have produced an unemployment rate of more than 25%, and among the under 25's that jumps to more than 50%, in some areas it is over 60%. The number of people in Greece suffering sever material deprivation has doubled since 2008, again sadly it is the 16-24's that have suffered the most.
           Greece is the only country in the Euro area where welfare spending has dropped, and it has dropped dramatically since 2008. A follow on from this ever decreasing welfare spending is a stratospheric rise in the suicide rate, which saw an increase of 35% between 2010-2011, with a further dramatic increase of 55% in 2012. This drop in welfare spending has also heralded in, among other horrors, an increase in substance abuse and HIV, at the same time as HIV clinics and needle exchange units have been closed..
        Homelessness and sleeping rough has seen a dramatic rise, the government's own figures, which some consider to be a modest estimate, put the number of homeless in Athens at 20,000 from a population of 660,000, with a massive increase in the 26-44 age group now homeless.
      Another effect of this financial Mafia extortion racket is the effect it will have on the future of Greece, as migration has soared. Greece has a population of approximately 11 million, since the financial Mafia's inflicted "crisis", around 400,000 have migrated. Of those who have migrated it is reported that nine in ten hold a university degree, with more than 60% holding a masters degree, and approximately 11% a PhD. How will that impact on the future of Greece? All this in a modern, supposedly democratic country in Europe, one of the richest parts of the world.
     Bearing in mind all these facts it is obvious to any individual with a grain of humanity, that the people of Greece need some assistance, What is that trio of inhumanity, the IMF, International Mankind Fuckers, ECB, Excessively Conning Banksters, EC, European Cartel, planning for the people of Greece? Why, more cuts to welfare, lower pensions, work longer to receive those diminishing pensions, higher taxes, work longer hours, and wage cuts. The people can bleed to death, the financial gambling cartel want their gambling losses back.
     This then is the general plan for us all, as the millionaire gambling cabal, the financial Mafia, continue their greed fest to recoup their gambling losses. The quality of life that you and I have is of no interest to them, we don't figure in their grand plan of plunder and looting, it is all about them saving their system and all the wealth, power and privileges that go along with that stinking bankrupt system. There is an alternative.
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Friday, 27 May 2016

Tomorrow's World, A Privatised World!!


      No matter the words or the phrases used, in capitalism the aim and direction is always the same, increased wealth to the pampered parasites that control the system. "Austerity" is an avenue to privatisation, privatisation of all valued assets is the ultimate desire of that cabal that sits in those marble halls of power shuffling their money to the detriment of the planet and its people. No matter the policy, whether it is "reform", "efficiency", "austerity", "balancing the books", "growing the economy", it will always take us down the road to privatisation. Privatisation is a method of re-capitalising their bankrupt system, a way of making money from everything thing we do. Everything we need to survive, must produce a profit for the system. Mutual aid and social services are an anathema to the system, they are entities that could be transformed in to money making enterprises. 
       The methods to attain their dream of a money making world vary, but one method is to deprive a service of sufficient funds to function properly, complain about the falling service, demand reforms, finally coming up with the answer that private capital is the only remedy. It is certainly not that we can't afford the best social services, we are awash in wealth, we are surrounded by opulence, all produced by your labour, and we are the 5th richest country in the world, again because of your labour. 
      It is policy, it is ideology, that drives us down the road of "austerity" and privatisation, it is not necessity. However, if you are expecting the direction to change, you will be sadly disappointed. These decisions are not made in the Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption, they are made elsewhere, by the members of the financial Mafia, in the form of the IMF, International Mankind Fuckers, ECB, Excessively Conning Banksters, EC, European Cartel. Your local political ballerina, is merely there to carry out the dictate of the said financial Mafia.
      If you want justice, and a society that sees to the needs of all our people, then you are going to have to work very hard to get rid of this cancer that parades under the name of capitalism. The beast will not change its spots, nor will it give up it its privileges lightly. Revolutions never come with flowers alone.
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Sunday, 22 May 2016

The Game Is Loaded, But Not In Our Favour.

