Showing posts with label Cameron Osborne. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cameron Osborne. Show all posts

Monday, 16 February 2015

Shatter It To Bits And Then---!!

      You know it, I know it, and we would be idiots if we didn't realise that “they” know it. The “they” I'm referring, to is our Oxbridge millionaire lords and masters, the Cameron/Osborne Cabal. What is it we all know? It is the fact that we the public are being screwed, and getting poorer. According to recent figures, the average Scots worker's annual salary is £1,900 lower in real terms now, than when the financial Mafia's henchmen, the Oxbridge mob, took control in 2010. While our wages go down, fat cat chief executives of the large companies, earn as much as the average annual salary, every two days, and they know it. As chief executives stuff their loot into off shore accounts, Citizens Advice Scotland, reports that it has seen a significant rise in the number of working Scots who are struggling to put food on the table. I'll repeat, you must be an idiot if you think “they” don't know that, the point is “they” don't give a shit.
       Of course “they” know it, but what is their considerate, compassionate reply, well the Osborne part of the thieving Cavaliers, has promised another £30 billion of cuts, or as they call it, "fiscal consolidation", over the next few years. That translates into higher salaries and bonuses for the top bunch of parasites, and more cuts to the standard of living of you and me.
          We don't need to keep demonstrating, telling them about the damage cuts are having on people's lives, “they” know. We have to organise to bring the whole stinking system of greed, inequality and injustice, down on their heads. We can do better than this, we built this sordid edifice and everything else in it, we can sweep the ruins aside and start that better world, built of fairness, co-operation and mutual aid, creating a society that sees to the needs of all our people.

Ah Love! Could Thou and I
with Fate Cospire
To Grasp this Sorry Scheme
of Things entire,
Would we not shatter it
too bits, and then
Remould it nearer to
the Hearts Desire!
Extract from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam.
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Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Workfare Can Be Beaten.

       The millionaire cabal that inhabits The Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption, want to see workfare firmly embedded in our culture, they are hoping kids leaving school will see this as normal procedure, work for the corporate sleaze machine for no salary, in the hope of getting a crap job with lousy wages at some point in the future. It's the Cameron-Osborne duo's gift to their millionaire corporate buddies. No doubt they all meet in splendour and discuss these matters over a glass or two of champagne, after all, they are all in this together. However, thanks to the efforts of ordinary people this attempt is being met with strong resistance and is forcing some organisations to think again about participating in this slave labour scheme. They need more support and solidarity if this vicious attack on our living standards is to be killed off.

      On October 9, members of Haringey Solidarity Group and Boycott Workfare paid workfare provider Urban Futures in Wood Green a visit. Fifteen people occupied the office with banners and a soundsystem – challenging Urban Futures on their treatment of claimants and speaking to people on enforced jobsearch about their experiences and sharing info on their rights.
A number of claimants have complained about bullying and misreatment from Urban Futures management.If you want to speak to someone about how you've been treated, or join the campaign in Haringey, email or ring 07804 599 327.
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Saturday, 30 August 2014

As We See It.

Plain truth in plain language.