Showing posts with label Earth First. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Earth First. Show all posts

Monday 18 June 2012


         May 14 in Glasgow, we organised an Earth First talk/discussion with two of our American friends, Panagioti Tsolkas and partner Cara. The Glasgow event was one of several they held on their way across Europe to Greece. They following is their report back on their journey.

       The current rate of species extinction is more than 3 per hour, and that rate of loss could reach 10,000 times the background rate in two decades.
The rate of farmers in India committing suicide is now hourly, over 200,000 documented since 1997, with the primary method of drinking pesticides….
Tid bits like these make it hard to view the eurozone clash between privatized and state-run industrialism as an actual crisis. But still, it was encouraging, in that miserably depressing way, to hear so much talk in countries like Ireland and Greece—both dragged into Euro debt-bondage with promises of high-tech modernity—about how shit is severely, deeply fucked.
Maybe the chickens are on their way in to roost for Fortress Europe. And we at the Earth First! Journal were overjoyed to be projecting our slide show off the wall of the coop and peddling propaganda from the eco-resistance to the new barbarians on the fringes, in the hopes that we could be of some help in adding a new set of ruins to the junk piles of civilization.
What follows is a short overview of the stops we made, with a ton of links for further investigation, should you happen to pass through these areas looking to support the radical projects and campaigns who hosted us:
Continue READING:

ann arky's home.

Sunday 13 May 2012


Just a last minute reminder for this Glasgow Earth First event.

        A chance to hear how the ecology movement and anti-globalisation movement functions in America. We can all learn from one and other, Panagioti Tsolkas has been active in the Earth First movement in America for most of his adult life and has a wealth of experience to discuss. This is a free event but it would help if you let ann arky know if you intend coming along, so that we can assess numbers. We need to get enough cups for the tea.
DATE: May 14 2012.VENUE: Unitarian Church 72 Berkeley Street Charing Cross, Glasgow.TIME: 6:30pm. to 9-ish.

Monday 7 May 2012


           A chance to hear how the ecology movement and anti-globalisation movement functions in America. We can all learn from one and other, Panagioti Tsolkas has been active in the Earth First movement in America for most of his adult life and has a wealth of experience to discuss. This is a free event but it would help if you let ann arky know if you intend coming along, so that we can assess numbers. We need to get enough cups for the tea.
May 14 2012.
VENUE: Unitarian Church 72 Berkeley Street Charing Cross, Glasgow.
TIME: 6:30pm. to 9-ish.

           A History and Future of the International Earth First! Movement, from ecological resistance to revolutionary struggle.

          In this talk, Panagioti Tsolkas, an Earth First! agitator and editor of the movement's publication, Earth First! Journal, from the US, will briefly introduce the movement's history and explore the possible future of Earth First!, and other radical ecological efforts, in contributing to the re)emergence of a global resistance to state and capital.

          The presentation includes a slide show of images from Earth First! actions and other ecological resistance efforts.

A short intro to talk:

       The Earth First! movement, which began in 1980, has had a presence in several countries around the world. While the movement has been relatively small in numbers, it has had a significant impact both in influencing other social movements and the society at large. Earth First! has challenged people to take the human species down off of the industry-constructed hierarchy of the planet's wild nature. It has succeeded and survived so long precisely because the style of anarchistic organizing and decentralized direct action which it uses. By reflecting an organic, spontaneous wildness we see in the Earth, we have endured through the state repression and spirit-crushing misery of industrial domination...
        Followed by a short period for discussion and questions. There will be tea and biscuits to help to smooth things along.
        More on Earth First! can be found

ann arky's home.

Thursday 28 July 2011


Some information that was omitted from the previous post regarding Earth First in Amarica.

Tim DeChristopher was sentenced to 2 years in prison at the Salt Lake City federal courthouse. He was taken immediately into custody, being denied the typical 3 weeks afforded to put his affairs in order and say goodbye to his friends and family. Following his being taken into custody, 26 more people were arrested while occupying the Federal court house of Salt Lake City, Utah, in solidarity with him.
       Meanwhile Earth First has been active in Oregon 

ann arky's home.


         A posting from our friends across the pond. It should be shouted from the street corners and from the roof tops, resistance to this system of capitalist exploitation, and the rape and plunder of the planet is growing day by day.

Earth First!: dancing on the tables of bureaucracy and greed for 30 years and counting

By Panagioti, co-editor of Earth First! Journal 

         Earth First! has been a pain in the ass to industrialists for over 30 years now in the US. Despite serious repression from the Green Scare over the past decade (where eco-activists have been labeled 'terorists' and threatened with life sentences for acts of sabotage) the movement of ecological direct action looks to be getting back on its feet again. The stories below gives a glimpse of this summer alone... Last week in Montana, Earth First! activists in the US stormed the Capital of Montana in resistance to new fossil fuel infrastructure  This week tree sitters halted mountaintop removal coal mining in West Virginia  Last month, a direct action campaign of indigenous activist and allies kicked off in the San Francisco Peaks of Arizona And the resistance continues:  Earlier in the summer, Earth First!ers in Maine took their case against industrial wind power clearcutting endangered species habitat to a 'criminal' trial for their road blockades of a year earlier. While some charges were dropped, and some resulted in jail sentences, their fight continues. And in Florida, forest defenders opposing the construction of a new biotech animal testing laboratory by occupying the tree canopy this spring were summonsed to court for their alleged involvement in this 6-week occupation (which has played a major part in delaying the construction thus far)  All across the US eco-resistance is back on the rise, and the trend seems to be present in several other countries as well. With the ecological crisis expanding, the need has never been greater. We intend to rise to the challenge.

P.S. Don't forget to check out the latest Earth First! Journal, for a more in-depth look at news, strategy and analysis around the world

P.P.S Don't forget to start plannin' to celebrate the 200 year anniversary of the Luddite Uprisings starting this November... 

Oh, and the Earth First! Journal may be planning a trip across the Atlantic next spring/summer. We are hoping to make a stop-over in Glasgow... So keep an eye out for us!
ann arky's home.