Showing posts with label energy companies profits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label energy companies profits. Show all posts

Saturday 6 August 2022


         As this "Exploitation Crisis" bites deeper into the daily lives of most of the people of this country and across the planet, and energy companies profits soar, protests and strikes are popping up all over the place, more frequent more vociferous and more organised, and rightly so. What is needed is these protest groups to link up across all our communities and organise on a national basis. Likewise, workers need to co-ordinate their strike actions and join with other unions and bring this system of greed and exploitation crumbling down. We have the power, we just need to join hands across communities and workplaces. It is only by joint and co-ordinated action will we win a decent life for all our people.

        The video is of a protest held on Saturday August 6th. 2022 outside the Ruchill Community Centre, a centre that is threatened with closure. The protest was against closures and the cost of living disaster we are facing, an avoidable disaster. I apologise for the traffic noise, but it was a main road. 

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