Giants like Monsanto
don't get what they want without the help of the various governments.
Governments listen to the corporate wish list, and then proceed to
set up funding to smooth the process, and pass legislation to put the
stamp of legitimacy on their greed driven agenda. Of course it is all
shrouded under the banner of development and aid. Western aid has
always been loaded to assist Western corporate giants take advantage
of developing nations, the first thought has never been the welfare
of the people.
The new imperialist
adventure in Africa goes by the name of “The New Alliance for
Food and Nutrition”, for the African nations that sign up, this
means that their agriculture policies will be at the mercy of the big
greed driven giants like Monsanto, Unilever and DuPont. Just to make
it easier for those corporate plunderers, the UK government is
throwing £395 million into the pot. Imperialism is not something
from the last couple of centuries, it is here and now, and we the tax
payers are still funding, the plundering of the African continent.
Read the full article HERE:The New Alliance has been modelled on the ‘new vision’ of private investment in agriculture developed by management consultants McKinsey in conjunction with the ABCD group of leading grain traders (ADM, Bunge, Cargill and Louis Dreyfus) and other multinational agribusiness companies. Government officials have acknowledged that most of the content in the national cooperation frameworks has been taken from other corporate initiatives such as AGRA (the Alliance for a New Green Revolution in Africa) and the Grow Africa investment platform of the World Economic Forum. Policy commitments required of African countries joining the New Alliance include ending the free distribution of seeds, phasing out national export controls and making it easier for private investors to take over agricultural land. The UK government’s Department for International Development (DFID) has announced that it will be contributing £395 million from the UK aid budget to the New Alliance over the coming three years.
People are now more aware of the greed and corruption that goes on between corporatism and governments and are organising against this destructive system. Saturday May 24th sees the world event of March against Monsanto, though it should be noted that Monsanto are not the only viper in this basket.

The global March Against Monsanto will take place this coming Saturday, May 24th! If you haven't RSVP'd to your local event yet, you can find a location near you on this event list. If there isn't a march in your area, you can still start one! Here's how:
Whether you are physically marching or not, please join our social media hashtag storm that will be coinciding with the march on Saturday. The details and hashtags will be released through the event page and our Facebook page. You can RSVP to the event here.
Please invite your friends lists to your local events and to the social media storm. Here's an easy plugin for Firefox users to automatically invite all of their Facebook friends:
To view March Against Monsanto's press release, go here. Please forward this press release to any and all of your press contacts.
Hope to see everyone out there! Here are our links to stay up to date and get involved:
Global event list:
Facebook: -
Visit ann arky's home at more at:
If there isn't a march in your area, you can still start one! Here's how:
Global event list:
Facebook: - See more at:
The global March Against Monsanto will take place this coming Saturday, May 24th! If you haven't RSVP'd to your local event yet, you can find a location near you on this event list. - See more at:
The global March Against Monsanto will take place this coming Saturday, May 24th! If you haven't RSVP'd to your local event yet, you can find a location near you on this event list.
If there isn't a march in your area, you can still start one! Here's how:
Whether you are physically marching or not, please join our social media hashtag storm that will be coinciding with the march on Saturday. The details and hashtags will be released through the event page and our Facebook page. You can RSVP to the event here.
Please invite your friends lists to your local events and to the social media storm. Here's an easy plugin for Firefox users to automatically invite all of their Facebook friends:
To view March Against Monsanto's press release, go here. Please forward this press release to any and all of your press contacts.
Hope to see everyone out there! Here are our links to stay up to date and get involved:
Global event list:
Facebook: - See more at: