Showing posts with label phony elections. Show all posts
Showing posts with label phony elections. Show all posts

Friday 6 November 2020

No Vote.


        At the moment all the bubble and squeak on the media is "the election" who will be voted in to wear the crown for American imperialism. What seldom hits the headlines is who, with power over our lives, we never get the opportunity to vote in or out. The financial institutions, investment banks, fund managers, the corporate CEOs, a coterie of parasites that make up the financial Mafia that control the levers of this economic system called capitalism. That gang of expensive suits that make their decisions behind closed doors, far from the prying eyes of the public, but who control how the society that public inhabits, will be shaped. They dictate directions to elected parties by means of extravagantly funded "lobbyists", all legal, but with gifts, opportunities and donations as persuaders, to oil the greasy hands of our political ballerinas. There is no such thing as a poor member of Parliament, all those who enter that edifice to imperialism, The Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption, leave much richer than when they entered.

        Instead of concentrating on those participants in our national farce of "Lairs and Corruption" competitions, sometimes known as elections, we should be paying much more attention to those we don't get an opportunity to vote on, the parasite class, the financial mafia and their bedfellows. That's where the real power in this greed driven insanity lies, that's the ones who hold and the reigns of power, who hold the wealth and bask in a swath of privileges, all gleaned from the toil and sweat of you and I. 


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Friday 21 August 2020

Crooks & Liars.

        I don't often say much about party politics and their crooks and liars competition called elections. However there seems to be a frenzied babble about the coming American November illusion of change. Trump or Biden, Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck, Laurel or Hardy, what a choice for what is reputed to be the most powerful position in the world, however, it is far from funny. No matter which puppet of the financial/corporate industrial war machine gets to wear the USA crown, wealth and power will stay firmly where it is, locked in the vaults of the pampered privileged parasite class. Covid19 will continue to kill, evictions will still escalate, unemployment will still rise, poverty will still be rampant, and profits will still be made and syphoned into the pockets of the rich. That's capitalist change for you.

The following is an extract from FSP Revolutionary Feminism in Action:
Are The Powers-That-Be Ready to Dump Trump?
        Trump’s hopes for a second term are slip-sliding away, so he’s lashing out with vicious racism and fear-mongering. When he calls anti-racist protests unpatriotic “far-left fascism,” it emboldens white supremacists and right-wing militias to attack.
       Not only is Trump trying to rally his base with racism, but he is ranting about mail-in ballot “voter fraud” as his followers close thousands of polling places in poor and Black communities. The only thing he’s not inviting people to fear is Covid-19! Instead, he denounces Obamacare, refuses to mask up, and pushes businesses and schools to reopen during the height of the pandemic.
      Workers and the oppressed doing it for ourselves. Where is the power and will to make real change?
      It doesn’t lie with the Democratic Party — it lies with working people and the perpetually abused. In two short months, people in the streets forced cuts to police budgets, prompted bans on chokeholds and tear gas, and got cops who murder fired and arrested. Where has the Democratic Party been?
     Democratic politicians aren’t out fighting tooth and nail to stop voter suppression or police violence. They spend their energy trying to keep minor parties off the ballot and co-opting Bernie Sanders to support “centrist” Joe Biden — who actually drafted the 1994 Crime Bill that filled the prisons to bursting.
       Whoever wins the presidential contest will face the same gigantic problems, armed with the same limited capitalist tools to address them. He (undoubtedly) will have to deal with a probable depression, mass joblessness, a continuing pandemic, and public uprisings for justice, all while protecting ruling-class interests. Right now it may seem that the upper crust has more faith in Biden than Trump, but a lot can happen before November!
      What’s more important than who wins is continuing to build the strength, radicalism and organization of the grass-roots movement. The fight goes on!
Read the full article HERE:
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Friday 6 March 2020

The Nobodies.

