Showing posts with label environment destruction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label environment destruction. Show all posts

Tuesday, 29 September 2020

Blood Fur.

        We live in a society that will exploit anything if it can be squeezed for profit. People are exploited to varying stages of degradation, animals are exploited irrespective of the cruelty and suffering, the environment is exploited with little or no regard for the future of life on this planet. Should you object to and attack, any of these profit avenues, you will be labelled a criminal, terrorist or worse. You will be hounded, vilified and persecuted, as all these activities hold the stamp of phony legitimacy, issued by managers of the system, the state.
       Despite the persecution by the state, there is an ever growing army of people who are taking on these savageries against all that lives, and fighting for a better, fairer world for all forms of life, a sustainable world where nature and life are respected in all their wonderful and fascinating forms.
        Many months after Richii’s sentence, the filth has taken him to prison to serve six months. We want to remind you how important it is to support folks in prison, write letters and send love his way, he will need it.
      Richii was arrested and sentenced on bogus charges for fighting against the fur industry. He was targeted because of his history organising in animal rights in Sweden and used as an example to try to stop a campaign that has become increasingly effective. His charges are manufactured to make him look bad and are not based in reality.
      Read his words below:
     “Auf wiedersehen comrades
     if you are reading this, I have been kidnapped by our animal hating & corrupt state and will be imprisoned for a while.
      Many of you have asked me if I want any form of support in prison. Feel free to write me! However, do not feel obligated to send money or other expensive things. Instead, donate that money to your local animal sanctuary.
     Never to stop fighting for the animals, regardless of any resistance or setbacks.
      We are the only ones they’ve got, the only ones who want to save them at any cost and the only ones who care enough and are dedicated enough to set our egos aside for what’s right. We are the ones fighting to end cruelty and exploitation of animals and we’re going to end it once and for all, step by step.
      Fight even harder to crush the resistance: show no mercy for those who stand between us and the oppressed individuals we are trying to save from a certain death.
       Fight back. Organize yourself.
       No revolution has ever begun without a fight, no revolution ever happened in silence. Silence Is Violence.
       Raise your voice for those who can’t speak, fight until every cage is empty and smashed into pieces. I will join you as soon as I can.
For the animals
My address in prison :

Box 3112
200 22 Malmö
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Wednesday, 24 April 2019

Save The Planet, Stop Wars.

       At the moment environment destruction is now moving to the headlines. People are becoming more aware of the need to sort out our energy supplies away from fossil fuels to renewable energy. They are taking to the streets, "extinction rebellion", and the dedicated kids having a one day strike a week, all points to this awareness. Then there is the drive to get companies to vastly reduce their use of plastics. Then of course the blame game, it is up to you to just boil enough water for one cup of tea, turn your central heating down a degree, take a shorter shower, take a shallower bath. All well and good, after all, each little helps.
     Meantime, airline companies are doing their best to increase passenger numbers, Travel agents are trying hard to ship more and more people to further and further "exotic" holidays. Cruise liners are pushing hell for leather to increase the numbers that float around the oceans, merrily polluting, CEO and other billionaire buy ever larger and more luxurious yachts and private jets. 
       Sort out that lot and you would make a big impact on environmental pollution. Then of course there is war, probably the most devastating polluter on the planet. Wars and the backup companies that are necessary for developing, manufacturing and delivering the implements of wars, plus the logistics of carrying out these endless wars, out strip most other polluters on the planet.
     But so often, wars don't appear on the environmentalist's list, and governments all make pleasurable sounds about cutting greenhouse gases, but doing next to nothing, and the same time arming themselves to the teeth and supporting these endless wars.
      Then there is the pentagon, without a doubt, the world's worst polluter.
(newspaper of the Party for Socialism and Liberation): 

Navajo land contaminated with uranium

        Large swaths of Native lands have been contaminated by the military. U.S.-funded mining companies blasted 4 million tons of uranium for atomic weapons out of more than 500 mines on Navajo land between 1944 and 1986. The mines are now abandoned, leaving the Navajo nation with poisonous waste from the mines, and radioactive drinking water. Many Navajo people have died of kidney failure and cancer, conditions linked to uranium contamination. And new research from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show uranium in babies born now. And then there’s the contamination that waging war brings. Iraq is littered with high levels of nuclear and dioxin contamination, the Guardian notes. Additionally, after the bombing by the U.S. in its first war against Iraq in 1991:
 “Sewage flowed into the streets and rivers. Refineries and pipelines leaked oil into the soil. The economic sanctions imposed on Iraq meant little was repaired and land and cities have been poisoned. One observer in Basra in 2008 said people “live amid mud and faeces. … Childhood cancer rates in Basra are the highest in Iraq. The city’s salty tap water makes people ill. And there is more garbage on the streets than municipal collectors can make a dent in.”
       U.S. use of toxic and radioactive depleted uranium weapons in Iraq have lead to an unprecedented number of birth defects there. These same U.S. weapons that poison people and the earth were used in Bosnia, Serbia, Kosovo, Lebanon, Gaza, Iraq in both Gulf Wars, Afghanistan, North Pakistan, Somalia, Syria, Yemen, and Libya.

War-makers reject science, plan more polluting

      But the U.S. Department of Defense is not done polluting. In November 2016, the U.S. Navy announced its plan to release 20,000 tons of environmental “stressors,” including heavy metals and explosives, into the coastal waters of the U.S. Pacific Northwest. It also plans to release every year some 4.7 to 14 tons of “metals with potential toxicity” into inland waters along the Puget Sound in Washington state.
     In response to public concerns, a Navy spokeswoman said that heavy metals and depleted uranium are no more dangerous than any other metal, a statement that represents a clear rejection of scientific facts.
Read the full article HERE: 
       If we really wish to save the planet and the species that live on it, then we have to take a holistic view of the situation and environmentalists have to put war at the top of their list.
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Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Corporate Greed Or Anarchism.

      The corporate greed machine now knows its strength and is ever increasingly flexing its muscles. The number of corporations challenging government legislation, stating that it is damaging their profits, and winning billions of dollars of tax payers money is increasing.
      You may lobby your government to bring legislation to safeguard the environment and some multi-million pound corporation can challenge it in court stating that it is impeding its drive for profit. One new case is the Tobie Mining and Energy company which has launched a $16.5 billion lawsuit against the Columbian government because the government blocked a gold mining operation that was damaging the Amazon Forest. Of course if it wins, it is $16.5 billion of tax payers money that flows into the corporations coffers.
     There have been other cases and to lawyers this is big business. 
Fifteen years ago, Parada’s work was a minor niche even within the legal business. But since 2000, hundreds of foreign investors have sued more than half of the world’s countries, claiming damages for a wide range of government actions that they say have threatened their profits. In 2006, Ecuador cancelled an oil-exploration contract with Houston-based Occidental Petroleum; in 2012, after Occidental filed a suit before an international investment tribunal, Ecuador was ordered to pay a record $1.8bn – roughly equal to the country’s health budget for a year. (Ecuador has logged a request for the decision to be annulled.)
        Under this insane economic system the power of money over-rides the will of the people, rain forests and mountain areas are commodities to be exploited for profit. The world's diverse environment is necessary for our survival, to the powerful corporations they are there to be ripped apart to fatten the bank accounts of the already over wealthy pampered parasites. To curtail the power of wealth over the will of the people, we will have to end this greed driven brutal exploitative system of capitalism, and replace it with a system of community based mutual aid, co-operation between communities, sustainability and a system that sees to the needs of all our people, in a word, anarchism.
It's this:
 or it's this:
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