Saturday 27 December 2014

An Injury To One----!!!

       Divide and rule has always been the strategy of the rich and powerful, and the politically aware individuals among the ordinary people, have always called for unity in our struggle to combat the continuing onslaught against our conditions.
       However we are stuck in the past if we see the struggle on a national scale, calling for unity against our national government, as if that would solve the problem. It is not, and never has been a national struggle, it is an international struggle. The powers that be, will still use the same tactic of divide and rule but they work on a pan-European, pan-world scale. As we struggle with the austerity attack here in the UK, the exact same thing is going on across Europe, and elsewhere in the world.
      Our struggles are replicated across the world, but our babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media, doesn't give much cover to these struggles. Ireland for example where recently 100,000 people took to the streets in the continuing struggle against water charges. Or in Belgium, where a strike on December 15, across public and private sectors, brought thousands onto the streets in several areas across Belgium, bring the country to a standstill.
     We in each of the countries of Europe should see these struggles as our struggles and organise accordingly. An injury to one is an injury to all, is not a national slogan, it is a basic philosophy of all the ordinary people battling under the repressive capitalist system. We, here in the UK, should be organising in support of the Irish and the Belgium people. Likewise these countries should be involved in supporting our struggles here. Our unity is unbeatable, as small groups, they are, and will continue to, kick the shit out of us.
       Finance and corporate power doesn't recognise national borders as they attack the ordinary people, why should we the people, recognise these borders, in our struggle for justice?
      A European country in crisis. Men in black come to the rescue. With the complicity of the national government, they impose painful measures on the population. Men in black never forget to be nice to their friends, so the measures include a provision to privatize public water services. As a reaction, massive citizen’s mobilizations take place. The story sounds familiar, doesn’t it?
     We have already experienced this situation in Greece, and just a few months ago, Greek citizens won the battle, and water will remain in public hands. Now history repeats itself, and the struggle against water privatization and commodification is at boiling point in Ireland.
Continue reading:
On the Belgium strike:

     To understand the events, the political context should be pointed out. In Belgium, the attacks against workers have been going on for 25 years coming governments in which the social democrats participate. After the long political crisis following the 2010 , marked by the victory in Flanders of the NVA, the SP Prime Minister estimated that “to save the country” it had to step up these attacks, so that the Flemish traditional right could beat the neoliberal-nationalists and that the coalition with social democracy could be continued.
     This policy - which cost the workers the trifling sum of 20 billion Euros - was a terrible fiasco. Last May, the return of the coalition seemed the most likely option. But, to general surprise, the French-speaking Liberal party, put into the saddle by the Palace, formed a homogeneous rightwing coalition with the Flemish Christian Democrat , the Flemish Liberals and the NVA. This latter agreed to keep quiet on its separatist , in return for an ultra-neoliberal program.
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Friday 26 December 2014

What Is Freedom?

   To all the the world, seasons greetings from Percy Bysshe Shelley:

'Rise like Lions after slumber
In unvanquishable number,
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which in sleep had fallen on you-
Ye are many-they are few.

'What is Freedom?-ye can tell
That which slavery is, too well-
For its very name has grown
To an echo of your own.

''Tis to work and have such pay
As just keeps life from day to day
In your limbs, as in a cell
For the tyrants' use to dwell,

'So that ye for them are made
Loom, and plough, and sword, and spade,
With or without your own will bent
To their defence and nourishment.

''Tis to see your children weak
With their mothers pine and peak,
When the winter winds are bleak,-
They are dying whilst I speak.

''Tis to hunger for such diet
As the rich man in his riot
Casts to the fat dogs that lie
Surfeiting beneath his eye;

''Tis to let the Ghost of Gold
Take from Toil a thousandfold
More than e'er its substance could
In the tyrannies of old.

'Paper coin-that forgery
Of the title-deeds, which ye
Hold to something of the worth
Of the inheritance of Earth.

''Tis to be a slave in soul
And to hold no strong control
Over your own wills, but be
All that others make of ye.

'And at length when ye complain
With a murmur weak and vain
'Tis to see the Tyrant's crew
Ride over your wives and you-
Blood is on the grass like dew.