        Most of the time we are preparing for, going through, or analysing the results of "an election" somewhere in the world, it's like an epidemic we can't quite cure, and we are told this is democracy.
 Myth of Democracy.
      We no longer have a political party system, it is a corporate state. No matter what party you elect and no matter the different and wonderful manifesto promises, after the election it is just as before with perhaps a little plus or minus this way or that. The smile on the face of the new messiah may look more radiant than the last, but the price of bread still goes up. The few over privileged parasites that have control of all the institutions in our society have bought the political parties and are in bed with the military. Big business is all, and war is big business, so we will have war, bloating the coffers of the corporate greed machine until they bleed us all dry. To the corporate world people are dispensable, profit is the name of the game.
       Turning to this or that political party creates the myth of democracy and the results prove that it is no more than a myth, an illusion spun by the media, another institution, which is hardly likely to speak against its master and owner the corporate world.
     If we want a better world where we see to the needs of all our people then we have to break the hold of that corporate beast. Communities have to take control of all those institutions and run them in federation with each other based on sustainability. We have to eliminate the profit motive from all we do, and create for the benefit of all, mutual aid being the key. No matter how you try to shape capitalism, no matter how green you think you can make it, it is unsustainable and will never work for the benefit of all, it is an elitist and exploitative system that works for the privileged few parasites who own those corporations.
Why Wait For History's Verdict?
       It is obvious that when historians come to write about the capitalist era it will be written up as a dreadful failure for humanity. They will be able to write about the fact that at its period of highest development, approximately one third of the world’s population were well fed, one third were hungry and one third were starving. They will be able to detail the misery of those fifteen million children who died of hunger every year. In their learned papers they will catalogue the enormous wealth poured into unbelievable destructive weaponry and they will calculate that in the midst of all that hunger and starvation, the price of one missile could have supplied 100 nutritional meals every day for five years. No doubt their findings will also include that to feed this grotesque beast of privilege and greed it was necessary to pollute and plunder the earth’s resources to the extent of destroying the planet’s ecosystem. Their conclusions will obviously be that it was a cruel, vicious, unjust, hypocritical and unnecessary system inflicted on the population of the planet by a small band of greedy, power hungry, over privileged parasites.
      Why do we have to wait for the historians verdict? We are now aware of the type of system that has been created and the misery that it inflicts on vast swaths of the world’s population. We know that the greatest benefits go to the smallest group, a useless, pampered bunch of parasites. We also know that it is a man made system, not something written in tablets of stone. It is well within our power and our imagination to dismantle this abomination of greed and hypocrisy, and replace it with a system of mutual aid. A system based on free association, voluntary co-operation and sustainability that sees to the needs of all our people, a system freed from the greed driven motif of profit.
      We have the imagination, the ability, and the resources, all we lack is the will.
       I see this poem by Eduardo Galeano as encapsulating the foundations and the structural fibres  of capitalism.
The Nobodies
      Fleas dream of buying themselves a dog, and nobodies dream of escaping poverty: that one magical day good luck will suddenly rain down on them- will rain down in buckets. But good luck doesn’t rain down yesterday, today, tomorrow, or ever. Good luck doesn’t even fall in a fine drizzle, no matter how hard the nobodies summon it, even if their left hand is tickling, or if they begin the new day with their right foot, or start the new year with a change of brooms.
The nobodies: nobody’s children, owners of nothing. The nobodies: the no ones, the nobodied, running like rabbits, dying through life, screwed every which way.
Who are not, but could be.
Who don’t speak languages, but dialects.
Who don’t have religions, but superstitions.
Who don’t create art, but handicrafts.
Who don’t have culture, but folklore.
Who are not human beings, but human resources.
Who do not have faces, but arms.
Who do not have names, but numbers.
Who do not appear in the history of the world, but in the police blotter of the local paper.
The nobodies, who are not worth the bullet that kills them. 
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Sunday 22 December 2019

That Thin Illusion Of Democracy.

        Well the "election" is over all the ranting about change has resulted in the system staying the same, did you expect anything else? Now the privileged parasitical political ballerinas can get on with the business of plundering the public purse, and putting the ordinary people in there place, subservient at the bottom of the pile. Perhaps it will have some people scratching their heads and saying, "what was the point" of all that hype and phony hysteria. Let's hope so.
       This little summing up from Acorn Winter Oak:

The capitalist system will not abolish itself.

In fact, it will always do all that it physically can to preserve itself and its control over our lives. While it likes to pretend its structures of domination amount to “democracy”, this is not the case, because it could never leave the door open to the possibility of its own abolition by democratic means. The only changes possible via the fake-democracy of the system are limited reforms, which leave the system very much in place. When we say “limited”, we perhaps mean “extremely limited”, because even the mildest of social-democratic tinkering, undoing some of the worst excesses of contemporary neoliberalism, is beyond the pale for the system.

corbyn smear

        However, when the system draws the line too tightly around its preferred outcomes and uses its vast powers of manipulation to prevent these limited reforms, it risks exposing its so-called “democracy” as a sham. A whole new raft of people suddenly become aware of the true nature of the system and its fake-democratic window dressing. Their eyes are opened to the fact that there is no point in playing by the rules devised by the system, no point in walking time and time again into the same traps that it sets for us.
      These moments are risky for the system, because they risk radicalising people who, up to this point, had bought into much of its charade. The UK is currently experiencing one such moment. A vast amount of enthusiasm and hope had been invested – naively, from our perspective – in the possibility of an election victory for Corbyn’s Labour Party. The reforms proposed by Labour were far from fundamental and yet remained unacceptable to the system.
       The unprecedented blatancy of the propaganda assault on Corbyn has left many people, particularly young people, asking themselves some serious questions about the nature of British “democracy” and the approach that is needed if real social change is ever to be brought about.
 And that can’t be a bad thing!
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