Thursday 11 March 2021


UK democracy in action.

       So the discussion is now about should Harry and Meghan be stripped of their titles. The establishment love this sort of debate, it lends legitimacy to the subject of privileges and titles, when the whole subject matter of hereditary titles and privileges is unsustainable. Then there is the inquiry into is there racism within the royal household. What a stupid question, the whole edifice of British royalty is built on the racist view that we British are superior to the indigenous peoples that we subjugated and plundered, and had every right to invade and take control of their lands and resources for the greater glory of the crown. If that's not racism on a grand and brutal scale, then the word has no meaning. 

An ordinary day in UK democracy.
      British royalty is the pompous edifice to white power and the class system, never will you see an African, Indian or any other member of the so called British Commonwealth sitting on the UK throne, or next in line, that just would not be tolerated by the powers that be. Yet they try to fool everybody by saying they are going to look to see if there is any racism in the royal household and its entourage.

Kneel before your superior.
     Royalty is an archaic system from a barbaric past, and has no place in a sane and civilised society. Pomp, privileges,and hereditary power are a bulwark against democracy, it is simply a system of fiefdom and serfdom with a host of appendages to make sure you know your place, when to kneel, when to courtesy, when to touch your forelock.
      Instead of having a debate about the obvious in an attempt to justify injustice, it should invoke anger and disgust, and a desire to rid our society of such injustice and inequality, once and for all. Enjoy the ecstasy of your righteous anger. 
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