Wednesday 15 March 2017

Sticky Fingered Ermined Parasites.


                        Men in funny dresses, trying to keep up with the women.
          We in the UK still wallow in the putrid swamp that is imperialism, we spend millions of pounds on keeping its symbols alive, just to reminder us, the ordinary plebs, of who is the real power in our land. Within those ageing buildings known as the Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption, there is a section that goes by the name of The House of Lords. I thought that in a Christian country there was only one Lord, but we seem to have a house full of them, all of them as equally useless as the Christian one. The army of ermined parasites who are privileged to sit in that hallowed hall are those who have arse licked enough to help cement the power of the privileged. This cabal of ermined parasites are no different from their counterparts in "that other chamber" known as "The Commons", in so much as a lot of them have sticky fingers, and seemed to be drawn to an open till.

      In their publicly  subsidised club, it appears that if you sign in, a nice little deposit of £300 will be dropped into you bank account. Being a shrewd bunch some of them have grasped that all you have to do is sign in, then pop off to get on with your life elsewhere, and you have a little more spending money to the tune of £300. Some of course do sign in, and then go on into the place, but make their way to the publicly subsidised restaurant and bar, partake of their pleasure, then bugger off again, being "fed and waatered" on the cheap, at our expense, and £300 the richer. Apparently, one member was noted to arrive, ask his taxi driver to keep the engine running while ran in, signed in, then buggered off, £300 the richer. Just play that game five days a week and you have £1,500 to play with, a nice little sideline over and above you earnings.
       The fact that this was becoming known, the club decided to let one of their own investigate this matter, but after months of investigation, the ermined lady in charge decided to drop the investigation. Her reasoning, it seems, was that she did not want to name and shame those greedy sticky finger bastards, as it would be likely to cause a media frenzy. Who says crime doesn't pay. 
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The State Will Not Tolerate Self Organising By The People.

 A refugee inside the detention centre with a message concerning his detention.
 The Refugee Accommodation Space, City Plaza’s statement:

            Repression will not put an end to the squat movement
The evacuation of Villa Zografou and the Alkiviadou squat by police is an act of extreme state authoritarianism. The SYRIZA-ANEL government quickly aligned itself with far-right voices screaming for more repression. While refugees are crammed inside terrible camps, while enormous sums of money are being wasted, while the city is suffocating from the lack of free, non-commercial spaces, the government is opting for a policy of police violence and social suffocation.
          Yet they are mistaken if they believe they can crush the squat movement with riot police and district attorneys. The struggle for solidarity and dignity will continue unabated. It is a Social need, it is a political choice.
            Syriza, in Greece, is living proof that "left-wing" governments are no less authoritarian than any other form of government. As the people of Greece struggle with day to day problems of survival in a capitalist created nightmare, this "left-wing" government vomits out repression over any attempt by ordinary people to self organise for the improvement of their lives. Squats are part of the social struggle of people attempting to create living spaces of community, self help in time of need, a helping hand to others in need, but to any state, this is unacceptable. Syriza, like all governments in the developed world is all about control of the civil population, and obedience to their masters the financial Mafia. All spaces must be under state control or in the hands of their festering bed fellow, corporate capitalism. To this end they will bring down the full force of their brutal enforcement apparatus.
        So be warned all you who run to the ballot box the next time a new "left-wing" messiah steps up to take the reins of some "radical left-wing " political party. Once in power, they will, like obedient slaves, follow the dictate of their masters, the financial Mafia.
Self-Organized occupied space of refugees in Alkiviadou and Acharnon
Statement from Void Network:

