Centuries ago,when capitalism first got a grip on humanity, the people have petitioned, protested and marched, and all that has happened is that capitalism has grown in strength and tightened its grip on humanity. If we continue quietly petitioning, marching and protesting, we can expect the same pattern to be repeated. They say the first sign of madness is to keep doing the same thing but expecting a different result, are we mad, will we continue the same old routine?
If we expect capitalism to desist from plundering the planet, exploiting the population and grasping ever great slices of the Earth's resources, and at the same time creating ever great wealth for that handful of privileged parasites, then we will have to think of a different way of destroying the voracious beast that is capitalism.
It may seem that capitalism is so strong and powerful that it is impossible to be removed, but there were those who thought that the divine right of kings was impossible to remove, but it has gone, into the dustbin of history. Capitalism may seem invincible, but it has many weakness, many points that are vulnerable, many ways that it can be brought to its knees, we have the numbers, we have the desire, and I'm sure we have the intelligence and imagination to bring this festering cancerous economic system of insanity to a few footnotes in a dusty old history book.
The following article from Anarchist News

From La Nemesi Via Dark Nights
Capitalism is voracious, our rage ferocious. Claim of the incendiary attack against four CAT machines, by the Informal Anarchist Conspiracy (Fivizzano, November 2022)
The Informal Anarchist Conspiracy is anarchist and informal, therefore without organisational programmes or leaders, the result of the free union of individuals moved by their own will and reciprocal felt need to strike at those responsible for the misery.
In November, one year after the burning of two vehicles at the Boccanaglia Alta quarry, the Informal Anarchist Conspiracy celebrated its birthday by doubling down on the avenging fire. Four CATs from the Walton quarry in Castelbaita (Fivizzano – MS) were completely burnt.
Unfortunately, apart from the birthday, there is little to celebrate. Tons of mountain pieces are taken away every year, with terrible consequences for nature in all its complexity. Also paying the price are the inhabitants who find themselves without drinking water or with floods that will continue to hit the area.
Marble mining is part of the capitalist system of exploitation, to the point of depletion of every cm of soil, water, subsoil and so-called resources. The extractive economy is directly linked to the wars that from Yemen to Ukraine fatten the bosses. Every single industrialist is responsible for climate change, as well as for the existence of borders and the thousands of people slaughtered in the Mediterranean and in lagers defending borders.
It is known that the bosses are hypocrites and fill their mouths with deceitful words. Big speeches about energy transition, emission reduction and other green masks are on the lips of politicians, bosses and phoney environmentalists. They propose and promise reconversion. They practice the destruction of this planet, the moon, the universe and everything. They talk a lot about alternative energies but never about alternatives to capitalism. Because according to them, this is the best of all possible worlds. We remind ourselves that exploitation and devastation is done on the skin of the many for the profit of a cowardly few.
Last year environmentalists cried scandal over the violence against the bosses. This year they are crying for the right to work. These jackals only want to keep the world as it is. Any compromise with the ravagers of the earth is complicity. Every river, every forest and every mountain in the world shouts this.
By letting the bosses make their profits, we all lose out (animals and humans). We lose slices of mountains crumbled and chewed up for construction, cosmetics for the toilets and yachts of the rich. We lose slices of the possibility of a better and beautiful world to live in. It is the worst one can live in. And so we regret to admit that the violence we deploy is still too weak a response. We conspire and will continue to conspire in the knowledge that if a violent fight against society does not open up the present, then the future will be rotten and poisonous.
Immediate closure of every quarry and every industry. Against labour and society no reconversion or wait-and-see. Direct action and social war.
To bosses and lackeys: this time we hit the means you use for your dirty deeds but we are clear that it is your hands that move them.
With this action we say greetings to all our prisoner comrades. In particular Alfredo, Anna, Juan and Ivan.
Immediate declassification of Alfredo from 41 bis.
We greet with joy the Anna Maria Mantini autonomous cell in Germany – the Negra Venganza in Chile – the Augusto Masetti FAI/FRI Brigade in Italy.
Forward Comrades!
Informal Anarchist Conspiracy
[Taken from “Bezmotivny“, internationalist anarchist fortnightly, year II, number 23, 5 December 2022]