What are borders, nothing more than imaginary lines drawn on paper and marked on the ground by power mongering states, to proclaim to others that this is their territory, their stolen slice of a planet. These lines encompass all who live there and bind them to the fabricated rules of the power monger and also are there to deter others born on another stolen patch from entering. Europe has joined hands in a massive border surrounding many of these power mongering states, in an effort to keep out non-Europeans. The suffering and death of thousands of human beings fleeing fear, persecution, death and destruction, is of little consequence to the power mongers of the European super state. Here in the UK our state apparatus has whole heartedly joined and help fund this savage persecution of humans trying to get and take their families to safety. Death among those seeking asylum and safety is a daily occurrence, exacerbated by the actions of these nation states and their phoney borders. Borders are inhuman and in a free society cannot exist, free movement of people is a foundation stone of freedom. We will not be fettered by the rules of power and wealth or glued together with the poison of patriotism.
The following is an extract from Enough is Enough:
Originally published by Calais Migrants Solidarity.
Thursday’s shipwreck
In the early hours of Thursday morning (12/08/21), a boat carrying
approximately 37 people, including women and children, began to deflate
and take on water in the Channel, around 25 kilometers north of
Dunkerque. Because of their distance from shore, the people on board
were not able to reach the emergency numbers by phone. They tried to
signal for help to passing cargo ships, at least two of which passed by
without responding. For more than two hours the people kept trying to
get water out of the boat. According to survivors, as the boat continued
taking on more water, luggage was thrown overboard and some people
jumped into the sea to lighten the load.
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