Sunday 15 July 2018

Pan-European State Repression.


        While the system produces "bread and circuses" for the masses, World Cup, Olympics, Wimbledon, etc., the various states are working hard at attempting to kill off any resistance to their insane, unjust, exploitative system. Behind the many scenes of pomp and ceremony, there to make the public feel everything is just wonderful, the states' policing agencies are working hard to track down and silence those most active in trying to bring about a fairer and more humane world. Anarchist are at the forefront of this savage state onslaught of intimidation, they are seen as the greatest threat to the corporate world's freedom to plunder the planet for corporate wealth and power. 
       Of course there will be those who say that this is just paranoia on behave of those wishing to end this insane cancerous economic system. However the facts are there if you wish to check them out. Perhaps you may see it differently after reading this extract from an article from Civic Critic:
        A process of ongoing high-level cooperation between European governments following the G20 in Hamburg this time last year has led to the creation of a "black bloc task force," as well as what appears to be a Europe-wide digital database of so-called "left wing extremists" based on a dubious and toxic ideological framework, according to a series of articles, activist commentary, and government documents.
        Over the past few months, a huge number of activists from Switzerland, Denmark, Greece, Spain, Italy, Hungary, Belgium, Austria, France and Germany have been arrested by police in conjunction with the G20 protests. The raids in Italy, Spain, France and Switzerland were conducted by a "black bloc task force," according to DW.
        The black bloc task force, DW says, has been "combing through terabytes of police footage, CCTV recordings, and private videos with the help of facial recognition software and geolocation data." It has been disclosed also that police infiltrated many of the G20 protest groups with informants. Meanwhile, police in France (the CRS) have discussed experimentation with "chemical, invisible, and remote markers" of "antifas or other black blocks known for their violence."
       In 2001, just a month before the Genoa G8, member states agreed to pursue "violent troublemakers," and collect data on those "notoriously known to the police," while in 2007, Wolfgang Shauble demanded the pursuit of "Euro Anarchists." Ministries of police told their officers to act "internationally and conspiratorially" in tracking and infiltrating "Euro-Anarchists" and "left extremists," while claiming that the "anarcho-scene" was highly internationalised, with cooperation with leftists from the United Kingdom to Greece. Ahead of the G20, it was announced that robots would be installed to crawl through the sewers, without explanation of their function.
       While these prior declarations could be seen by some as flashes in the pan (although the British spycops experience sheds doubt on this), calls made after the G20 last year appear to have developed into action at a frightening speed.
      On the final day of the protests, then-minister for justice Heiko Maas expressed in BILD, an extreme-right Atlanticist tabloid, the need for "a European-wide database of left-wing extremists" to stop them from crossing the borders. Since that date, BILD itself has seemingly played an important role in this process, asking readers to identify and reveal protestors, and releasing their photos to the police. In addition, at least two G20 activists have been included in the SIS II Schengen blocking system.
         It is interesting how that ambiguous word "extremist" gets attached to anybody they don't like.
Well worth reading the full article HERE:

 All very, very rich, and only thinking of your welfare!!!!
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