Showing posts with label prime minister. Show all posts
Showing posts with label prime minister. Show all posts

Friday 27 January 2012


          It seems he's at it again, our shiny faced, multi-millionaire Prime Minister Cameron, is talking about the need for a caring, compassionate capitalism, his verbal diarrhoea also includes such crap like moral markets. I wonder if he will start with his friends in the banking world, after all he comes from a long line of bankers, his father was a stockbroker, so he has influence there. We are all aware of how caring and compassionate are our bankers and stockbrokers. This man can stand in front of cameras and spout about caring capitalism and moral markets, being aware that his ancestors made their fortunes from naked, raw, brutal capitalism, ripping-off the ordinary people. When was the era of caring capitalism, when have we lived with moral markets, that he keeps referring to? While doing his damnedest to pass himself of as an ordinary guy, this smooth over privileged public school product, sits on a fortune that stretches back to his parasite ancestor King William IV. It is said that this ordinary guy left university and walked into a Tory job after a mystery caller from Buckingham Palace recommended him. His background is littered with Sirs, Baronets, Earls, and Viscountesses, and his fortune has grown because of the harsh exploitative capitalism that he supports through his policies as Prime Minister. You can rest assured that any caring, compassion or morality he pushes for, will be to the benefit of his rich privileged parasitical friends, not for the benefit of the likes of you and I.

"And my ancestors will call for caring capitalism."

       This "cry from the heart" for that illusion, caring capitalism, is a true reflection of his hypocrisy and cynicism. He can't possible believe in caring capitalism, he lives in luxury off the back of, and is up to his armpits in, the most brutal and exploitative economic system ever devised by man. It also shows how he believes that the general public are a bunch of fools and will swallow this shit of the caring capitalism. This guy is awash in privilege and luxury because of injustice and exploitation, and he will do everything in his power to make sure that it stays that way.

Wednesday 17 August 2011


          What kind of democracy is it when the government minsters influence the courts sentencing policy along ideological lines? I thought that in a democracy the judiciary was meant to be independent and sentencing proportional. What we have in this country is the Prime Minister and some of his millionaire chums in the cabinet calling for sentences away out of all proportion to the actual crime committed, just so they can appeal to their fascist backwoods support and brandish their “tough-on-crime credentials. Four years prison for two young men who put a page on Facebook, is the usual, we will make an example of these young men and scare the shit out of all the other young people. In my book, that has no resemblance to justice. Throwing families out of their home because one member of that family has committed a crime, hardly fair, hardly proportional, and certainly not justice. We can be sure that our right-wing millionaire fascists will use the disturbances and whatever else they can, to further their agenda, more control over the ordinary people, tougher policing in the poorer communities, whole areas to be under curfew, and we will be told, it is all for our own good. No talk of sharing the wealth of this very rich country more equally, no talk of alleviating the poverty and deprivation in some of our communities. No, it will be more control and a tighter grip on what will become ghettos. In capitalism when there are no jobs and they are going through one of their frequent crisis, the people become a bit of a nuisance, so have to be contained so as to allow the better off to get on with their consumerism and the corporate world to get on with its looting and plundering. If we wish to have democracy, we have to get rid of the state and its bed partner, the corporate world. In this modern capitalist world, the state and the corporate world are one, they have merged into one body that has set out to control the world for the gain of the shareholders and the financial sector, it is called corporatism, Mussolini’s name for fascism.

Wednesday 12 May 2010


One of David Cameron's ancestors: King William IV (1765–1837), uncle of Queen Victoria
     So we are all in this together!! Well from the back ground of our new Prime Minister it would seem that they are all one big family, but in no way related to you or I, or our world. He hails from that little bunch of privileged parasites that have held the reins of power for far too long, and no doubt will do all in his power to see that things stay that way. We can rest assured that he wont be upsetting any of his cousins etc.
    "David Cameron is a direct descendant of George I, George II, George III, and King William IV (great × 5 grandfather) and his mistress Dorothea Jordan (and thus fifth cousin, twice removed of Queen Elizabeth II As an illegitimate descendant of William IV, Cameron is not in the line of succession to the British throne. He is the nephew of Sir William Dugdale, once the chairman of Aston Villa Football Club, and Birmingham-born documentary film-maker Joshua Dugdale is his cousin.[16] In May 2009, tabloid newspaper The Sun published a discovery by amateur genealogist Tony Andrews that Labour politician Harriet Harman is related to David Cameron through her aunt's marriage to his great uncle.