Sunday 20 August 2023

It's a Con.

           While our planet goes through a man made catastrophe of monumental proportions that risks the demise of most of the species on the planet, including our own, our political ballerinas pump out a mixture of bullshit and garbage. We are told it is our life style, that of you and I, the ordinary people have to change. We are offered advice on how to safe the planet, from taking shorter showers, shallower baths and only boiling the water we need in the kettle. This might be good advice in saving on energy bills as we all live in or on the edge of poverty, brought about by the economic system that is destroying the planet. However this advice will not save the planet nor make much of an impact. The only way to save the planet from this threatening doom, is go after the ones with the biggest carbon footprints. Instead of taking a short time in the shower, how about demanding that those in the billionaire/millionaire parasite class get rid of their co2 pumping massive luxury yachts, their gas guzzling limousines and private jets, and their several luxury mansions dotted around the planet. The carbon footprint of one of these greedy thoughtless parasites is probably equal to a small village and all its inhabitants.
       Then of course their is the one that must not be mentioned, the largest carbon 
footprint on the planet, wars and the military industrial complex. States will take no measure to ban wars but will ban non electric cars and replace them with electric vehicles which still produce all the co2 in the production of the internal combustion car, plus their insatiable requirements of lithium for their enormous batteries. Of course lithium comes with a massive carbon footprint in its mining and refining and shipping around the planet and massive distribution centres. The disaster of climate change we are all facing will not be solved by you and I changing a few things in our lifestyle. It will take root and branch destruction of the present economic system which is based on perpetual growth for profit for the few and poverty for the many. A system that allows a select few to amass unimaginable wealth at the expense of the planet and our civilisation, and who stand unaccountable. What sane mind would accept this unnecessary mad suicide dash because of a greedy thoughtless few. 

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