Sunday 14 May 2023


         Monday May 15th. is International Conscientious Objectors Day, a day when we rightly mark in honour of all those who had the courage to refuse to be drafted into the state's military killing machine. Two world wars have seen thousands of individuals take a stand against the state process of murdering citizens who happen to live on another patch of this planet, and all the blood and misery shed is for power and wealth to the few. We owe a debt to these courageous individuals for their courageous stand in the face of brutal and savage state reprisals.
        Glasgow like most cities, towns and villages across the country has a proud band of conscientious objectors. To them we raise a clenched fist and say thank you.  
      The two short pieces from our Spirit of Revolt Archive T SOR 1-1-2 refer to Allan Burnett one of Glasgow's young courageous conscientious objectors who eventually ended living in New Zealand.


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