Thursday 23 January 2014

See Through The Smoke And Mirrors.

        Do you not get really pissed-off listening to those pretty butterfly people who live in the rarified atmosphere of the political machine, spouting how the economy is growing faster than expected? All their meaningless phrases of dropping unemployment, economic growth, and falling inflation, seem like you are watching a fantasy movie, something far removed from the real world that you and I inhabit.
      Of those individuals who have come off the unemployment register, how many are in workfare schemes working for nothing? How many are on zero hours contracts getting four hours today, nothing tomorrow, and perhaps twelve hours next week? The truth is that in this country there are now more people in poverty and working, than in poverty and not working. While those pretty butterfly people in expensive suits, go on about the steady growth, they preside over a country that has more than 3.5 million children living in poverty, that's 27% of all children in the UK. Of course poverty isn't spread equally across the country, in some local wards the child poverty rate varies from 50% to 70%. Your post code will dictate the quality of your children's lives, no matter what illusions the political parasites spout. According to new research by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, the number of (childless) adults of working-age in poverty is predicted to rise by over 40% by 2020. It also shows that the 2020 child poverty targets will be missed and the number of children in poverty will increase unless drastic action is taken now.
      There is a kind of whoopin' and haulrin' from our political illusion weavers of the good times just around the corner, when in fact the whole global economy is tettering to a grinding halt, with all the attendant misery that this holds for you and I the ordinary people. Capitalism has succeeded in doing what it was set up to do, make a few people very, very rich, at the expense of the vast majority. It was never intended, nor could it possibly, see to the needs of all the people, they need to be exploited for that wealth to accumulate in the hands of the parasite class.

      The world is very rich in resources and skills, yet it is awash with poverty, this is no accident, nor unavoidable, it is the result of the economic system that is foisted on us by those who stand to gain the most from that system. Until we get rid of that exploitative system of greed, we are heading deeper into a world of deprivation, wars and misery.
This extract from an interesting article on A World To Win:
       With demand from emerging economies slowing, prices on the global commodities exchanges are dropping. The price of an ounce of gold – the universal measure of the value of commodities – dropped last year from $1,900 to $1,200.
      Deflation has another damaging result. The real value and cost of debt actually increases. Highly indebted countries, corporations and individuals around the world had better take note. Talk of a “recovery” is not only premature but entirely ignores what’s really happening in the global economy.
Read the full article HERE:
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Wednesday 22 January 2014

Greece, A Plundered Land.

    Greece has been out of the financial news recently, creating the impression that the Troika solutions are working. Its double speak Prime Minister, Antonis Samaras, was blowing smoke and holding mirrors, as he stated that, Greece would leave the bailout program in 2014. In a national Television broadcast he boasted, “In 2014, Greece will venture out to the markets again,-----there will be no need for new loans and a new bailout”. Well it seems that this is Alice in Wonderland economics. With large loans falling due this year, “experts” say that Greece will default by May, August at the latest.
      According to recent figures, Greece showed a surplus this year of €800 million. However, the payments that Greece has to make this year amount to €31.6 billion, the loan funds available for this are €17.5 billion, their €800 million surplus is no more than coffee money for the corrupt government that oversees the plundering of the people of Greece. The figures just doesn't add up.
      The bailout is no more than a financial Mafia scam, the Troika hands bundles of money to Greece, however the Greek government can't decide how it should be spent, it is simply hands it back to the Troika as interest and capital payments. The dregs left at the bottom of the bucket, can be spent by the Greek government.     
      There is no way out for the people of Greece if they stay with the present economic system, all they will reap is more misery, poverty and deprivation as their future. In the economics of the financial parasites, people don't count.
The people have to tighten their belts if we are to get through these difficult times
                                                                                                                                    What the bailout does guarantee however, is that the Greek government is forced to sell off all its public assets, at knock-down prices, to the corporate friends of the Troika. For Troika, read “financial mafia”, made up of the EC, European Commission, ECB, European Central Bank and the IMF, International Mankind Fuckers. You can rest assured that what ever solution that cabal of financial parasites come up with, will do nothing more than swell their already overflowing coffers, and it will all be at the expense of the ordinary people. In the end, Greece will be a busted, plunder country, all paid for by the deprivation of its people. Of course no country is immune from the festering influence of "the markets", we are all on the agenda for plundering.
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Tuesday 21 January 2014

Glasgow Against ATOS Monthly Picket.