'Then it is to feel revenge
Fiercely thirsting to exchange
Blood for blood-and wrong for wrong-
Do not thus when ye are strong.
Excerpt from The Mask of Anarchy.
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       Call for support and solidarity for two American animal rights activists.

Call for action: Flood the jail with magazines

     After lawsuit is filed against Kevin’s jail over magazine policy, a call to mass-mail magazines.
     On behalf of Kevin, we are asking anyone who publishes a magazine, newsletter, or any periodical to send copies to Kevin this week.
       This week, a lawsuit was filed against the jail by Prison Legal News over its refusal to allow magazines (except PLN) into prisoners.
We would like to have as many periodicals as possible mailed into the Kankakee County Jail as soon as possible. This will accomplish two objectives:  
  • Testing the jail’s willingness to comply with the law.
  • Allowing us monitor what, if any, magazines are rejected or not passed on to prisoners.
If you publish a magazine
    We’re asking anyone involved with any kind of periodical (zine, newsletter, magazine, etc) to mail a copy to Kevin. It must be clearly marked as coming from the publisher to be allowed in. And if your budget allows, please add tracking so it can be confirmed if magazines are being delivered to the jail but not Kevin.
On behalf of Kevin and all prisoners, thanks for the support.
Please send Kevin a letter of support:
(Note: Kevin Johnson is his legal name.)
Kevin Johnson #469551
Jerome Combs Detention Center
3050 South Justice Way
Kankakee, IL 60901
Tyler Lang was released from state custody in November 2013. He is currently out on bond awaiting trial on the federal charges.

Who are Tyler and Kevin:

     Tyler Lang and Kevin Olliff are two Los Angeles animal rights activists who were arrested in rural Illinois for “possession of burglary tools.” After a traffic stop in which they refused consent to a police search, their car was searched anyway. Inside, police allege they found bolt cutters, wire cutters, muriatic acid, ski masks, and cammo clothing.
      Police believe these items were “burglary tools” intended to be used in a crime, and arrested Kevin and Tyler. The two are held on felony charges which carry up to 3 years in prison. They have remained in jail since their arrest on August 14th.
      There is no evidence linking them to any crime or intended crime, nor were they arrested on anyone’s property, and their history as animal advocates is the only basis for these serious felony charges.
      There are additional details which cannot yet be released, but will be posted here as soon as we are able to share more.
More details HERE:
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Thursday 25 December 2014

Will You Just Watch----?

Will you just watch----?
 In the World

I will be the change I wish to see
A voice to let us know how it's supposed to be
The hungering in your soul just to be free
Stuck under society's pillow trying to breathe

I will be the change I wish to see
In a world full of love for the ego trip
Easily shown on the Las Vegas Strip
Acid rains cancel flights, ruin your trip

How do you explain the fun is useless?
A convenient distraction from you're useless
behavior making sure that drugs are used less

Expansion beyond what we are taught
Accepting of being little better then not
An earnest curiosity awakened, you're caught
Trapped in the war of ideals being fought

Should I rhyme every thyme I want spaghetti
I'll eat up every voracious soliloquey I let me
Showing like a fallacious epiphany to bet me
Cooking poetry with gracious mystery, you get me?

I will be the change I want to see
A voice to be heard over society's chorus
Screaming out "this hatred isn't for us"
Too bullheaded to listen blame it on the Taurus
Planting my seed now grow a **** forest.

I will be the change I want to see
I will be the change I want to see
Will you just watch? 
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Tuesday 23 December 2014

Europe Lurching To The Right.

     Spain, like the rest of European governments moves further to the right, entrenching their fascist credentials. On Thursday 11th. December this year, 2014, the Spanish congress approved the Civil Protection Act, known as the "gag law". Note how they use Orwellian double speak, "Civil Protection" really means state protection, as this law will bring in a raft of repressive measures that will attempt to stamp out any form of protest against the government. It will give the police a vast extension of their already excessive powers, and hit protest groups and individuals with crippling fines, anything from €100 to a ridiculous €600,000. More details on the Spanish situation here.

     In theory, "representative democracy" is supposed to mean a government is elected to do the people's bidding. However as the people become more dissatisfied  with that government, the more brutal that government becomes to hold on to its power and privileged position. As the people's anger grows at the now blatant plundering of the public purse and privatisation of all public assets, so the "representative government" turns on the more brutal repression.

     Of course, the protests don't go away, the anger just intensifies, and the class war situation becomes more overt, we are now well down that road in Greece and Spain, with Ireland now in open revolt, and the rest of Europe moving in the same direction. When will the UK wake up, and see our situation for what it really is, simply class war.

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Monday 22 December 2014

'tis The Season Of------

      As 2014 draws to a close, we should do well to remember that, "'tis the season of-----" sleeping rough and homelessness. Figures for those sleeping rough in England, state that there were 2,414 rough sleepers at any time during 2013, an increase of 5% on the previous year. Government figures, (England) for homeless applications for 2014 were 27,970. Families in temporary accommodation for 2014 was 60,940, up 6.1% on 2013. It is also accepted that 62% of single people homeless is hidden, sofa surfing etc.
         "'tis also the season of-----" workfare, working for no salary. An employer's dream. Government figures state that the so called "work experience Scheme", which is an 8 week placement, usually in the private sector, is expected to put more than a quarter of a million people in work without pay. However the government refuses to state how many of the 850,000 people already on their "work program" have been forced to work for no pay. 
           "'tis also the season of-----" sanctions. Government figures show that sanctions, (stopping of benefit) on Employment and Support Allowance claimants were approximately 4.5 times higher this year than the same period last year. The first three months of 2014 saw 15,955 individuals on ESA sanctioned, up from 3,574 for the same period in 2013.
             This is just some of the "good cheer" that is being visited on vast sections of our community, by the privileged, pampered parasites, that manage the system on behalf of the financial Mafia. At this time of year, those who legislate to bring this penury to our communities, will be sitting and wallowing in unearned wealth, no worries about heating, which one of their homes they happen to be in. No worries about putting ample food on the table, and no worries about the bills after the event. Why do we put up with it?
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The Poor Man's University.

      When I was a boy, my father used to say that books were the poor man's university. Though much, much, much, older now, I don't read as I used to, or as I should, but I still have a love of books to this day.
      Saw this on Not Buying Anything site and thought it worth sharing:
“When I got my library card, that was when my life began.”
― Rita Mae Brown

"I think the health of our civilization, the depth of our awareness about the underpinnings of our culture and our concern for the future can all be tested by how well we support our libraries."
― Carl Sagan

"Libraries really are wonderful. They're better than bookshops, even. I mean bookshops make a profit on selling you books, but libraries just sit there lending you books quietly out of the goodness of their hearts."
― Jo Walton
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Sunday 21 December 2014

Sanctioned And Death.


      Without a doubt, the most vicious, callous, brutal, despicable piece of legislation being push by the pampered parasites sitting in the Westminster House of Hypocrisy and Corruption, must surely be the "sanctioning" of people who are already in dire circumstances. To remove the pittance of benefit that a person depends on for a paupers level of survival, because of some petty infringement of their arbitrary rules, pushing the individual into dire deprivation, and in many cases to suicide, is contrary to any human standard of decency and humanity. 
          Those who device such measures are vile inhumane sub-human species, but those who carry out that legislation willingly, are beneath contempt and unworthy of a life in the sewers. What makes them even more disgusting vermin, is the fact that on the whole, they are from the same class as those that they savage with their decisions. All for the benefit of those pampered parasites that sit in their millionaire bubble, safe in their marble halls of power. What can you call somebody who kills his own kind for money and personal gain?

       johnny void puts it much better than I can, in this article from The Void:
      There is no argument any more, benefit sanctions kill.  They are the cause of desperate suffering as has now been well documented by organisations which work with claimants such as Citizen’s Advice, MIND, Gingerbread, Oxfam, Homeless Link and countless others.  Whatever your views on the social security system there should be no doubt, benefit sanctions are intended as punishment, and that punishment is severe.
    To hear that Job centre staff are being given Easter eggs, or gold stars or Texas fucking badges as prizes for inflicting this regime is repugnant.  There is something very wrong at the DWP when the tears and broken lives they cause are met with laughter and merriment and fucking competitions to do it to as many people possible.  Do they get a bonus if they sanction someone who goes on to top themself?  An extra pat on the head if someone is sick and may not last the Winter if they can’t afford to put the heating on?  At the very least you might expect some dignity, sensitivity and awareness of the seriousness of their actions.  But instead it’s just a big fucking joke.  Has a government department ever sunk any lower?
Read the full article HERE:
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Saturday 20 December 2014

Anarchism And Art.


