A call for solidarity from IUF:
Occupy Dandenong!
Workers fight lockout with lockin
Union of Workers (NUW) members at the International Flavours and
Fragrances (IFF) facility in Dandenong (Victoria) have responded to a
management lockout by occupying the lunchroom.
After months of fruitless bargaining for a new wage agreement which saw management demanding big concessions, union members voted to ban overtime and paperwork. Workers arriving for the early morning shift on January 27 were informed of the lockout and several dozen union members rushed inside as the gates were closing. They've installed themselves in the lunchroom while members and supporters demonstrate outside.
You can support them - CLICK HERE TO SEND A MESSAGE TO IFF urging the company to lift the lockout and bargain in good faith!
After months of fruitless bargaining for a new wage agreement which saw management demanding big concessions, union members voted to ban overtime and paperwork. Workers arriving for the early morning shift on January 27 were informed of the lockout and several dozen union members rushed inside as the gates were closing. They've installed themselves in the lunchroom while members and supporters demonstrate outside.
You can support them - CLICK HERE TO SEND A MESSAGE TO IFF urging the company to lift the lockout and bargain in good faith!

International Flavours and Fragrances is one of the largest
transnational makers of food ingredients and a supplier to many leading
food and snack companies.
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