Monday 16 October 2023


           As a rule, I don't like writing about the Sunak and Starmer gangs and their election antics, I usually refer to the elections as the "crooks and liars" competitions, as they each tell whoppers to try and impress and win the gullible. However, having lived almost 90 years and seen the pantomime of our political ballerinas perform their many grand illusions in many guises, I have to admit that these two take the biscuit and live somewhere under the belly of a snail, according to their stand on humanity. The £700+ millionaire Sunak waffles from one thing to another in an attempt to be the superman for all. While at the same time his stance on the genocide taking place in Gaza denies any grasp of humanity. However he is behaving as one would expect the Tories to act. Starmer on the other hand is supposed to be the leader of a party that stands up for the ordinary people, but advices his members not to take part in pickets, and now, not to take part in any Palestinian related protests. a wee bit dictatorial perhaps! As a lawyer on international law he doesn't seem to understand the meaning of genocide nor of collective punishment, both banned in international law.

           The pubic have lived under dreadful conditions after 13 years of Tory rule, if Starmer wins the next election, then dear citizens, expect more of the same. He and his cronies will play the same game of economics to the rules of the big boys, the financial Mafia. They will call the shots on how our tax money should be spent, they will control the purse strings, as they have done since the birth of cancerous capitalism. State and capital always work hand in hand to the benefit of the wealthy, and to hell with the rest of us.
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