       People's perceptions of anarchism will vary according to what section of that babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media, they seek their information. The establishment would have people believe that anarchism is something odd, indulged in by a small group of oddities. An activity where these oddities run around the streets waving black flags and throwing things.

       Of course to the informed, anarchism is an all encompassing way of life, a whole value structure that seeks freedom from coercion. and justice for all, a life of mutual aid, voluntary association and co-operation. Anarchism is the desire for all to reach their full potential in creativity for the benefit of all. This means that anarchism is always linked to "the arts", creativity, and self-expression. Though you may not have grasped it yet, anarchism is for you.
     The following is a short talk on anarchism and art, by A-Radio, Berlin.

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Thursday 18 December 2014

It's Called Efficiency!!!

       What have we become, or, what has capitalism made us? In capitalist terms, this maximises profit and is efficient food production.

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The Underhand Dealings To Privatise Our NHS.

     Imagine you are a sweaty hand shareholder with interests in companies that gain from the privatising of the NHS, and by design or good fortune, you find yourself in a position to direct the direction of the NHS towards privatisation, what would you do? Well knowing the greed orientated motives of such a shareholder, it is no doubt they would push for more privatisation of that NHS. Perhaps you would say that isn't fair, those people should not be influencing the direction of our NHS, but they are there, and they are influencing the direction of our NHS, they're called MPs.
      The number of MPs with interests in companies that stand to gain from slicing of sections of the health service to the private sector is considerable. Then there are those who have financial links with individuals involved in the private heath sector.
      Is it any wonder that we see approximately a further £1 billion per year of tax payers money finding its way into the private health sector, when it could be going into our NHS and patient care. The system stinks, is riddled with self interest by financially greedy individuals, by any standard it would be deemed unfair, but we tolerate it. The millionaire cabal are gleefully slicing and dicing our NHS to their own personal gain, while we pay their salaries, and suffer ever increasing strain on our health services. They stink, they are corrupt, they are greedy, they are selfish to the extreme, they are beyond any form of trust. The Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption with its pampered, privileged, parasitic bunch of crooks and liars should be flushed down the toilet. 
     Below is just two from each of the main political parties taken from a list of 215 compiled by Social Investigation:
     With that amount of private health care interest directing our NHS, how do think it will be developed?
1. Lord Ashcroft: Conservative benches and funder - Until 2010, held investments in two private healthcare groups. From his website 'Other business interests include significant investments in healthcare.' In 2010 bought a 34% stake in The Priory for £44m.
2. Lord Ashton: Conservative - Shares in Marsh Inc insurance brokers and in Zurich Financial Services AG - In a review for the Department of Health of the NHS litigation Authority - written by Marsh Inc, it recommended involving opening up clinical negligence cover over to private insurers. Zurich Financial Insurers said they didn't have the expertise but the Marsh review envisaged opening up a dialogue which might eventually give them the information they needed. The DoH unsurprisingly accepted the large majority of Marsh's recommendations. Lord Ashton also has shares in a private dental company called Smilepod Hygiene Ltd.
1. Lord Alliance: Shares in Huntsworth plc - a company whose CEO is Conservative Lord Chadlington – which donated £15,500 to the party in August last year and has given money every year since 2008. Denied it at first but Electoral Commission found them out. The same company that had Baroness Cumberledge as one of their non-executive directors. Heavily involved in lobbying and PR.  Article on Lord Alliance here.
 2. Baroness Barker:  Director, Barker and Woodard Consulting Limited (strategic advice to charities, local authorities and companies engaged in charitable activities. Income received from the Member's work in this connection is paid to the company. Baroness Barker has 50 per cent holding in Barker and Woodard Consulting Limited.  On the website it says Baroness Barker and Kirsty Woodward established the company in 2008, (though her interest was registered on 26/04/12).
On a blog post on the NHS from their website it says - "As we all know, it’s incredibly difficult out there for most third sector organisations, especially for smaller locally based/funded ones, and however much many organisations in principle disagree with the changes to the NHS, most organisations are also seeing it as an opportunity to tap into health service funds.
1. Baroness Billingham: Made regular contributions to Cumberlege Eden & Partners a training company for training NHS personnel and is a political networking firm that works "extensively" with the pharmaceutical industry.

