Showing posts with label inequality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label inequality. Show all posts

Tuesday 4 May 2021

Human Creation.

          We live in a society where the rich build their mansions with the bones and coffins of the poor, and fuel their luxury yachts with workers blood. A society that puts the stamp of legitimacy on murder and destruction by calling it war, honours it, and shrouds it with a blanket of glory. The insane have brainwashed us into accepting the slaughter that is war, as a legitimate activity, when sanity tells us that it is murder based on greed and the seeking of power. In our theatre of illusions we accept that those who point the finger at another part of the planet and sign the declaration of war, are not the ones who pick up the gun, that part of the grand illusion is up to the us, the ordinary people, who have no desire to kill ordinary people from another part of our planet, and who will never share in the loot garnered from the bloodshed, but will pay for that bounty with their blood.
        The question is, why do we accept such gross insanity, injustice and subterfuge, why do we send or sons and daughter to fuel this insane illusion, while those who hold the reins of power, with all its attendant wealth and privileges, live in a bubble of secure opulence. The absurd nature of this insane society is blatantly obvious as the few hold the vast majority of the the fruits of the earth, while the many who produce those fruits of the earth, struggle with poverty and destitution on a daily basis. 

        The system we live under is not written on tablets of stone, handed down from some man in the sky. It is a human created economic system that favours the few at the expense of the many. We can destroy it and create a system of equality, based on co-operation, sustainability, free association, free from the greed driven profit motive and sees to the needs of all our people. There is no magic wall or supernatural power standing in our way, just a small bunch of greedy sleaze ridden parasites. We have the imagination, the power and the ability, all we need is the will. After all, we the ordinary people built every road, mansion, cathedral, hospital, ever ship that sailed, every truck that moved, we loaded it and unloaded it, grew ever vegetable, ploughed every field, what have we got to fear? 
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Tuesday 16 March 2021


         How would you describe this present day society? You could write a book, a very long poem, or even make a movie. There are so many contradictions in this society, it would be difficult to capture them all. The glaring opulence side by side with destitution, the avalanche of information and the absence of knowledge, and so it goes on.
        I lifted the following quote from arrezafe and think it does an excellent job in highlighting the contradictions in this society that show it to be a flawed, unacceptable idiotic and cruel human structure. 
The following is a comment on arrezafe:
       How are we fed? Through hope and progress? (so the machine keeps moving)
Como nos alimentamos? Con esperanza y progreso (para que la máquina siga moviéndose)

Let me quote something:
Voy a mencionar algo:

“We have bigger houses but smaller families; - Tenemos casas más grandes pero familias más pequeñas,
more conveniences, but less time; - más comodidades, pero menos tiempo
We have more degrees, but less sense; - más títulos academicos pero menos sentido comun
more knowledge, but less judgment; - mas conocimiento, pero menos juicio,
more experts, but more problems; - mas expertos, pero mas problemas,
more medicines, but less healthiness; - mas medicionas, pero menos salud
We’ve been all the way to the moon and back, - hemos ido y regresado de la Luna
but have trouble crossing the street to meet - pero tenemos problemas cruzando la calle para
the new neighbor - conocer al nuevo vecino,
We’ve built more computers to hold more - hemos construido mas computadoras para
information to produce more copies than ever, - almacenar informacion para producir mas copias que nunca
but have less communications; - pero tenemos menos comunicacion
We have become long on quantity, - hemos ampliado la cantidad
but short on quality. - y reducido la calidad
These times are times of fast foods; - son tiempo de comida basura
but slow digestion; - de digestion lenta
Tall man but short character; - hombres alto de baja moral
Steep profits but shallow relationships. - enormes benificios pero pequenyas relaciones
It is time when there is much in the window, - Es la epoca donde hay mucho en la ventana
but nothing in the room. - pero nada dentro de la habitacion

--authorship unknown
from Sacred Economics”
― Charles Eisenstein, Sacred Economics: Money, Gift, and Society in the Age of Transition
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Friday 12 February 2021