       Glasgow against ATOS is a Grassroots disabled activist campaign opposing Atos (Atos HealthCare) and supporting rights of disabled people in Glasgow and beyond. On the last Friday of each month the group picket outside the ATOS offices in Cadogan Street Glasgow. The next picket will be Friday January 31 at 12:30.
    Ian Duncan Smith's "reforms" of disability allowance, is administered by ATOS and since they started their brutal campaign against the most vulnerable in our society, we have seen more than 1,300 people died after being assessed and told to start work related activities. Whichever way you look at this, it is unacceptable, Ian Duncan Smith has blood on his hands. Some disabled people have committed suicide after being assessed as fit to start looking for work. People who force vulnerable people into this sort of situation have changed the category from suicide to murder, and should be held accountable.

Photo From Glasgow against ATOS

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Monday 20 January 2014

How Long Before It All Explodes?

      Spain is home to almost one third of the Euro regions unemployed, with an unemployment rate of over 25% and it has been at that for six quarters in a row. That's a lot of misery, poverty and deprivation, while the financial Mafia keep screwing the people and muttering about adjustments and growth.
         “I’m glad I don’t have any children, because I don’t need to worry when I go to bed without dinner,” says Nieto, a Madrid native who last drew a salary in 2010.
Riots in Madrid, Barcelona, Zaragoza,
Victory in Burgos
Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 01/19/2014 - 13:04
     On January 10, riots began in the city of Burgos, Spain, when police attacked a protest against the gentrification of the working class neighborhood Gamonal.
     Riots continued for 4 consecutive nights, and afterwards opponents of the project to construct a ritzy boulevard through Gamonal continued mobilizing to block the construction.
   People in dozens of other cities organized solidarity protests. Protests were held in Madrid on the 14th and 15th, turning into riots both nights in response to the typically heavy handed response of Madrid police. On the 16th, solidarity protests also turned into riots in Barcelona and Zaragoza. In Barcelona, masked protesters smashed over a dozen banks, luxury hotels, Starbucks, Burger Kings, and other businesses, setting fire to a number of them, and pelting police with trash, bottles, and unprecedentedly potent fireworks that set the police jumping (in a city where riot police don't flinch when quarter sticks of dynamite go off at their feet). The protest/riot went all the way to the Generalitat, the seat of the Catalan government, where people continued to throw objects at police. Police reinforcements arrived, dispersing protestors, who subsequently attacked a police station on Las Ramblas and smashed more businesses in Jardinets de Gracia, a significant distance away.
   The same day, authorities in Burgos announced that the construction project was suspended.
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Homeless With Kids In The Midst Of Wealth.

      It's a weird and cruel system that can produce so much wealth for some and yet others with kids are homeless. One of the richest countries in the world, a supposed developed civilised country, and we have young mothers desperate and depressed, because the can't get a decent home to raise their kids. This deprives these kids from developing at the proper rate and stifles their potential. An injustice that should not be tolerated in any civilised country. However, it is encouraging that some are coming together and taking direct action in an attempt to remedy their appalling situation. Let's hope the idea catches on.

       “Stop making people homeless. Stop making kids miss school. It’s not fair. You get to go home to your nice homes, while people here are struggling. People are here crying (they were – a woman in the office was crying, because she was homeless and trying to sort that out). They’re stressed, depressed. It’s not right. You’ve got a place here where you’re meant to help people. You’re meant to help people. You’re not helping people.”

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Just One Day!!

      Wouldn't be nice, even if it was only for one day, if it happened, what might come out of it? But only you can make it happen!
Mother Earth
Date and time
24 June
Event Details
Calling all 7,118,591,000 of earth's children!!
Yes, The entire human race !!!

      The Summer of Love was a social phenomenon that occurred during the summer of 1967, when as many as 100,000 people converged on the Haight-Ashbury neighborhood of San Francisco, initiating a major cultural and political shift. [Source : Wikipedia]
     With Modern Social Media, I think we can do this again but on a much larger scale.
       Therefore, I am personally asking the humans of planet earth to once again start a new summer of love all over Gaia/Earth/Home…

In 2014 this Summer.

       In your own cities, in your towns, in your villages, in your own back gardens. Even in your own home!
     Gather in the spirit of peace and unconditional love and let us just have one big massive global party all over the world and a day when we focus on peace and love.
     Let’s have one day, maybe one week where we all come together as one worldwide human family, Leave our differences behind and be together as Humans.
Hosted by Craig Thomson

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Sunday 19 January 2014

Toxic Tar Sands, Cancer And Profit.

     The grasping hand of the corporate world will devastate, communities and the environment, in its endless quest for profit. No risk is too big, no damage too great, as the fallout from their plundering and marauding, doesn't infect the marble halls of the world's stock exchanges, nor their shareholders bank accounts.

     The Alberta tar sands project is one of the corporate world's most brutal destructions of of pristine natural environments on the planet. It stretches for mile after mile of what used to be green mountains and abundant wildlife, but is now a filthy wasteland of sterile black slush. What is worse, is that to get at the oil in the tar, the companies use some of the most toxic substances in existence. This in turn finds its way down streams and rivers, into the water table.

Lake Athabasca is fed by the Athabasca River, which flows through the project region, and earlier studies have found unsafe levels of arsenic, mercury and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon in the lake’s fish, as well as in sediments, water and wildlife.
      Among the local population down river from the project, there has been an increase in cancers, Of course the usual vomit is emitted by the mouthpieces of the project, stating that the increase in cancers may be due to better detection and/or lifestyle. Obvious they can't or wont, see any connection between toxic water and wildlife, and increase in cancers.


    This rape and plunder of the planet will continue as long as the present system of capitalism exist. As long as the financial mafia control where the investments go, and the aim is increase wealth for the shareholders, you and I, and the environment, will just have to take what we get. It is their world, or it is our world, there is no middle road, no compromise.


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Saturday 18 January 2014

Circled A Radio, And Ian Bone.

       The Circled "A" Radio show has reached its 100th broadcast, and to mark the occasion they are broadcasting a 30 minute interview with Ian Bone of Class War fame, and author of the book "Bash the Rich", 

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Thursday 16 January 2014

Spirit of Revolt.

       For a couple of years now, a group of volunteers have been working, tucked away in a wee room at the Mitchell library, at collecting local grassroots history. They are self funding, not attached to any political party, and don't collect any party political material.  The aim is to build a large and useful archive of the everyday struggles of the ordinary people, creating a place where the people can see and identify with their own history, and hopefully learn from that history, as they continue the struggle to improve their lives and the lives of those who will follow them.
     Already the archive, named The Spirit of Revolt, has a catalogue of 25 collections, with more still to do, and has made them available on their website, Apart from the catalogue as lists of what is available in the archive, we are also putting images of the items, on the website, for all to view. This is a slow process but we already have hundreds of images on the website and will continue scanning and uploading as best we can.
    If you are interested in the non party political struggles of the ordinary people or think you may have material that will add to that history, then send us an email at
Thanks to Bob at citystrolls, we now have a wee film to introduce you to this exciting, and I think necessary, project.   Enjoy:

Spirit of Revolt Archive Glasgow from City Strolls on Vimeo.

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Tomorrow's World, A Privatised World??

      In this country we don't seem to be alive to the fact that there is an ideological driven policy of privatisation of everything, not just here in the UK but across the globe. Here in the UK it is happening in towns and cities across the country. The latest, and one of the largest city public assets to be considered for sale to the corporate world, is the Manchester Arena. Manchester, short of cash, has to raise more than £1 billion, so in come the corporate greed merchants and plunder the public assets. Because of the governments policy of "austerity", councils are short of cash and start to sell off the family silver to make up the short fall. They are selling off public art treasures, all public assets, to the private world. Of course we all know that the NHS is being privatised pieces by piece, energy, railways, telephone communications, Royal Mail, already gone, water, arenas, museums, all got to go to make a profit for the corporate greed machine.
      This is being repeated across the world in country after country, as corporatism attempts to gobble up the planet, but in some countries they are not taking it lying down. In Korea there has been a massive strike against the privatisation of their railways. Of course the government there like all the others, will attempt brutally crush any resistance to the financial Mafia's grand plan of, no public assets, everything privatised.
January 8, 2014 -- Labor Notes -- South Korea’s railway workers have ended a 22-day strike, the longest such stoppage in the country’s history. Though they didn’t win a clear victory, they succeeded in placing the issue of privatisation in public focus.
The government’s and management’s attack on the strike was ruthless to the point of recklessness, while the public’s solidarity and sympathy with the striking workers continued to rise.
And the full impact of the action has yet to ripple out. Amid rising political tensions, the country’s biggest union umbrella, the 700,000-strong Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU), has called for a one-day general strike February 25.

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Only Doing Their Job.

