Showing posts with label world revolution. Show all posts
Showing posts with label world revolution. Show all posts

Tuesday 9 May 2017

What If World Capitalism Collapsed Tomorrow??

         Any rational observer of the world today is aware that capitalism is the dominant force, and it is a destructive force. Its only aim is growth, growth in the power of the corporate world. There is no future for humanity if the capitalist system is allowed to continue its relentless drive for ever more wealth and power to the lords and masters of the system. Capitalism has no compassion, no country, its policy of wars for power and resources creates a sea of deprivation, and in that sea swims all manner of misery and debauchery where the deluded and the desperate feed of each other in a desperate struggle for survival, compassion and humanity are constantly stained with the blood of the poor. Today we are witnessing raw, brutal capitalism in all its savagery. If we agree that the present economic system of capitalism must be destroyed, how do we save humanity, in its collapse, how do we shape the new world and guarantee its healthy birth, how do we stop the old malignant malaise from being re-born?

        We have witnessed a beginning, the birth of a new age of revolt and upheaval. In North Africa and the Middle East it took the people a matter of days to topple what were supposedly entrenched regimes. Now, to the west, multiple crises are etching away at a ‘democratic consensus’ that has, since the 1970s, plagued and suppressed any sparks of revolutionary potential.
         But what is to be done in the aftermath of a regime’s demise? How do we prevent any power from restoring itself? How do we create the irreversible? How do we reorganize society without a central authority? How do we survive? Neither a leadership reshuffle, in the guise of constitutional process, nor a transition period between a capitalist social order and a communist horizon will do.

        Full book in zine form, with revisions by IWE. We think it’s a good moment to return to this text with fresh eyes. It offers a helpful frame for re-launching strategic discussions in a time of widespread political disaffection.

Read the book HERE:
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Tuesday 29 January 2013


       In a global square, in a global village, people are gathering, they want to sort out their village for once and for all. They have had enough of wild beasts stealing their chickens, of watching their crops being trampled by war lords. This time they will do it right.
Why do you come back
Why do you exist like never before
Like why did you never before exist
Are we witness to a unique idea
Are we witness to an idea that will never take form
Are we those visionary witnesses that
Nostradamus never mentioned in his
Nine hundred and forty-two verses
Are we being overshadowed by the big money
Of the devouring wolves and the peckish pigs
No we are not
Because we are the global square

Thursday 3 May 2012


        Western democracy in action, the system is creaking under the strain of the desire for freedom and justice, how long before it completely collapses. We should always remember, we are governed by consent, we can always withdraw that consent, hundreds thousands have already done so.

When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty.  Thomas Jefferson.

ann arky's home.

Saturday 25 February 2012


         I say it at bus stops, in shops, in the pub, I say it to friends, to acquaintances, to strangers, I say it in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening, I say it on the bus, on the train, so I'll say it here again. This is not a national problem, we are living under corporate fascism, this is an international problem. The policies being implemented across the developed world are the policies of a group that have never been elected, have no mandate from the people they are affecting and are working simply in the best interests of their own little group of parasites. Across the developed world the Heinz 57 varieties of political governments from so called socialists, labour, social democrats, to conservative, republican and far right parties are all carrying out the same polices, namely “austerity”. They are merely the managers of the IMF (International Mankind Fuckers) polices, policies that are bringing deprivation to millions and dividends and bonuses to the parasites. Who elected the IMF?

            It was George Orwell, author of 1984, who said that, “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
        What is the situation now? Is peaceful dissent accepted? Or is it frowned upon and discriminated against? What are our world ‘leaders’ up to? Are they helping us, the masses of working people? Or are they actually perpetuating the existence of an outdated economic system, no matter what the cost?
        What if there was another option. An alternative to all this. What if we didn’t have to live like this? If human beings on a large scale could cooperate with each other for the common good of themselves and their community – does that really sound crazy? Or is it even crazier to believe that they expect us to remain docile and apathetic as they destroy our Earth.
        Is it impossible to have individuals acting selflessly if they understand that this is the better option, or would one rather live under a system where war is good for the economy. Where poverty is rampant on a world-scale and police-state measures are accepted without question.
        It seems to me like the choice is yours. For if we do not act now – it’ll be too late late.

ann arky's home.

Saturday 19 November 2011


         When ordinary people across the world talk to each other, ordinary people across the world can change the world. With modern technology we can be in touch with each other in an instantaneous basis. When you protest people across the world can see it and can support that protest, when police try to break that protest the world is watching. It becomes increasingly difficult for the mainstream media to lie about it or to ignore the brutality. Today, global revolution is possible, as long as the ordinary people keep control. Grassroots movements can now shape the world the way they want, we can weave our dreams into a reality as long as we keep talking to each other and working in solidarity, never losing sight of the world we want.

        The truth can spread like wildfire, the lies can be exposed and dispelled like the smoke and illusions they are. Information is freely available, we can open up the world, we can make it our world, the world of the ordinary people.

Watch live streaming video from globalrevolution at

ann arky's home.

Sunday 16 October 2011


What the ruling oligarchy must now be aware of is that we are aware. We are aware of their lies, we are aware of their corruption, we are aware of their unbridled greed, we are aware of their brutal exploitation of people and planet, we are aware of their money making wars, we are aware of the world wide poverty in the midst of plenty. We are aware that the police are not there to detect crime, but to protect their wealth and their power. We are also aware of the changes we want to make, we are aware of the fact that the present system cannot be sustained, nor do we want it to be sustained. We are aware of the society we want and will create, a society based on the needs of the all the people. We are aware of the fact that this can only be brought about by the destruction of the old profit driven system of greed. We are aware that this will be a hard and sometimes bitter struggle, but we are aware that we are the 99%, so, we are aware that we will prevail and our grandchildren will inherit a world that we are proud to hand them, We are aware that the awareness is global and the world is changing and we are aware that we are that change.

ann arky's home.