          It is now becoming ever more obvious that the system is falling apart, for generations we have been subject to our rulers rampant aggression and utter contempt, yet the populace at large, continued to hold onto that mythical thought of some sort of alliance between rulers and ruled. Now the truth is so blatantly obvious that this myth has evaporated, leaving bare the true nature of this incompatible relationship. The powerful rulers of society are aware of this now complete disconnect between ruled and ruler, aware that the illusion no longer holds, and the populace see the glaring truth. This makes them extremely dangerous, if they can’t hold onto their power by smoke and mirrors, by weaving illusions, then they will try to do so by force, we must prepare for this inevitability. The disconnect between ruled and ruler is now complete, the glaring inequality and disparity inherent in the system shows that their reality and ours is completely incompatible. 
        We the public can no longer march to their tune, no longer pick up the sword to defend their wealth, no longer shed our blood in their petty power struggles, no longer sweat our lives away cementing their privileged position. Across the globe people are showing that they have finally grasped this irrefutable truth, open rebellion is in the air. The attempted containment will become more brutal, ever increasing restrictions, ever greater surveillance, ever greater punishments for dissent. We organise in solidarity and face it full on, or we revert to that illusion that there is compatibility between rich and powerful rulers and the ruled and once again accept our serfdom, in a tighter and more frightening new world order.

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Monday 1 February 2021

New Depths.

        Governments have always been corrupt, they have always favoured the wealthy and powerful, at the expense of the general public. However as the wealth of the super rich grows at an alarming rate, so the corruption in the governments that serve them also grows at an equally alarming rate. This phenomena is world wide, but here in the UK we have seen it reach new depths of greed and favouritism.

       The present UK government lead by that bumbling but extremely dangerous buffoon, Boris, has plumbed ever greater depth of corruption, cronyism and gross disregard for the lives of the people. They have presided over more than 102,000 deaths from Covid19, among the highest deaths in the world, not all this was down to ineptitude, though that was their in bucketfuls, a large part was due to, their desire to grease the palms of their friends by throwing billions of pounds of tax payers money at them in the form of non-tendered contracts, and calling it an emergency, and working hard to get you all out their spending, irrespective of the danger to your health and welfare, so that their friends wouldn't lose too much money. This emergency situation also allowed them to carry out another of their heartfelt dreams, slicing off large section of the NHS to large corporate companies, no doubt lots of them and/or their friends, have shares in these same companies. 
       This is how governments work, those how still believe that you can solve society's emergencies and society's inequality, injustice and all the malaise that comes with these conditions, by voting for this colour or that colour of party, should take a long hard look at our history, and a thorough examination of the goings on of the present regime. Over the centuries it has always been a new smiling face, to lead us to paradise, but we end up as usual with the same shit and still being shafted by the rich and powerful, as we allow them to hold the reins. 

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Saturday 2 January 2021

The Justice Illusion.

        Prisons, the not too subtle procedure of the state to protect the wealth and privileges of the rich and powerful. Hellholes of brutality, injustice, overcrowding slave labour and inadequate medical facilities. We have them in every country from so called democracies to dictatorships, it makes no difference, the state, no matter what shape or style, will have its array of prisons, backed up by a loaded, in favour of the powerful, judicial system and a brutal police force.

         A civilised society can't exist as long as we have the prison system, the two are incompatible. Prison are a barbaric way of keeping the status-quo, they have nothing to do with protecting the public, communities are well able to look after themselves in the interests of the community. In the vast majority of "crimes" the root cause in inequality and injustice, the very things that the prisons are their to perpetuate by keeping society structured the way its and to suit the rich and powerful.

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Monday 28 December 2020

Fork In The Road?

         Let’s imagine the coming year, it will be a year of struggles, as the wealthy, pampered, privileged class will struggle hard to get us to accept the “normal” we used to know before Covid19. On the other hand there should be a struggle by the many to make sure we never go back to that unequal, unjust “normal” we used to know. If we return to their “normal” it will be very one sided, they will do their normal visits to Monaco and St. Moritz, looking at a new luxury yacht and running their eye over a larger mansion, all accompanied by opulence. However, our side of their return to “normal” will be working harder for less, wage cuts/freezes, slashed working conditions and austerity sabotaged social services. So why do it? 

      Of course after such an devastating year and possibly two, of authoritarian rule, harsh and inhumane conditions, added to the suffering and death of loved ones, there will be some sort of burning desire to get back to some sort of “normal”. Despite all that, we have to be rational, that yesterday's “normal” has gone forever, and if you give it some thought, it was a dreadful unjust and unequal “normal”. We now must choose, which of the two roads will we struggle towards, their brutal exploitative “normal” where millions were exploited, oppressed, alienated and ravaged by wars and famine in the midst of plenty. Or will we take on the struggle for that new “normal”, one of our choosing, one of our shaping, a “normal“ where we bury the profit motive, see to all our people’s needs, and build a sustainable society based on mutual aid, co-operation, free association, and respect and dignity for all. 

