Showing posts with label BoJo Boris. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BoJo Boris. Show all posts

Saturday 10 June 2023


                                               Image courtesy of Umbrella online.

           The mainstream media has made a big splash about Boris the Buffoon resigning from Parliament, let the speculation begin. Boris has jumped before he was pushed, Boris will do anything  to save his earning capacity. This liar, charlatan, narcissistic, bumbling, incoherent product of the Oxbridge sausage factory came to gain power because of his wealth and background, not because of his intelligence. He is typical of what the mass producers at the Oxbridge sausage factory turnout, power because of the wealth and privileges, yet these are the people we constantly hand over our power to, for them to "take care of our affairs". By now we should have learned that all they do is look after their corporate conies and their own off-shore accounts. Time and time again they are found to be dodging taxes, claiming expenses to which they are not entitled. They take petty jobs with large companies and receive fabulous fees, not for their knowledge of the business, but for the strings they can pull in parliament. So while they continually stuff their off shore accounts, they give us austerity, underfunded NHS, closed libraries, swimming pools, community centres a crumbling education system and a collapsed social care service. While they allow the corporate world to rip us off with hyper-inflation, so that the financial Mafia can recapitalise their rotten corrupt system. So rejoicing at the departure of one of these political ballerinas is an empty celebration, The Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption, is still stuffed full of narcissistic greed driven charlatans, still riding the gravy train, which we, in our blind folly, fund and allow them to do without hindrance. Bring the whole rotten system down, it's the only answer to our problems.

                                              Image courtesy of Wealden District.


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