     "Just doing my job", "just following orders", the cloak of the brainless, the cowardly, psychotic thug.

      The statistics beggar belief: in 12 years and 340 deaths at the hands of the police, not a single British policeman has been convicted. Nowadays many are not even publicly named. The anonymity extends 'impunity' protection throughout a policeman's security career, meaning no future employer will know of previous killings, and even further people killed by V53 in the future may not know that he has already killed. This anonymity appears to give today's Met. police firearms officers a license to kill, kill and kill again.
Read the full article HERE: 

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Wednesday 15 January 2014

Asylum Seeker Prizes.

      If you bribe government officials to come up with the decision you want, I imagine you would end up on some charge, like perverting the course of justice, or corruption, or bribing a public official. But what if it is the government department that is doing the bribing? I have no doubt it would be re-classified as incentivising staff or improving their conditions. Well that is what is going on with those officers who job it is to assess whether asylum seekers should be sent home.
       Home Office officials are being rewarded with shopping vouchers for helping to ensure failed asylum seekers lose their attempt to stay in the country. Official guidance obtained by the Guardian shows that immigration staff have been set a target of winning 70% of tribunal cases in which asylum seekers are appealing against government decisions that they should leave the UK. These officers are also incentivised by Home Office reward schemes involving gift vouchers, cash bonuses and extra holidays.
Read the full article HERE:

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Tuesday 14 January 2014

I'm Proud.

     So January 14, is Poetry at Work Day. I have long since ceased to work, well as a paid employee, but I do like poetry. This one is dedicated to all those workers across the globe.
I’m Proud

I’m proud of my people, proud to be one of them,
that great mass on society’s bottom rung.
Those who, with coal-dust under their nails
in their eyes, in their lungs
claw at the earths entrails.
Their brothers,
cement in their hair
in their mouth, in their ears,
oil ingrained in their fingers,
on their face.
Sisters, glistening with sweat
midst the ceaseless noise of machines
that throw out shirts, shoes, toys, carpets
for other people.
Those with soil and sweat stuck to their skin
smelling of the earth, feeding the multitude,
grinding out their lives in a harsh pitiless system
weighted down
with a sack load of half-dead dreams,
sometimes brought to their knees
by a tidal wave of despair,
never defeated,
groping in the dark to find tomorrow,
keeping hope alive;
they amaze me.
Somehow, from somewhere
in this cold, cruel
unforgiving scheme of things
they find love for their children.
Not a teaspoonful, not a cupful,
but buckets full, to bathe them in,
to pour over them.
They seem to know
that one day this world will be ours
and to take care of it
we will need those who have been loved.

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A Butcher Dies.

      A psychopathic butcher dies and the world's statesmen wax lyrical on his “wonderful” qualities. None of those with the hypocritical syrup pouring from their lying mouths, cared to mention Sabra andShatila, nor the fact that as a 24 year soldier, Sharon lead the massacre of Qibya where 49 house were blown up, in many cases with the people still in them. He is also considered the bulldozing force that pushed settlements, stealing Palestinian land, and the architect of “the wall”, a 400km concrete poisonous snake that divides Palestinian from Palestinian. Nor did their eulogising mention that in September 2000, he, escorted by a thousand policemen, entered the Temple Mount in East Jerusalem, sparking the second intifada (Palestinian uprising) and the bloodshed that followed. His "career" was built on hatred and fueled with bloodshed.

    Our “leaders” are all in festering marriages with with those of their own kind, duplicitous, hypocritical, psychopathic power hungry liars. They will always pay homage to their own kind, no matter the blood stained path they may have walked. The bloodshed of the ordinary people drips from the fingers of each an every one of them, they need each other, and that is why they all come together to mourn the loss of a butcher, they recognise him as one of their own. 

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Monday 13 January 2014

Lies, More lies, and Damned Lies.

      An analysis of some of the vile outpourings on Syria by that babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media. Re-blogged from The Cult of the Dead fish:

Media Disinformation
 and the Framing of the Syrian War
     Months after the events took place, Pulitzer prize winning journalists and others are finally reporting about the lies and manipulations of the US government regarding the recent chemical weapons attack in Syria. Far from shining a light on the true situation in the country, however, these reports continue to avoid the underlying causes and explanations for what is happening in Syria, and the forces that are behind it.

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The Blood Of Empires.