       On looking at the situation before us, it doesn’t seem a difficult decision to make, but the action required will take courage, determination, solidarity and that long term view that we will never allow our grandchildren to be exploited and abused by a pampered and privileged bunch of parasites, as we were for generations. The alternative is that at the end of this pandemic, we pick up our shackles and fasten them to our ankles and aimlessly follow where our masters’ chains pull us, and bind our grandchildren to a heritage of bondage. Their "normal", or our new "normal"?
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Saturday 26 December 2020


         I have always maintained that those who believe we can "fix" capitalism, are idiots. They are trying to fix something that isn't broken, capitalism is working just fine, and doing what it was intended to do, make a few people very rich at the expense of the many. Once you grasp this truth, you realise that the only answer for justice and equality for all, is the total destruction of capitalism and all its attendant institutions. We are sold lies and illusions, and dwell in a land of smoke and mirrors. A world woven by the massive corporate advertising beast and its companion, state propaganda. Nowhere in the world of these two servants of capitalism is there a shred of reality, nothing related to the world we the ordinary people inhabit. 

      Nothing is as it is painted, "the economy" dressed as necessary and benevolent to all, reality, a label for the continuation of exploitation of the mass of people. Bearing in mind that the richest 1% have massively increased their wealth while the bottom 50% have become poorer.  "Prison", a place to put dangerous people, reality, a dustbin to dump those who would hinder the exploitation of the people. Bearing in mind that approximately 80% of those in prison suffer learning difficulties, substance addiction and/or mental health issues, and should be somewhere in the social care system and not prison. "Advertising" bringing the latest information to assist you to make choices to enhance your life, reality, devious and duplicitous manipulation of desires and reality to increase consumption and profit. Bearing in mind that the corporate world spends billions of pounds annually on advertising, so it must work. "Democracy", hailed as a way for you to be involved in the running of your country, reality, an illusion created to try to stop you from taking control of your own lives and communities. Bearing in mind that practically all those in government have connections and investments in the corporate world and they decide the shape of your world and how your tax money will be spent.

        So the answer seems to be straight forward, to live our lives in a world we recognise and relate to, we must screw the "economy", abolish "prisons", scrap "advertising", and get rid of their so called "democracy" and take control of our communities and workplaces in co-operation with all other communities scrapping the profit motive. Well, what are we waiting for?
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Wednesday 11 November 2020

A Just Struggle.

          Anyone with a rational and objective mind who takes a look at the system that we presently live under, will admit that it fails dramatically to produce fairness, justice or equality to any acceptable degree. Our society is riven with injustice, inequality and by any measure lacks fairness. The divide between those with power and wealth and the ordinary individual, is an unbridgeable chasm. Opulence, pomp, privilege, power and wealth sit cheek-by-jowl with homelessness, hunger, poverty and deprivation, creating a vision that makes a mockery of "democracy" and human decency.
         However we are naive in the extreme if we believe that those who exploit and oppress us will, through dialogue and peaceful protest, willing give up their power and privileged position and abandon their obscene wealth in an attempt to make society a fairer and more just society. They will use whatever means available to them, to protect their wealth, power and privileges, be it by passing laws, backed up by force, or blood on the streets.
       We have to accept that those who hold that wealth, and power which endows them with privileges are our oppressors, who work hard at maintaining the unbridgeable chasm. As oppressors we have to treat them as such, we can't ask them to please give up your wealth, power and privileges so that we have a fair society, it won't work. Perhaps we should think hard about the words of Frederick Douglass, escaped slave, abolitionist, writer, and orator.

        “Those who profess to favor freedom and yet depreciate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing the ground; they want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters. This struggle may be a moral one, and it may be a physical one, or it may be both moral and physical, but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will submit to and you have found out the exact amount of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue until they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of whom they oppress.” -Frederick Douglass

         Only a revolution will replace this greed driven economic system that degrades the human spirit and breeds inequality and injustice. However, you can't buy a revolution, you can't make a revolution, you have to be the revolution, and a revolution will not come with a bunch of roses in its hand.