         Two Social Centers In Athens Under Attack / Solidarity Announcement
       The repression of social liberation movement and the destruction of the occupied spaces of refugees and immigrants will not be left unanswered. The Greek Left government chose at the dawn of 13/03/2017 to listen to the commands of the conservative right and the neo-liberal Media of Mass Manipulation and attack two occupations of the broader social movement in Athens, Greece. Police raids are an ideal example of the policy imposed by the domination during our era: when we sleep the State continues working against all of us.
       The occupation at the beginning of Acharnon Street, very near to the old Villa Amalias squat in the center of Athens was – with the joys and sorrows of the past year-, a real school for all the local solidarity activists that took part in the titanic struggle offering assistance to refugees outside the mechanisms of the regime, as humans to humans over the last years. The occupation of Acharnon was the first example of direct, autonomous and unmediated self-organization of refugees without the presence and participation of local activists. It was a self-organized space of immigrants and refugees by themselves for themselves and this is why it was hit directly by the state.
        The occupied park and castle of Villa Zografou in the Zografou area was an important social center of the neighborhood and with a very strong involvement in the uprising of 2008 and the movements that followed until the final uprising of February 12, 2012. At a time of recession for the movements and of the general inaction of society, the State comes to get back every corner conquered by the social movements at a time when they tried to give answers to the capitalist, predatory raids misleadingly named by our oppressors as “CRISIS”.
        The fraud of the representation of popular interests in parliament by ridiculous politicians and sold out parties already ended at Syntagma Square in the summer of 2011. The massive illusion of the desperate majority that Syriza wouls “save us” has ended long ago. This attack on the social centers is yet more proof that the left government is nothing more than another form of antisocial “social democracy” in front of us. Syriza is a zombie of PASOK, and while it is dying it continues to grasp at the defense of its own power, and every minute that passes the future of this society is mortgaged away.
        The parliament stinks of the plague and those who want to support it with their backs and to irrigate it with their blood have to know that they live at the expense of their children and that they CHILDREN WILL GIVE THEIR ANSWERS. The Future will defend its rights and THE FUTURE BELONGS TO THOSE WHO ARE STRUGGLING.
        Re-occupation of all occupations hit by the State – Create squats and social centers across the country in all possible and unlikely places – Liberation of everyday life from all stupid social responsibilities and conventions – Refuse the dominant culture – Recruitment towards the social movements of our time – Support of the movement’s for the spaces with our daily participation

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Monday 13 March 2017

A Force, Living In The Shadows.

         For those who take on the state and all its appendages in direct confrontation and at every level, will feel the full wrath of that apparatus. The beast will do its damnedest to destroy them, it has the time and the power to leave no stone unturned to silence that individual or group. The effect on those in such a situation can be harsh, cruel and isolating, forcing the group or individual into another world of extreme uncertainty. No casual meeting with friends and family, no spontaneous social outing, all must be carefully planned or abandoned. The state may succeed in its aims in certain circumstances, in silencing some of those in such a situation, but the ideas will live on in the hearts of others, who will take that same road, knowing the consequences. Sooner or later, the majority of people will take up those ideas, and the state and its authoritarian ways will perish, and with it, its putrid bed companion, capitalism. 
          This from one individual who is walking that harsh uncertain road, but with undaunted determination.

 Fleeing the future
[Received via email]
           A black mantle. A great unknown. Something that has been frightening me lately: the future. Up until now it had had quite a pragmatic role in my life. It forced me to arm myself with means such as planning, efficiency and calculation so as to be able to shape my revolutionary everyday life as well as possible. Only rarely did I stop to think about the future, or feel uneasy or frightened by it. Of course such feelings overwhelmed me at times, when I allowed the madness of this world to overcome me or when my life was touched by some crucial event. But I always told myself that it’s pointless hiding one’s head in the sand.
           Because that wouldn’t alter the fact that we find ourselves in a desert of solitude, alienation and misery produced ad hoc, and changing that requires the direct action of each individual to undermine the desert with determination, anger and solidarity, to create something on an anti-authoritarian basis that will never tolerate the existence of power for the exercise of authority.
Driven by the will to put this into practice, my doubts, fears and uneasiness about the future were always cast aside. Anything that was far away never really interested me.
          But since I have been on the run, my approach to the question of the future has changed drastically. Having been torn away from my daily habits overnight and leave everything behind apart from my subversive ideas, I find myself in a situation where I have to think seriously about my imminent future and the far off one too. In both cases it’s the uncertainty that scares me but at the same time it allows me to better know myself.
            At last I understand in my heart why so many refugees, with whom I have struggled, care little about the future yet put all their hopes in it. For as soon as one realises that one has been robbed of the future, it is something that’s missing even if it never existed. A paradox that, now, hardly raises a weary smile. So it’s not just fleeing the law but also the future, which because of this situation seems so unclear and alien and with no certainty. A future that one must live almost completely without a past – without history, without identity.
        But as an anarchist I feel like facing this unknown as a duty and a challenge, and consider the cold water that I have to dive into something refreshing that widens the horizon. Because in my situation, keeping a cool head and a warm heart is extremely important.
Click here to read the first piece written by the comrade and an article on the raids linked to the case.

