Showing posts with label corporate theft. Show all posts
Showing posts with label corporate theft. Show all posts

Friday 5 February 2021

Thieving Bosses.

       So Jeff Bezos, the world's richest man, steps down from his cushy job of CEO of Amazon. I doubt if he will have any money worries stepping down from his extremely lucrative little number. It could be mere coincidence that he steps down as Amazon is found guilt of stealing more than $61 million from its workers, it seems that the company simple pocketed all those millions of dollars given by the public as tips for the workers. We know that all large corporation exploit their works to varying degrees, but this one surely takes the biscuit. Of course the media are never too hard on large corporations when they are caught blatantly pilfering their workers money, after all they are dependent on, owned by, and are the mouthpiece of, the corporate world, so we expect this usual whitewashing of their corporate bosses.
    However the point that I would like to make is that the company has been fined, well and good, but the decision of what to do with that money as it came in was made by one or more individuals at the top of the tree. They have names, they as individuals should be held to account for what was obvious theft and corruption, when do we see them brought to account? The anonymous company leaves those individuals sitting pretty, and able to carry on their devious deceptive corrupt endeavours. Actions always have names and faces.
       The following is an extract from Mint Press News, describing how the media reported this blatant stealing of workers money,

       Even worse, many more framed the news as a mere allegation, despite the fact that the FTC had made a formal ruling. Forbes, for instance, led with the headline “Amazon Will Pay $61.7 Million Settlement After Allegedly Withholding Tips From Delivery Drivers.” Others (Daily Caller, Daily Mail) did the same. Meanwhile, in a tweet on the news, Vox claimed that (emphasis added) “Amazon will pay $61.7 million in a settlement over allegations that the company used customer tips to subsidize the hourly wages of some delivery drivers.” Thus, the fact that Amazon had been caught stealing was watered down into a claim that it was merely “subsidizing” “some” of its employees’ wages.
     Perhaps the worst offender was business and tech news site ZDNet, whose headline was “Amazon will pay $61.7 million to settle Flex driver tip dispute with FTC,” which obscured the matter into a foggy and very technical sounding financial dispute. Only a very small number of outlets, including Slate and The Huffington Post, echoed the FTC’s decision by using the word “stole” in their headlines. 
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Wednesday 26 May 2010


       The monotonous call from the two well manicured public school boys and their cabal of millionaires in the cabinet, is “we must cut the national debt”. All their heated waffle is about where and by how much, nobody asks the WHY. The banks and the big financial institutions bet their lot on the roulette wheel of sub-prime mortgages and lost a packet. They turned to their bed partners, the governments and demanded that they make up the losses, with taxpayers money of course. The very obliging governments duly made good the bankers losses and lumbered us with this massive debt. Now those self same financial institutions, banks and bond holders, are concerned that the governments have too much debt and could default and if they default it is the banks and the bond holders that now stand to lose billions. As the can't ask the already bust nations to bail them out again, the only alternative is to get the mountain of debt down by hacking at the government expenditure. That means slashing public services, public sector salaries, destroying the health service, mutilating the education system and heaping thousands more onto the unemployment queue. So basically by sending the ordinary people back to the Victorian era of poverty and deprivation the banks and bond holders will be protected from making huge financial losses.
         So there you have it, strip the public naked and save the billionaires from losing some of their loot. It's a good game if you can get away with it, and it is up to us to see if the do or don't. What do you think? Are we daft enough to let them get away with it, or do we still have some self respect left?

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