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Tuesday 3 November 2020

Accepted Violence.

          Why do we need a police force, and if we have one how do you train them? It seems that certain police forces in America use quotes from Adolf Hitler and Mein Kampf, trains recruits to kill without emotion, and to see killing as the probable outcome of their interaction with the public. Of course ever political alive person is fully aware of why we have a police force, it's there to protect the managers of the system and their wealth, power and privileges. It is the first line of defence should the ordinary people get pissed off with the gross inequality and try to do something about eliminating that inequality. When you create a state police force, you eliminate any possibility of democracy, democracy and police authority are totally incompatible.
       The following is a quote from an interesting article by World Socialist Web Site:

      Killing and a well-known police trainer. Grossman’s “teachings” have been used by the US military to train recruits to kill without thinking.
       Grossman has argued, without evidence, that policing is more dangerous than in previous decades and therefore cops must be prepared to use more, not less, force. During a PBS Frontline interview in 2004 Grossman argued that he was not conditioning soldiers and police to kill without hesitation, but to embrace the responsibility of killing stating: “Killing is not the goal, but we all understand that killing is the likely outcome.”
       He, along with his business partner, Jim Glennon, a Chicago Police officer for 21 years, have been elevated to bring the training and “lethality” they learned in the military to the “homeland” to be used against the domestic working class.
       It is notable that Hall’s training curriculum was used by the KSP during the administration of former Democratic governor Steve Beshear, and was only brought to light years later upon an open records request. There is no doubt that similar curriculums are currently in use by police agencies throughout the country.
     While the Democratic party occasionally pays lip service to the idea of “reforming” the police, the fact is the police are the frontline troops of the bourgeoisie, given immense power and virtual legal immunity to beat, assault and kill workers and youth. It was the Obama/Biden administration that oversaw the militarized crackdown in Ferguson, Missouri and of Native American and other protesters during the Standing Rock demonstrations in North Dakota. They also oversaw the transfer of 460,000 pieces of military equipment to local police departments under the 1033 program.
       The defeat of fascism and the elimination of police violence is bound up with the abolition of capitalism. Those who are interested in joining this struggle must break from the Democratic Party, and all their pseudo-left hangers-on,

Red the full article HERE:

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Wednesday 28 October 2020


       It's a cruel illusion that is woven around us, as we are continually told, by the mainstream media and political propaganda, that we live in a free democracy. Yet a simple look around, and you see gross inequality, where the majority strive with sweat and blood producing an abundance of wealth, but live a life of constant struggle in an attempt to gain a half decent life. We know we produce a mountain of wealth, we see it all around us, in the shape of large mansions, super sports cars, private jets, luxury yachts, etc. and that small coterie of individuals living the high life in luxury and opulence.
      Are we still living away back in he middle ages of serfs, with a few trimmings of "modernity" but all the power and wealth still in the hands of our lords and masters? Has the structure really changed, we are as free as the cattle in the field or the sheep in the pen, there to be used as our masters see fit. They'll feed us, just enough as long as we are of value to them, when we are surplus to their requirements, they will dispose of us in various ways, or simple leave us to rot. We are the 21st century serfs, we struggle just to survive, placated by trinkets, mere popcorn and bubble gum in the form of mobile phones, laptops, etc. the usual bread and circuses, from world cups, to Olympic Games, all just paracetamol to make us feel better however remedying none of our problems, but all money making exercises for our lords and masters, for which we pay,