-----------Let's not forget that the IMF is not participating in the third memorandum agreement or in its funding mechanism. So, could somebody explain to me why legislation has been passed which requires that any political decision that is made in Greece must be first sent to the IMF, the European Commission and the European Central Bank (ECB), who must then agree on these proposals? This is part of the third memorandum agreement. Could somebody explain to me how the Greek government is supposed to clash with the IMF when this very same government has signed an agreement where the IMF still has the power to accept or reject political decisions made in Greece? The subservience of the Greek government has surpassed even that of the Quisling regime.
           The only way in which this situation can change is if the Greek people find a way to overturn this government, as soon as possible. They have a responsibility to do this, before we see the situation get even worse.-------
Read the full article HERE:
           The above statement highlights the squabbling that goes on within the financial Mafia, in the mean time the people of Greece see their assets being sold off to satisfy the greed of the German section of the Mafia. The German section will under no circumstance countenance the thought of that mountain of Greek debt they hold, being written off, or down. However, debating in financial terms, about the problem the people of Greece face, is just a discussion between money lenders who placed some lousy bets based on greed, and want their money back. It will in no way help the people of Greece to alleviate their poverty and deprivation. Even if all of the Greek debt was written off, they would no doubt be loaded with a massive new debt to “build their economy”. Framing the game in the financial Mafia’s rules, will never solve the people’s problems, the financial Mafia is a big part of that problem.
          The last couple of sentences of the above statement, (The only way in which this situation can change is if the Greek people find a way to overturn this government, as soon as possible. They have a responsibility to do this, before we see the situation get even worse.) is hardly an answer at all, if that means replacing it with another set of career suits, who talking and thinking financially, will take up the debate in the same language as before. As long as we, the ordinary people, play their game, to their rules, we will always come out at the bottom of the heap. What the people of Greece, as well as the rest of us, have to do, is not overturn the present government in favour of another cabal of lords and master, but to overthrow the entire system based on this financial insanity. In simple words overthrow capitalism.

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Saturday, 14 May 2016

We Are Drowning In Hyperbole And Hypocrisy.

        Most people accept that we are now controlled by billionaires, sitting behind closed doors, making decisions that we play no part in, or even hear the discussions, yet they shape our lives. A handful of, usually men, sit and follow ideology and dogma that is designed to increase the power and wealth of their institutions. What we do hear from the mouths of this financial Mafia is hyperbole and hypocrisy, we are supposed to accept, without question, their dictates, though we know that doing so will continually tighten their grip over our lives, and lower or living standards. We are drowning in a sea of hypoerbole and hypocrisy. Since this unaccountable cabal, (EC, Excessively Corrupt, ECB, European Conning Banksters, IMF, International Mankind Fuckers) never allow their deliberations to be made public, it is good to hear quotes of their statements, their arguments, and their ideas, from one who was there. One who for a short while sat among them, discussed and listened to their hypocritical vomiting, and is prepare to repeat in public, some of those statements.
      This film might be a bit on the long side for some, but it is well worth listening to the full discussion and the questions and answers that follow.
A chat between Yanis Varoufakis and Noam Chomsky, May, 26th. 2016.

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Tuesday, 10 May 2016

We Eat Austerity, And Send Our Wealth To The Banks.

        Having been a regular visitor to Greece over the years, and enjoyed the pleasantries of that country and the generosity of its people, I have watched the people of Greece being cruelly sacrificed on the altar of big finance, and my mind can’t help revisit the present problems faced by the people of Greece. The general perception by the people of the rest of Europe is that we have generously pour billions into that country and they are still in a mess. Of course the truth is far removed from that piece of chicanery and illusion. What we should all be aware of is that the “rescue packages”, were really designed to save the private investors and the banks, the people of Greece don’t come into the equation. According to research done by the European School of Management and Technology, of the first two aid packages amounting to more than €215 billion, a mere €9.5 billion went to assist the people of Greece, the remainder went to interest payments and to service old debts, in other words, it went back to the banks. 
         Greece is no longer a sovereign country, its so called socialist government is merely there to implement the dictate of the financial Mafia, the Troika, (EC, European Commission, ECB, European Central Bank, IMF, International Mankind Fuckers) and they are determined to gut and clean out any assets left in that country and in the process totally destroy the already shattered social welfare structure of Greece.
        Even in the “refugee crisis”, Greece has been left to sort it out by itself. While Turkey got a deal of €6 billion to tidy them through, Greece got bus loads of advisers to help them stream line the paper work and processing of that tragic army of desperate people landing on the shores of Greece in their hundreds of thousands. 
       Yet we have that member of the financial Mafia, Wolfgang Schauble, German finance Minister, stating, “we were very generous with Greece.”, helping to weave the cruel illusion that the problem is really all about the nasty, lazy, inefficient, bad managers that is Greece.
          Greece is the perfect example of how the financial system that controls our lives, is hell bent on attempting to secure its debt laden banking system at the expense of the welfare of the people. For the same reason, all our welfare systems are under attack, the financial Mafia will continue to push for more and more “austerity” which translates as, “send all the money to the banks” to prop up the phoney crumbling house of cards. 
        Let’s look at Greece in honest detail and ask, why do we tolerate such a vicious, unjust, corrupt system that openly only benefits the pampered parasites who are looting the earth at everybody’s expense. If you say you want justice, then you have to say, you want an end to the capitalist system. 

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Sunday, 8 May 2016

We Live In A Financial Asylum.