      As the Cameron gang of lame-brain fascists attempt to turn the pointless slaughter  that was the WW1 into a pompous spectacle for their power based ideology, we must keep up the flow of truth, to destroy their hypocritical distorted history. We owe it to all those ordinary people who lost their lives in that bloody empire grab for territory, power and wealth.
1) Britain's foreign wars a central issue in 2014 - the campaign goes on

     Last year we helped stop a new intervention in Syria, please help us keep the war makers on the run in 2014.
  • As we approach the withdrawal date of troops, a debate is raging on the Afghan war. Many troops and bases are proposed to remain, further prolonging a conflict which has lasted longer than the first and second world wars put together, and which has not been about helping the Afghan people but about strategic control of the region. The rivalry with China and Russia makes the need for this western control even greater. We must campaign to ensure all troops and bases leave now.
  • We will be protesting against the NATO summit in Wales in September and joining the international day of action against drones on 4 October. Full details about these campaigns will announced shortly.
  • The 100th anniversary of the first world war will feature prominently in 2014. The government and its allies want to use the anniversary to highlight and promote the role of the military in society. Various 'revisionist' historians are arguing that this was a war for democratic freedom, despite the evidence that it is was an imperial war between rival powers, highly industrialised, which ended in revolution and major social change because of revulsion at its consequences. The government's plans have already run into high profile opposition, with 10,000 people signing the No Glory petition protesting these plans and there will be events across the country challenging their revisionism.
  • The government's attempt to rehabilitate the military is extending to promoting 'military values' in schools. Anti-war campaigners and teachers should oppose such moves, arguing that children should learn the truth about war.
  • The Chilcot report on the Iraq war is due to make its belated appearance in the New Year. It is our chance to demand a holding to account of Tony Blair, Jack Straw and the rest who took us to war in Iraq based on lies. There should be full disclosure of all secret documents and an indictment of Blair.
      These priorities are explored amongst others in War and peace in 2014 on the Stop the War web site.

2) Battle of the Somme: the horrific epitome of the first world war
- Lindsey German

      One of my Xmas presents was The Great War by Joe Sacco. It is a wonderful piece of art, a 24 page panorama of July 1 1916, the first day of the Battle of the Somme.
      Originally inspired by a pull out book of the Manhattan skyline, it also draws on the Bayeux Tapestry that depicts the story of the Battle of Hastings in 1066. It is a series of connected tableaux which begin with General Haig walking in the grounds of his chateau behind the lines and progress through ever darkening scenes to the deaths and mayhem of injured and dying on the battle field.
     The Somme is perhaps the epitome of the horror of the First World War, at least from the point of view of Britain. It was a major, planned onslaught against German trenches that was organised with industrial precision. Railways were built, cables laid, trenches dug in order to prepare for an offensive, which was mean to destroy the German defences and allow the British to gain a key advantage which would end the war. A huge week long bombardment of artillery was planned which would knock out most of the enemy, crucially take out their machine gun posts and allowing the British army to take over virtually empty trenches.
       It was a total failure; the bombardment was 'impressive mainly for its noise' in the words of Adam Hochschild, who wrote the booklet accompanying the panorama. Many of the shells were duds, and two thirds were shrapnel, which was fairly useless in destroying barbed wire or machine gun emplacements.
The thousands of men who went over the top that morning therefore faced barrages of machine gun fire from troops from whom they thought they would meet little resistance.
Read the rest of the article here

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Sunday 12 January 2014

Proposals For Genocide Discussed In Parliament!!

      Anybody with two brain cells is fully aware that the Zionist state of Israel is carrying out genocide on the Palestinian people. No matter how they dress it up, they are simply following an ideology of ethnic cleansing, and the creation of Greater Israel at the expense of the Palestinians and other Arab peoples. They plan a one large, pure Jewish state, founded on the say-so of their particular God. Of course they are not doing anything new, it has been tried before, the most successful being America, where the indigenous people were robbed of their land, stuck in pockets called reservations and more or less wiped out as a people with a history and a culture.
     This Zionist ideology is always wrapped up in such phrases as "road map" "Peace talks" "dialogue" etc.. So it is surprising, though disgusting and horrifying to hear the truth spoken in the Israeli Parliament, the Knesset.
     Arguing in favour of the plan was Miri Regev, a former soldier in the Israeli army propaganda unit, and a law-maker in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's hard-right Likud faction. A Palestinian MK accused Regev of wanting to "transfer an entire population."
Regev's reply was stark, but honest: "Yes, as the Americans did to the Indians."
Read the full article HERE:

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