       The following food for thought from Acorn, Winter Oak.
         Inspired by Gerrard Winstanley who was born 411 years ago in Wigan.
         Most are happy to say they belong to a ‘nation’ or ‘country’ and feel a strong sense of pride in their connection to its land and shared ancestry. We think the times when monarchs and lords made claims on everything and everyone living on the land have long since gone and that these ‘nobles’ now ‘serve’ us and there are laws and safeguards to stop this kind of wicked exploitation happening again.
      What if on the surface it only looks like this but, in reality, these old ruling elites have found more covert ways to exploit us, keeping us in a similar state to how we were back in the dark and middle ages only with a veneer of modern state crafted respectability?
     Are modern day ‘nations’ no more than ‘mega brands’ that can be owned and managed for personal gain? Does state propaganda, and a corrupted mainstream media convince us that we have more freedoms than we in fact do, and that by voting once every 5 years, we have a say in who governs us when really we don’t? 
       You only have to look at current leaders like Boris Johnson and Donald Trump to wonder how they got to these important positions on which so many lives depend. Do these wily old families continue to benefit unfairly from the most constant and lucrative revenue stream available to a people? That is, its collective creative energy; namely the taxes we all pay on everything we earn, spend and own… For which we receive very little in return.
     Where does all this money go? How is our country still in debt after all this time, and the hard work we all put in? To give recent and obvious examples of everyday corruption, we know that £12 billion has just been spent on a phone app and £103 million was spent on a ferry company with zero ferries and so on… This list is in fact endless! Is something still ‘Rotten in the State of Denmark?’ as Shakespeare said? It appears it most definitely is.
     If it is the case, it means countries are more like fiefdoms and our common status that of chattels rather than a modern citizenry. In other words, 21st century slaveism.
      Perhaps it’s time to ask ourselves some pertinent questions. Are we falling for a very clever marketing con trick that makes us feel free and empowered when the reality is that a few power-obsessed and stupidly rich groups are still running everything behind the scenes, while life for the rest remains a constant struggle on an increasingly damaged Earth? How far have we come as a society when the weak are still made to carry the strong? You have to ask – and keep asking.


      “England is a prison; the subtleties in the Laws are the bolts, bars and doors of the prison; the Lawyers are the Jailers; and Poor Men are the prisoners”. Gerrard Winstanley. (19 October 1609 – 10 September 1676)

         Of course for "England", substitute the patch of land on which you live.

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Friday 9 October 2020


         This world is awash with wealth in all shapes and forms, but it is very thinly spread on the majority of the world's population. By far the largest heap of that wealth, though created by the many, is heaped on the few. It is poured over and accumulated by the few, those who own and manage this brutal system of exploitation. Ever since the inception of capitalism, this has been so, but the efficiency of the system of production and exploitation has raced ahead at an unbelievable speed, creating wealth at an ever growing rate, but the distribution has always gone in favour of those owners and mangers of the system. The discrepancy between those few and the many has reach utterly gross and unacceptable inhumane proportions. Poverty and deprivation sprawls over our cities and towns, doorways become beds, food banks the accepted way of life for millions, and death by starvation for many, many more. Yet, within reach and plain view, we see luxury cars, private jets, grand mansions, lavish yachts and a swaggering coterie who weave the illusion that they are entitled to this life style.
        The chasm between these two groups, the many who create all that wealth, and the few who plunder it, is creating an ever growing anger and the many are starting to openly seek redress and justice. However justice will only come when this entire system of exploitation is torn asunder and replaced by a system of equality and fairness, a sustainable system freed from the cancer that is profit, a system moulded round the needs of all our people, and an end to power and privilege for the few. Though the following article is about U$A, it applies equally across the planet.

The following from Struggle-la-lucha:
     Almost 13 million people in the U.S. are “officially” jobless. The real number is far higher. Many haven’t received an unemployment check in weeks. Then there’s Jeff Bezos, who runs Amazon and owns the Washington Post. His stash ballooned by another $72 billion in the last six months.
       Over a million people have died of the coronavirus around the world. More than 210,000 expired in the United States of Trump. But it’s been party time for the super rich. Millions line up at food pantries and worry about being evicted or losing their home. Meanwhile, U.S. billionaires gained another $845 billion in wealth according to the Institute for Policy Studies
        This nearly trillion-dollar gain during the pandemic is merely dessert for these parasites. They’ve been having a feast for nearly 50 years. If workers were receiving the same share of the economy as they had in 1975, their wages would have approximately doubled by 2018. The bottom quarter of wage earners would be taking home an average of $61,000 per year instead of $33,000. Those in the middle would be making $92,000 instead of $50,000.
      These figures represent another $2.5 trillion dollars stolen every year from poor and working people by the wealthy and powerful. The study showing this “Grand Theft Payday” was commissioned by Seattle’s Fair Work Center and carried out by the RAND Corporation, a Pentagon think tank. Inequality has become so massive and repulsive that it’s obvious to RAND analysts who usually work for the military-industrial complex.
Big Capital’s counterattack
        This massive transfer of income isn’t the result of sunspots or UFOs. It’s the product of a worldwide class struggle between the rich and the rest of us. The class struggle doesn’t just include workers on strike or future union organizing drives at Amazon or Walmart. Every fightback against oppression is a class struggle.
     The Black Lives Matter movement is a class struggle. So is the struggle of the Filipino people against the U.S.-backed dictatorship of Rodrigo Duterte. Transgender people trying to survive is a class struggle.
       The height of the Black liberation struggle was in the 1960s and early 1970s. The master class was pushed back.
       The Vietnamese people defeated the Pentagon war machine. Africans in Angola, Guinea-Bissau and Mozambique won independence. French workers carried out a general strike in 1968.
       Big Capital staged a counteroffensive. Dozens of Black Panther Party members were murdered by police. New York Gov. Nelson Rockefeller massacred the Attica prisoners. Decades before Iraq was invaded, war criminals Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney were destroying anti-poverty programs for President Richard Nixon.