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Sunday 12 March 2017

The Cruel Hypocrisy Of Capitalism.

         Following on from yesterday's post on children dying from starvation, we are now informed that the world is facing its worst humanitarian crisis since the formation of the UN, 60 years ago. More than 20 million people in four countries in Africa are facing starvation, 20 million adults, children and elderly, coming face to face with an avoidable cruel, slow death. While this man made human tragedy is rapidly unfolding, our great leaders sitting in opulence are wringing their hands and crying crocodile tears, in one of the most gigantic displays of mass hypocrisy that the world has seen. They speak as if this nightmare has just sprung up suddenly, caught them by surprise, and they shake their heads spouting the figure of $5 billion needed to alleviate this suffering, as if this was a massive stumbling block to getting on with solving this tragedy. $5 billion dollars? Where's the problem? To put that in perspective, here in Scotland two asset management companies have just merged, creating a pot of assets of £660 billion, just to be shuffled around the world to make more money for those who already have much too much money, the Rothschild family is reckoned to be worth some where between $300-$400 billion, the Walton family of Wal-Mart fame, is sitting on approximately  $149 billion, then we have smiling generous Bill Gates with $79 billion. So where is the problem in raising a paltry $5 billion to save 20 million people from starvation?  
       Another factor in this cruel, insane an hypocritical scenario, is the fact that Africa is extremely rich in natural resources, which are being plundered by the developed nations. Those developed nations are happy and willing to pour billions of pounds of weaponry into this plundering process, creating mayhem and unimaginable suffering. Weapon sales to Africa for the period 2010-14 show an increase of 45% on the period 2005-09. Was the famine problem not starting to show its ugly face at that stage? However, we mustn't in any way impede the growth of the arms industry and its profits.  
       What we are seeing epitomises capitalism, the only criteria is the growth of wealth, not its distribution. The cost of that growth in human misery is irrelevant. This famine will play its self out on the cruel inhumane stage of capitalism. The need for wealth to alleviate it will be a struggle, despite the fact that the world is awash with wealth, that wealth will continue to flow into fewer and fewer hands, and other famines, other avoidable human tragedies will come an go. Unless of course we get rid of the system that causes and aggravates these situations. Capitalism is the problem, not the world, we can shape the world in a more humane and just fashion, we have the resources, we have the ability, we have the imagination, when will we have the will and determination to end this festering cancer of capitalism that is eating humanity and destroying the planet? Must another 20 million people face the slow cruel death of starvation?
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Saturday 11 March 2017

So Many Cruel Slow Unnecessary Deaths.

       Over what I believe I can call my "long" life, (83, in a couple of weeks), I have heard and seen all the political parties draw up plans for the future, lay out their illusions of that better world - - - tomorrow, we sacrifice our today for the imaginary, unknown, pie-in-the-sky. We are to offer up our today and lay it at the altar of posterity. Through all that time the ordinary people have lived in the world of "pleasure postponed" while our lords and masters have lived the in the world of "pleasure now". Over the years the political ballerinas have promised this and that, a wonderful tomorrow,- - - if you will just knuckle down for one last sacrifice, then we can enter that utopia, I'm still waiting.
      Some 25 years or so ago, I wrote this little poem, I would like you to read it, then tell me, what has changed. It may fluctuate from year to year but the horror and cruel injustice remains. 
  • 6.3 million children under age five died in 2013, nearly 17,000 every day. The risk of a child dying before completing five years of age is highest in Africa (90 per 1000 live births), about 7 times higher than in Europe (12 per 1000 live births).
  • Approximately 3.1 million children die from hunger each year. Poor nutrition caused nearly half (45%) of deaths in children under five in 2011.
  • Children who are poorly nourished suffer up to 160 days of illness each year. Undernutrition magnifies the effect of every disease, including measles and malaria. The estimated proportions of deaths in which undernutrition is an underlying cause are roughly similar for diarrhea (61%), malaria (57%), pneumonia (52%), and measles (45%) Malnutrition can also be caused by diseases, such as the diseases that cause diarrhea, by reducing the body’s ability to convert food into usable nutrients.
  • 66 million primary school-age children attend classes hungry across the developing world, with 23 million in Africa alone, which greatly impacts their ability to learn.
           All this when we know their is enough food to feed everybody on the planet, it is our man made system of capitalist greed and inequality that is responsible, and as long as we accept this, we are complicit.
         How much longer will we accept their lying promises, how much longer will we  wait for that prosperous tomorrow, how much longer will we accept their cruel, vicious, deliberate illusions?

