Showing posts with label virgin birth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label virgin birth. Show all posts

Tuesday 11 April 2023



            I often think that this God guy should come down from his home in the sky and explain his virgin birth caper. If he did, every TV outlet on the planet would give him air time to explain himself. After all, when he made Adam he just used some dust, and for Eve he took a rib from Adam, so why when he wanted to create a son, he had to come down to Earth and screw somebody’s wife? After all he had proclaimed his dogma that a marriage is one man and one woman, so why the adultery? Was this his first and only erection, or did he have them on several occasions, but this time decided to use it more productively? Did he enjoy the sex, did Mary, was she even aware of it? If not, then this was rape. Then of course there is the other question, since God doesn’t eat or drink, unless there is a supermarket and a kitchen in heaven, why on earth, or in heaven, did he give himself a penis. Its only purpose is to get rid of urine and for sex? Was he planning in starting a family through the usual means? Are there urinals in heaven? There are just so many questions he has to answer. I also think Joseph has a case for a divorce and perhaps Mary could bring rape charges against him. If he is a decent guy he should show up and explain himself.


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