Read the full article HERE:

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Saturday 26 September 2020

One Or T'other.

         There is no half freedom, we are either free or we are not, there is no half justice, there is either justice or there is not. We accept one or the other, freedom or its opposite, enslavement, justice or its opposite, injustice. There is no middle road to walk, accept your enslavement and injustice, or resist and fight for freedom and justice for all. There is no free world while there is one in enslavement, there is no just world when there is one injustice. I can’t walk as a free man, knowing it is a privilege to me and not to others, I can’t accept justice for myself, while others suffer injustice. We are one family and together we must fight for that freedom and justice for all. 
It's Not For Me.

I don’t want freedom that’s a privilege to me
but not for you.
I don’t want the shield of justice that’s mine
but invisible to others.
I take no comfort from a warm home
while others sleep in doorways.
My food is bitter, tasteless, unsatisfying
when I know a child is hungry.
I can't live in a land of isolated peace
as others bleed from war.
What is mine should also be yours to share
our bounty and our burdens,
happiness is an empty vacuous illusion,
if it's an island.

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Sunday 13 September 2020


        It is easy to find inequalities and injustices in this society, they are all around us. Some glaringly obvious, but others tucked away in some idyllic spot on the planet. These short quotes from a Financial Times article 12th.-13th. September, yes I do read it from time to time, highlights the gross inequality that is created by our billionaire parasite class.
     "When the world is so affected [by Covid19] we have no right to rejoice," said one private banker. "But we will have a very good year" sales of Monaco's notoriously expensive apartments are also holding up."
     Among the UK's ultra-rich who make Monaco their safe, secure bolt-hole is Philip Green, of BHS pension fund fame.
    "The pandemic has plunged economies into recession but the strong performance of global financial markets has in many cases increased the wealth of the ultra-rich, and highlighted the attractions of bolt-holes such as Monaco that promise personal safety through strict policing and video surveillance as well as as financial protection and excellent healthcare"
       "Herve Ordioni, who heads a committee for promotion of Monaco as a financial centre and is also chief executive of the local operation of Edmond de Rothschild, said that his staff had to deal with six times as much trading as normal during the lockdown. "It was massive," he said. "We had an unbelievable amount of activity." "

     All this luxurious pandering, financial security, excellent healthcare, to a small parasite class, while in this country, as in ever other country, millions are struggling to put food on the table. Millions face a life of misery, deprivation and absolutely no security what so ever. Can anyone explain to me why we should put up with such a callous, brutal, exploitative system. Especially when we know there are alternatives. There is not enough outright anger on the streets yet, but hopefully it is coming and soon. 

     How about one of these, just to get away from it all for a while? 

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Tuesday 11 August 2020

The Invisible.

         A few words for those millions that suffer poverty and deprivation in this system of inequality and greed. For the migrants fleeing death and destruction with just the clothes on their back. For the homeless, the marginalised, for those invisible to the arrogant, greedy masters of this economic system of injustice, inequality and exploitation. For those cast aside for plunder and profit, a price will be paid for your pain.

 The Invisible.

We live there— yes— there
A little bit above the dead
But quite a bit below the living
Where poverty is a dream
Deprivation a reality
Our daily bread an illusion
We sigh--we weep—
As ruthless poverty
With its cold claws
Tears the heart from our children
We ask—WHY?
Surrounded by opulence
Invisible to arrogant greed
Anger simmers beneath the surface
We seek justice
We will have equality
If blood is the price
So be it.

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