2. Lord Carter: The head of the increasingly influential Competition and Cooperation Panel, is a7n adviser to Warburg Pincus International Ltd, a private equity firm with significant investments in the healthcare industry. Chairman Patrick Carter, or Lord Carter of Coles to give him his full title, was the founder of Westminster Health Care, a leading private nursing home company. He is also the Chair of McKesson Information Solutions Ltd, which delivers IT to “virtually every NHS organisation”
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Tuesday 16 December 2014

Workers Know Your History, Castlemilk Housing Struggle.

     History, our history, the struggle for justice and making a stand against the authoritarian institutional mentality of the state and its apparatus, is a tool kit that we can use again and again, in future struggles. We record our struggles and our children have a box of ideas to carry on that struggle, without recording our efforts, our children go naked into battle.
    That is the purpose behind the archive Spirit of Revolt, a record of the people's struggles in our own area, a wealth of ideas for future generations to take that struggle forward. Without recording our continuous struggles we become a people without a history.
      One successful struggle from the not too distant past is a rehousing issue in Castlemilk, a large housing scheme in the south of Glasgow. Taken from Strugglepedia:

Community Action – Housing ; Fire bombed close rehousing issue

Injustice/ normal channels closed / bureaucracy /desperation /solidarity with experienced anarchist strategies/ planning direct actions/ increasing the agitation/ to bring the bureaucrats to the site/ impact on people as activists