 Eighteen Hungry Children

Eighteen hungry children die
every minute of every day
eighteen of tomorrow’s people
cruelly thrown away.
When pandering to a fashion
gratifying our greed,
think, theirs is no desire
but a basic need.
Envisage a familiar face
a child that calls your name,
try to be the parent
try to place the blame.
Eighteen hungry children die
every minute of every day,
eighteen little faces
that never learnt to play.
Walk past your local school
listen to the shrill,
stand and count to sixty
imagine hunger start to kill.
Fingers must be pointed
at decisions made on high,
questions must be asked
loudly asked by you and I.
Eighteen hungry children die
every minute of every day,
eighteen precious lives
the claws of hunger slay.
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Thursday 9 March 2017

With Sticks And Stones---.

       While the Greek political ballerinas in secret, discuss the continual screwing of the people of Greece and the plundering of their assets, with the financial Mafia, in the shape of the Troika, (EC, Expert Criminals, ECB, Europe Criminal Bastards, IMF, International Mankind Fuckers) the people of Greece continue to fight back. On Wednesday morning, 8th March, the ferries brought 1,000-1,300 farmers and stock breeders from the island of Crete to Athens. Here they formed up in front of the Ministry of Agriculture Offices, demanding a meeting with the Minster, who refused to accommodate their request. As usual the police and riot police moved in heavy handed, only to be met with an army of farmers retaliating with their long shepherds staffs. 

       What the people of Greece are facing is tax rates of 26% and pension cuts of 22%, unemployment of 24%, youth unemployment of 50%, a collapsed health service, and crumbling education system, a massive increase in homelessness, mental and physical health problems and suicides. Still the financial Mafia want more of the same for the innocent people of Greece. This is capitalism attempting to sort its problems by bleeding the ordinary people. Capitalism can't be fixed, it is a system of exploitation, the people's struggle can fix things, by completely removing capitalism from our lives. 
        What is happening to the people of Greece is happening to all of us, it is all a matter of degree, the direction is the same, the ordinary people are being fleeced to enhance the wealth and power of those who control the system. We can sit and wait until we reach the same position as the people of Greece, and then sink further with them, or we can start now and demolish this unfair, unjust, exploitative greed drive system of inequality. We can shape the world to our desires, rather than follow the dictate of a small army of parasites. 

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Wednesday 8 March 2017

A Poem For International Women's Day, 2017.

      Another poem for International Women's Day,  thanks Loam for reminding me of this one.

You may write me down in history
With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may tread me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I'll rise.

Does my sassiness upset you?
Why are you beset with gloom?
'Cause I walk like I've got oil wells
Pumping in my living room.

Just like moons and like suns,
With the certainty of tides,
Just like hopes springing high,
Still I'll rise.

Did you want to see me broken?
Bowed head and lowered eyes?
Shoulders falling down like teardrops.
Weakened by my soulful cries.

Does my haughtiness offend you?
Don't you take it awful hard
'Cause I laugh like I've got gold mines
Diggin' in my own back yard.

You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I'll rise.

Does my sexiness upset you?
Does it come as a surprise
That I dance like I've got diamonds
At the meeting of my thighs?

Out of the huts of history's shame
I rise
Up from a past that's rooted in pain
I rise
I'm a black ocean, leaping and wide,
Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.
Leaving behind nights of terror and fear
I rise
Into a daybreak that's wondrously clear
I rise
Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,
I am the dream and the hope of the slave.
I rise
I rise
I rise.

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International Women's Day, 2017.