        And so the sorry, sad, Greek tragedy continues. Come July the Greek government has to pay €3.5 billion in debt repayment, but it needs a bailout of more debt to make that payment. Yes, that’s the crazy system we live under, I owe you ten quid, I can’t pay you until you give me ten quid, with which to pay you. Although the people of Greece have been driven to dire poverty and deprivation, the financial Mafia want another round of budget cuts to the tune of €3 billion. What more can they cut, unemployment in Greece is running at approximately 25%, with youth unemployment running at around 51%, an education system in a state of collapse, and a health system in total chaos. Of course there is still lots of Greek assets that could be sold of to the corporate greed machine at give away prices, to help recapitalise the banksters of the Western world. 
         Well, will Greece get more debt with which to make a payment to its debt? The negotiations are not going too well, they are deep into the waffle stage, the Troika is now squabbling among themselves, with the IMF (International Mankind Fuckers) stating that the Greek debt must be “restructured”, they are getting a bit cautious about throwing their money into the Greek debt hole, on the other hand the EC (European Commission) and the ECB (European Central Bank) will not hear of that, as it would mean that as they hold the vast majority of that Greek debt they would lose lots of filthy lucre. If the restructuring doesn’t take place, the IMF has threatened to walk away, which means the bailout disappears. 
      How long will this crazy insane game of monopoly continue, how long must the people of Greece be held hostage in the crazy financial house of cards that is the capitalist financial system? Sadly, as long as we all accept the capitalist system, The system is controlled by a faceless, unelected, uncontrollable, financial Mafia, and it is not interest in the answers to the problems the people face, it is only interested in protecting and growing its wealth. So stick with capitalism, live in the asylum.
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Sunday, 17 April 2016

The Surface Glitter Of Athens.

         Just back from a visit to Athens, on the surface, central Athens looks much like the Athens I used to know, the cafés, restaurants, tavernas, all looked busy with pretty pretty butterfly people. One change you do notice is the traffic, it is mainly yellow taxis and motorbikes. They say if you want to know anything about a city, ask a taxi driver, so we did. One driver told us that there are more than 1,700 taxis in Athens, and most are people who have been made redundant. The taxi allows them to work as long as they want, to try to get by, one drive said he worked 16 hours a day, every day and at the end of the month after taxes etc, he was left with €600 to get through the month. Work that out as an hourly rate and you are talking sweatshop money. Another said before the crash he wasn't rich but had €1,800 in the bank and lived reasonably well, now he has nothing and works as many hours a day as he can, every day, just to survive. Two gave conflicting answers to how many had left Greece since the “crash”, one stating almost 1 million, and the other probably 300,00 to 400,000, either amount is a drain on any country. One other we spoke to was leaving in a few weeks to live in Australia to give his kids a chance at a better life. All summed it up as Greece today is dreadful, a disaster. 
       We also went to Exarcheia and visited an occupied cinema, K-Vox, it is run by between 30-40 people, who label themselves as anarchist, communist and libertarian socialist, though the communists emphasising that they had nothing to do with the communist party. It has a café and a library, and they hold various events. All the money raised is used to support political prisoners, it also houses a free medical centre. A wonderful asset, and great to see all the strands of anarchism working together, strength in numbers, and a display of what can be done. If you want to support what they are doing you can contact them at
Enjoying the sun outside K-Vox.
        Athens, like all Western city centres, has poverty well hidden, so as not to chase spending tourists away. Though we did see the signs, up side-streets, the bundles of rolled up blankets in doorways and on two occasions, a man lying on the pavement, as if asleep with a crumpled plastic cup in their hand, both were still there hours later when we passed. The temperature was 25 degrees.
       Other facts about Greece, with a population of just over 11 million, it has a prison population of 12,693, 111 per 100,000 of the population, 2014 figures, but there is an anomaly, the prison population is 54.7% foreigners. Unemployment is running at just over 24%, with youth unemployment running at a staggering 51.9%. 
       All the misery, unemployment, families breaking up, poverty, deprivation and long working hours, suffered by the majority of ordinary people in Greece is simply the result of the financial Mafia's gambling spree, and it isn't going to get better any-time soon. The financial moguls of the Troika,( EC, European Commission, ECB, European Central Bank, IMF, International Mankind Fuckers) are starting to squabble among themselves regarding the next bailout to Greece. The IMF saying Greece's debt is unsustainable, so don't want to pour their filthy lucre into the leaking bucket and say the will not participate in the bailout unless the debt is “restructured” The European part of the Troika will not accept that, but say they could not go ahead with the bailout if the IMF doesn't participate. Meanwhile, while the financial gambling sharks shuffle their chips, the people of Greece bleed. That's capitalism.

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Saturday, 1 August 2015

Who Controls The Greek Parliament???

       For some reason this video has been taken down from Real News and the embedding code has been removed from Youtube, so here is a link that will allow you to view the video.

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