John Cooper, John Cooper Taped and scribed by A Rice 17.7.12

      May 1983 there was a group of tenants who had been burned out their tenement flats, about 4 or 5 families. There had been an empty flat on the bottom landing and someone had thrown a petrol bomb into it, - in Castlemilk – east end, and the tenants – it was lucky that no one was killed in it. The fire brigade had to be called and people had to be rescued, by the fire brigade, a lot of them suffered from smoke inhalation, there was nobody living in the bottom flat that was empty but it was petrol bombed and it nearly killed everyone else in the building.
     And they people were put in temporary accommodation only as long as it took the council to paint the close and fix up any of the burnt doors etc , and then they were told that was their houses ready and they would have to go back in. And even at that point you could still smell smoke in the whole building . But they were told that they would need to occupy the houses again because that was it and there wasn’t any other accommodation for them. And the people pointed out that not only was the place still smelled of burning but still smelling of smoke that they were terrified to return to that place again in case a similar incident happened. They pointed out that an awful lot of them had almost been killed in it.
      But the Housing Dept. was completely unsympathetic about it. And they said that that would be the only housing that they would be offered and they could take it or leave it sort of thing. So again they had went to their local Tenants Association who went up to the Housing Department with them and basically had had the wool pulled over their eyes by the housing authorities who told them there was nothing that they could do about the whole thing. And as it so happened on their way out of the Housing Dept. one of them met me and another couple of the guys that were involved in the other activities in Castlemilk and they told us about their situation and we immediately said did you go to your tenants group and they said that’s him there that’s the guy there from the Tenants Group and we quizzed him and he told us Oh the housing Association have told us that there’s nothing we can do about it and we will just have to accept it.
     And the people said to us ‘ is that right do we just have to accept that and can they force us to go back in there? ‘ And again I asked the question again ‘ Well how determined are you?’ And they said ‘well we are very determined’. And I said well you can be very determined but you might end up threatened with jail or stuff like that and the people said well, we don’t care that’s how bad we feel about the whole thing.
     So we had a wee meeting with them, a good discussion about the whole thing they were adamant that they weren’t going to return to that tenement building so we said lets try to work out a strategy of how to approach this, obviously the next stage was to go and lobby the housing dept. again and demand to see the housing manager etc. etc. but what other things can we come up with?
     Despite the fact that a lot of the people there were political activists we were honestly stumped about what to come up with – we came up with a few ideas like we will go to see the housing manager , push him etc. do this and do that, but here a wee woman one of the tenants that had been burned out her house who had never been involved in anything before stuck her hand up and timidly asked , ‘See how we are basically homeless it would be a good idea for us to get a tent and put it in the grounds of the housing department and we will just live there we will just live in the grounds of the Housing dept. right outside and we all looked at one another because it was basically one of the best ideas we had ever heard! And we thought Brilliant! Absolutely Brilliant! That’s exactly what we will do.
    And we did that the next day – we went in to see the manager pointed out that the people were not going to be returning to their tenement flats, had he another offer for them and he said that he ‘was not going to use that as another excuse for queue jumping’ and for trying to get into a better part of Castlemilk or whatever, you know.
     And of course the people were really indignant about that, it had nothing to do with that they had nearly lost their lives. So after a lot of arguing with him and him just refusing to help in any way whatsoever, we went outside, we got the tent that we had brought, and we pitched the tent and a couple of these collapsible chairs people sat outside the tent on that and from then on we started making posters and notices. Fortunately the bit of ground I mention about is right outside the door of the housing on a big triangle of ground I think there was a small fence at that point that you could just step over so we had the tent pitched and we started to hand draw notices and put them up on trees explaining to people going by and everybody that was going by we were able to tell them what was going on we were able to speak to them.
      So within a couple of days we had a couple of tents and tons of hand drawn notices up. People by this time that were going up and down to the shops because the housing office is right next to the main shopping area in Castlemilk so a lot of people had to pass it anyway and go up the lane that ran from the side of the housing dept down to the shopping centre . They had become used to what was happening and some people started giving us donations of money and then food and that was growing so we made a point of that we got big buckets and advertised what was going on and so on. And one day a guy passed and said ‘see how they poor people are staying in they tents would it not be better if they had a caravan and we said that would be brilliant. He said ‘I’ve got a caravan that I can give yous’.
     Well that night when the housing department was closed they had all went to their beds we brought the caravan in and lifted it over the wee fence. So the next day when the housing department authorities came in there was a caravan in the grounds. And by this time we had started printing up posters with the housing managers face on them and other posters saying ‘ cmon gies a hoose’ which was a reference to the Boys from the Black Stuff (TV) by Yosser, his phrase was ‘Cmon gies a job’ so we changed that a wee bit and as I say we had pictures of the Housing Manager’s face his name was Mugnaioni, I think so we changed that to Buggsieoni and posing as a housing manager for Wanted Posters and we covered the area with the posters and the trees with the posters and shortly after we got the caravan we thought lets extend this lets go and get another caravan and we did that so there was basically a couple of fairly big caravans and tents and stuff like that in the housing department. And every day that that was going on we basically occupied the housing department about 30 to 40 people occupying the housing dept. petitioning to see the housing manager and ultimately they sent for the police and 3 days in a row all 30 people were arrested by the police. And the police said, ‘now you are all under arrest, now will you all walk from here to the police station which was 50 yards away or whatever and we all said no you will need to send cars and vans. So they got cars and vans from the surrounding areas to come and take us all to the police station to charge us and then let us go so we immediately went back to the housing department and occupied it again. We got great public support, we got tons and tons of money and food handed in by people. Some people that were passing ended up joining the campaign it was absolutely fantastic. We’ve got an article originally written by Jeanette McGinn for Workers City which covers the whole event. I think eventually I think it lasted six months or so. And to cut a very long story short the people that the housing manager had absolutely refused to rehouse would never rehouse they could only take that tenement block or not got rehoused in houses of their choice ultimately after 6 months of struggle and the housing manager explained to us that it could all have been resolved a lot quicker if we had not have interfered in the whole thing. Which by then we were used to hearing all that when we come into conflict with the authorities that the thing would have been dealt with quicker if we had not have been involved but in reality what that would have meant is that they would have had their way . So that was a very successful campaign
    To escalate the whole thing we were going to take one of the caravans and take it down to George Square and ram it in the door down there.
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