Saturday 20 April 2019

To Stop Armageddon.

         We live in very dangerous times, what with the corporate world decimating the environment to the point of human extinction, Then we have the American imperialists surrounding China with missile bases, and NATO moving missiles ever closer to the Russian border, threatening a war of unimaginable destruction. To top this insanity, we have the psychopaths Pompeo and Bolton trying hard to engineer support for an attack on Iran. All this sabre rattling by the nuclear armed imperialists brings the possibility of a nuclear war ever closer and the strong possibility of a nuclear Armageddon bring about the extinction of the human species quicker than the environmental disaster that awaits us down the road a piece. 
       All the more reason to pay homage to that band of dedicated and courageous people who have kept alive for more than 30 years, the world's longest running peace camp. The anti-nuclear peace camp at Faslane, The Faslane Peace Camp. They don't get much in the way of good publicity from our imperialist supporting millionaire owned media, but they have kept the protests against these weapons in the public eye, and lots of them have felt the harsh fist of the state's minders, the judicial system.
        At Spirit of Revolt we are proud to be the custodians of the Faslane Peace Camp Archive, to get a little more insight to this important and necessary endeavour, visit their collection at Perhaps this will encourage you to pay the camp a visit, and support it in what ever way you can.
       Spirit of Revolt would also like to appeal to present and ex Faslane Peace Camp campers to contact us about any material relating to the activities of the Camp they might have, with a thought to depositing it with Spirit of Revolt to help create a fuller picture of this magnificent campaign. You can get in touch with us at:
Other helpful info:

Visit Faslane Peace Camp from Camcorder Guerrillas on Vimeo.
Visit ann arky's home at

1 comment:

  1. The monster is not in Loch Ness, the real monster is in Faslane Naval Base.
    Bravo for the Spirit of Revolt and his tenacious work in favor of Peace!