          It is a strange world where approximately 50% of its population is deemed less valuable than the other 50%. What kind of species are we that thinks one half of our kind, is worth more than the other half? It is impossible to rationalise this sort of thinking, it is simple beyond reason, for us to regain our sanity this sort of thinking has to go.
         A poem for International Women's Day, first read at an International Women's Day celebration at Joy Kogawa House in 2015,

I want to write a poem for every girl and woman today
Who has been told she can't attend school although her brothers can;
Who has had acid thrown on her dreams;
Who has been shot in the head for thinking;
Who is forced into marriage as if her life weren't her own;
Who is bought, who is sold;
Who weeps or who can no longer weep
because of the men who trespass her body;
Who is beaten and fearful; who is beaten, but fearless;
Who is starved because she speaks out, speaks back, just speaks;
Whose house is bombed, whose village is razed;
Who is stoned for adultery because she is pregnant;
Who is stoned for a rape that male judges call adultery;
Whose family erases her, whose community evicts her;
Who has just enough money for a single egg;
Who carefully slices that egg for her children to eat;
Who is denied a single day off work;
Who takes on three jobs to keep her family off the street;
Who is whipped by her boss after days without sleep;
Who watches over our children in manicured playgrounds
while her own grow up motherless;
Who lies locked for months alone in a cell;
Who huddles into herself with eyes like trampled flowers;
Whose mind is trapped in the shuddering loop of annihilating night;
Who is told she is nothing when she is everything;
Who is told she is dirt, when she is the Earth.
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No Tolerance To Those Who Divide The Working Class.

          Time and time again when ever capitalism stumbles into one of its many cyclic "crises" and the ordinary people start to challenge the system, out of its cesspools and sewers slither the fascists. Today is one of those crises, and fascism is once again, raising its ugly head and spewing out its festering poison among the ordinary people. Fascism, aided and abetted by sections of the rich elite, plants the seeds of division among the ordinary people, dividing them along race lines, religious lines, nationality lines, holding up that well worn  illusion of that great past, when we were "pure". As long as ordinary people keep fighting ordinary people, over imaginary differences, the rich can continue to exploit us, and hold onto their power and wealth. Fascist knuckle-heads are the storm troopers of the rich and the elite, their duty is to keep the ordinary people from organising as one group against this system of ruthless exploitation. It is the capitalist system's last line of defence against an organised working class, and its tactics are those of fear and brutal intimidation. Though, let's not forget that there are more fascist in fine suits strutting the corridors of power, than there are knuckle-heads stomping our streets. Nor should we forget that since their ideological stance is based on irrational illusions, it can't be dealt with by reasoning, it has to be met head on with force. As the man said, fascism doesn't start with concentration camps, that's where it ends.

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Monday 6 March 2017

Psychiatric Hospitals For Those People With A Conscience.

           What would you call a country that locks people up in a psychiatric hospital for following their moral conscience, to avoid others from suffering, rather than following the law and causing suffering? Obvious some despot regime or banana republic, certainly not a Western developed country. Of course you would be wrong, once again that land of the free, the good ol' US of A, stands out as the greatest terrorist nation on the planet. Ana Belen Montes, a US citizen, was no anti-statist, took no bribes, sold no information, received no payment, did not belong to some underground organisation, except the American intelligence agencies, which perhaps is the largest underground organisation in the world. However she now languishes in solitary confinement in a psychiatric hospital isolated from friends and family, unable to receive gifts, mail or visitors, with the exception of her brother. Her heinous crime is that she tried to create better relations between America and Cuba, she attempted to avoid conflict between the two nations, and so protect the lives of Cubans and Americans. How dare she, when  the US establishment is out to destroy its neighbouring country, Cuba.

        Of course you will look long and hard to find any of this in our babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media, they never mention the terrorist and brutal acts of our home grown despot regimes, it is all glitter and gloss, all bubble gum and candy floss, amuse and titillate the masses, but never inform them, that is their sworn duty.
     According to a report published in 2015, for more than ten years, Ana Belen Montes has endured the following confinement conditions, in frank violation of her human rights:

  • “A Federal Prison Bureau decree (due to her espionage conviction) restricting contact to only her closest relatives.
  • A prohibition on inquiries about her health or the reasons for her detention in a center for the mentally ill, when she suffers no such condition.
  • A prohibition on the receipt of packages.
  • Letters sent to her are returned by registered post to the sender.
  • She is not allowed associate with other inmates.
  • She is not allowed make or receive phone calls.
  • She is not allowed read newspapers, magazines or watch TV.
  • She is not allowed visits from friends.
  • Her family members have, because of her commitment to the cause of Cuba, rejected or refused to maintain contact with her, meaning that Ana has been totally isolated from the world for more than a decade.”
        This translation on arrezafe slips from "he" to "she" but other than that, it is ease to follow.
      "Hon, I got involved in the activity that has brought me to you because I obeyed my conscience rather than obey the law I consider that the policy of our government towards Cuba is cruel and unfair, profoundly unfriendly.; I considered myself morally obliged to help the island defend itself from our efforts to impose on it our values and our political system. "
       " We have displayed intolerance and contempt for Cuba for four decades. We have never respected the right of Cuba to define their own destiny, their own ideals of equality and justice. I do not understand how we continue trying to dictate ... how Cuba should select their leaders, who should not be their leaders and what laws are most appropriate for that nation. Why do not we let them decide how they want to conduct their internal affairs, such as the United States has been doing for more than two centuries? " " My greatest wish would be to see the emergence of a friendly relationship between the US and Cuba. I hope my case, in any way, encourage our government to abandon its hostility towards Cuba and work together with Havana, imbued with a spirit of tolerance, mutual respect and understanding. " " Today we see more clearly than ever that intolerance and hatred -for individuals or governments - all that is spread pain and suffering. I hope that the United States develop a policy with Cuba based on love of neighbor, a policy that recognizes that Cuba, like any other nation, wants to be treated with dignity and not with contempt. "

Read the full article HERE: 
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Sunday 5 March 2017

May Day, May Day, May Day.

       In recent years Glasgow's May Day "celebration" has descended into a sedate controlled march through the city, to a hall where we are expected to sit and listen to our political ballerinas spout how the will lead us to the promised land, the word "celebration" seems to have been misunderstood. Well a group us think that it is time we took hold of the word "celebration" and returned May Day to what it was meant to be, a "celebration", a coming together to chat, mix, to create new friendships, to honour or past working class heroes, to strengthen our bounds of solidarity by communicating with each other, a fun day. We also believe that May Day belongs on The Green, or any other public space, where people can come and go as they please.
         To that end a group of us got together last year and held a May Day picnic on The Green, it proved to be a success, and we enjoyed an afternoon of music, poetry and face-painting, plus lots of chat and food. So this year we would like to see it grow to an even great "celebration" of our working class traditions. You can help us do this.

         The May Day on the Green Committee is organising a May Day picnic for May 1 at 2 pm on the Glasgow Green near the bicycle area (Free Wheel North). Our purpose is to revive a long-standing radical tradition in Glasgow; an event on the Green to celebrate May Day, the day to demonstrate our solidarity with the struggles of working people around the world and to reaffirm our commitment to a new and better world.
       Our picnic on the Green will include poetry, songs and fun for children. Everyone brings food to share with others in a communal meal.
      We want this to be an inclusive event with everyone who shares our perspective welcome to join us.
        We need your support to make the picnic a success:

         --The Spirit of Revolt and the Clydeside branch of the Industrial Workers of the World have endorsed the May Day picnic. Help us to get out the word and get more organisations endorsing the event and publicising it. Contact Eric at
         --We want to have bicycles carrying signs that can go around the city on the morning of May 1 to tell everyone to come to the Green. Contact Bob at
        --We are looking for poets and musicians who would be interested in performing at the picnic. Contact John at
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Self Determination Will Be Ours.

