Monday 27 February 2023


                                                  Image courtesy of Glamour.

          It is normal practice for the state to keep asking the people to make sacrifices, Put up with low wages so that we can beat inflation and get the economy growing, accept a crumbling health service because there is not enough money until the economy grows. We the ordinary people are the ones who are told to sacrifice ourselves in capitalism's continuous wars while the rich and powerful organisers and perpetrators of the war sit back and reap the benefits in blood soiled gold. Always pie in the sky, for you and I, never a realisation of that imaginary time when the economy is super producing and all our ills are sorted. Our end of this arrangement is that we continue to struggle for a decent life while the rich get richer. If we have to live a life of continuous sacrifice and struggle because of the economy, then screw the economy. To grow the economy translates into helping big corporate business to get bigger and richer at our expense. We are fed crumbs so that we can get on with growing the economy all to their advantage. Why not put up with sacrifices to bring down this economic insanity and build society based on mutual aid, co-operation, freed from the poison of profit and one that sees to the needs of all our people. Struggle for revolution rather than struggle to grow the economy under its present exploitative rules and structure.
      Capitalism is continuous competition for markets and resources and that competition takes on an ugly and brutal form in wars. War is just a continuation of capitalist competition. Another aspect of capitalism when we, the ordinary people are asked to make the ultimate sacrifice. There is a better way to organise our society, we should make that choice, sacrifice for capitalism, or sacrifice for revolution.

                                              Image courtesy of The Telegraph.

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