        All people desire freedom and the right to self determination, in this world of capitalism unbelievably few people have those desires satisfied. However, more and more people are awakening to the reality that nobody can give you these heart felt desires, you have to take them for yourself. Over the centuries appealing to those with wealth and power to be a bit more liberal in sharing that wealth and power has proved useless, we are still governed by that wealth and power, our lives are still shaped and controlled by that wealth and power. One thing we can be sure of is that the desire for freedom and the right to self determination will not disappear, nor will that control over us remain intact, it will break. It is already cracking and crumbling as across the planet people are coming together and no longer demanding, but taking that freedom and fighting for that right to self determination. You can name you country and there will be growing resistance to state and corporate control over our lives. Some of this struggle manifests itself in small groups, sporadic clashes with authority, others are long and fierce battles that face the full armoury of the state, costing lives. No matter how small or how large, how prolonged or short, all of these struggles strengthen in the consciousness of the people, that never dying desire for freedom and the right to self determination.
      One of the many struggles that our babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media, never thought fit to report on is the long running struggle in Hidalgo, in Mexico, which flared up in intensity at the beginning of this year, and this recent uprising is one that cost the lives, by police bullets, of at least two of those in struggle.
This from Ruptura Collectiva:

       Although social-democrats and opportunists like Gerardo Fernández Noroña, John Ackerman and Javier Solalinde (El Padre Solalinse) have moved to preach peace in times of war and the importance of the electoral process, in the community assembly there are community members and affinity groups that are working hard to direct the struggle toward autonomy. They are working toward the total self-management of life in the municipality, to rupture the dependence of people on political representatives. “Nobody will come and save us.”
         There are some complaints against the mass media that talk of “chaos”, a “conflict” or a “final battle” in what clearly was the direct expression of class antagonism in an act of extermination against totally legitimate protest.
        On January 19th, more than 2000 people marched in the city of Pachuca. They protested outside the congress to demand dialogue with the deputies that have approved the structural reforms: the media again, almost jokingly, said that the protestors “retained”, “cornered”, or “kidnapped” deputies. What side are the independent journalists on? They are small seeds that the people are planting, in order to move towards communicative autonomy, leaving paid and self-referenced cartoons to the “specialists of communication.”
        After the insurrection, the organizational activities increased. On Sunday, January 15th, the state gathering “No to the gasolinazo” was celebrated with the participation of dozens of delegates from Hidalgo, teachers of the CNTE and people from other struggles in the country. On the 19th a march in Pachuca took place which culminated in the already mentioned “popular kidnapping” of deputies of the PRI. On Sunday the 22nd of January, workers from various multinational stores and institutions affected by the blockades, marched to demand that the “rioters open our centers of work”. For their part, the people of Ixmiquilpan gathered in the parking lot of the Comercial Mexicana to continue directing the routes of movement.

Read the full article HERE: 
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Saturday 4 March 2017


       If aliens invade earth and were tearing down the forests,contaminating the water, eliminating species, poisoning the atmosphere, and devastating the climate, would you take action to resist? Of course you would, well those in control of the monster, corporate globalisation are alien to the ordinary people of this planet, they are of another world that you and I do not inhabit, and they are doing all of the above. What action will we take to resist?
Click on "Watch on Vimeo" to view.

END:CIV from CrimethInc. Workers' Collective on Vimeo.

This from Crimethinc:
 Examines our culture’s addiction to systematic violence and environmental exploitation, and probes the resulting epidemic of poisoned landscapes and shell-shocked nations. Based in part on Endgame, the best-selling book by Derrick Jensen, END:CIV asks: “If your homeland was invaded by aliens who cut down the forests, poisoned the water and air, and contaminated the food supply, would you resist?”
      The causes underlying the collapse of civilizations are usually traced to overuse of resources. As we write this, the world is reeling from economic chaos, peak oil, climate change, environmental degradation, and political turmoil. Every day, the headlines re-hash stories of scandal and betrayal of the public trust. We don’t have to make outraged demands for the end of the current global system—it seems to be coming apart already.
       But acts of courage, compassion and altruism abound, even in the most damaged places. By documenting the resilience of the people hit hardest by war and repression, and the heroism of those coming forward to confront the crisis head-on, END:CIV illuminates a way out of this all-consuming madness and into a saner future.
       Backed by Jensen’s narrative, the film calls on us to act as if we truly love this land, moving along at a brisk pace, using music, archival footage, motion graphics, animation, slapstick and satire to deconstruct the global economic system, even as it implodes around us. END:CIV illustrates first-person stories of sacrifice and heroism with intense, emotionally-charged images that match Jensen’s poetic and intuitive approach. Scenes shot in the back country provide interludes of breathtaking natural beauty alongside clearcut evidence of horrific but commonplace destruction.
        END:CIV features interviews with Paul Watson, Waziyatawin, Gord Hill, Michael Becker, Peter Gelderloos, Lierre Keith, James Howard Kunstler, Stephanie McMillan, Qwatsinas, Rod Coronado, John Zerzan and more. [853x480]
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Friday 3 March 2017

Rain Of Terror.

I couldn't help myself from lifting this from arrezafe.

Rain of Terror
By Abiodun Oyewole
Excerpts from a poem by Abiodun Oyewole, of The Last Poets.

America is a terrorist killing the natives of the land
Killing and stealing has always been America’s master plan
To control the earth and everything on it
To divide and conquer is all they wanted.
America is a terrorist killing the buffalo that roam the plains
Killing and slaughtering animals was turned into a game
Giving blankets contaminated with small pox
The natives were killed, the beginning germ warfare
The beginning of white fear.
No respect for the land, the trees, or the air we breathe
And Christianity was an excuse to bring others to their knees.
America is a terrorist with a slave system in place
To take away the humanity of a darker race
Put people in chains, then beat them with whips
Made them give up their names
Those who survived the slave ship.
America is a terrorist with a Howdy Doody grin
Using the Bible to keep others in check
While America commits all the sins
Thou shalt not kill, that’s not part of the American dream
For to kill is a thrill they love to show on your TV screen
Romance the gun just for fun.
Drop a bomb just for charm.
This is the American Way.
And all of this talk about equality, justice and peace
Spewing out of the mouths of these governmental beasts.
But every time Blacks tried to find a way to do for self
The American terrorist wasn’t having it
And fear was all Black folks felt.
America is a terrorist feeding off racism and greed
Not caring or sharing, but enjoying watching people bleed.
For over 400 years Blacks have lived in fear of the vicious cruelty of the racists.
They tried to march for justice and civil rights to be treated fair
Attacked by dogs and fire hoses, beaten by police, forced to live a life in total despair.
They bombed the church in Birmingham while the children were in Sunday school
Took the lives of four little girls, yes this terrorist was just that cruel.
American terrorism is like a virus that’s home grown and spreads across the planet too.
Selling guns and chemical weapons, gift-wrapped in red, white, and blue.
Soldier boys selling guns for hard drugs in exchange
It should be obvious by now that this country is deranged.
America is a terrorist and no one wants to admit
And pointing the finger at others is the ironic part of it.
Drop a bomb in Philadelphia to wipe out an organization called MOVE.

Killed unarmed women and children because the police had something to prove.
And all the Black Panthers who were trying to help their community
Wiped out by the FBI for trying to create Black unity.
Put drugs in the hood, set folks up for no good.
Kept unemployment high, education is laced with lies.
Turn the people against each other.
Made money more sacred than your mother.
Cause an avalanche of grief by trigger happy police.
Locked the Black man up in jail, made him think he was born to fail.
And no place are you safe if you have a darker face.
Henry Dumas, Amadou Diallo, Yusef Hawkins, Michael Griffith, Anthony Báez, Eleanor Bumpers, Emmett Till, James Byrd, just to name a few
Died at the hands of American terrorists.

Terrorism here ain’t nothing new.
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Self Defence Is Never A Crime.

           You are being attacked by a group, by plunder and deceit, they are mercilessly destroying your standard of living, stealing your kids future, and are responsible for countless deaths of the needy and vulnerable. It is not done by accident, but by deliberate actions to enrich themselves and their friends. The pain you and yours suffer is life long, and is nothing short of unnecessary brutal violence. What ever action you take to defend your friends and family can only be labelled self defence. Under no circumstances can self defence be held up as a crime, the crime is that you have suffered so long and are still suffering such injustice, poverty and deprivation at the hands of the few, in the midst of unimaginable wealth, that you and your friends created. The laws that bind us to this injustice are produced by the plunderers to protect their purloined wealth and power. They have built a powerful apparatus to enforce these chains that bind us, it lives under the name of the "judiciary system" For us to willing uphold these biased "laws" is to continue to subject ourselves to subservience, and accept our present state of injustice, poverty and deprivation, it is to abandon our children and grand children to the same stunted future.  We the many have to decide to make our own "laws" and stop playing this savage game to the loaded rules of the plunderers. In a few simple words we have to accept we are in a class war and self defence is never a crime.
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