Showing posts with label ecology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ecology. Show all posts

Tuesday 29 November 2022


           Explaining the flaws in capitalism to a believer that accepts that it's the only game in town, can be difficult. They arrive at their decision from the propaganda machine, mainstream media, government policies, the menagerie of parliament, corporate advertising and I suppose we can add Hollywood.  That's why I like reading  Caitlin Johnstone she seems to have this ability to spite out the truth and make it readable and obvious. I love her quote, "Why does China keep aggressively surrounding itself with US military bases"
The following is a short extract from a longer article by Caitlin  

            The claim that capitalism is the best system for generating profits is basically correct; it’s hard to beat greed and starvation as a carrot and stick to get the gears of industry whirring. The issue here is that merely generating profits won’t solve most of the world’s problems, and in fact many of our problems come from the fact that capitalism is too effective at turning the gears of industry. Our biosphere is dying largely because capitalism values making lots of things but not un-making things; we’re choking our ecosystem to death because it’s profitable.
           Capitalism has no real answers for problems like ecocide, inequality, exploitation and caring for the needful. Yes “let the markets decide” will generate lots of profits for those set up to harvest them, but profit-seeking cannot address those very serious problems. The “invisible hand of the market” gets treated as an actual deity that actually exists, with all the wisdom necessary to solve the world’s problems, but in reality the pursuit of money lacks any wisdom. It can’t solve our major problems, it can only make more stuff and generate more profit.
              Find me a capitalist business plan for leaving a forest untouched. Find me a capitalist business plan for keeping someone free of illness, for ensuring that someone with nothing gets what they need, for giving resources to a struggling parent. You can’t. Capitalism can’t do this. These are the most important things in the world, and no possible iteration of capitalism has any solutions for any of them whatsoever, apart from “Well hopefully rich people will feel very charitable and fix those problems.” And how is that solution working out? It’s a joke.
            The “Maybe the very rich will feel charitable and fix our problems for us” solution assumes that the very same people who are wired to do whatever it takes to claw their way to the top of the ladder will suddenly start caring deeply about everyone they stepped on to get there. Capitalism elevates sociopaths, because profit-seeking competition-based systems reward those who are willing to do whatever it takes to get ahead. That’s why we are ruled by sociopaths, and it’s why looking to “philanthropy” as a solution to our problems is a ridiculous joke.
          When capitalism proponents tell socialists and communists “You don’t understand economics,” what they really mean is “You don’t understand that capitalism is the best system for generating profits.” But socialists and communists do understand this; it’s just that generating profits, in and of itself, is not sufficient.
            If lack of wealth is your major problem, then capitalism can be a tool to address it; that’s what China is temporarily doing to keep up economically with the western forces who wish to enslave it. But such measures won’t solve ecocide, inequality, exploitation, and caring for the needful. For that other measures are needed.
         If you want to make more of something (money, material goods), then capitalism can be a good way to do that. But if you need to make less of something (pollution, inequality, exploitation, sickness, homelessness, etc) it’s worthless, and other systems must be looked to.
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Wednesday 22 March 2017

A Late World Poetry Day.

      Considering it was the day before my birthday, I guess I must be getting old, I missed World Poetry Day, it was yesterday March 21st. However, as they say, better late than never.

Just Imagine!

If only we could find the imagination
to see this world as one rich colourful nation,

not a collection of camps, insular and small
always eager to mount a border brawl

sending forth an army of fruit growers
to shed the blood of some seed growers,

holding high a coloured rag
proclaim, "the blood I shed is for this flag",

believing this justifies the countless dead
across nature's beauty spread.

Can't we learn from yesterday's errors
borders breed false fears and foolish terrors;

each flag waving hand sows the seeds
of tomorrow's pointless brutal deeds.

If only we could find the imagination
to see this world as one rich colourful nation,

all free to walk our chosen path
free from fear of the stranger's wrath.

A brother, rich or poor we can accept
a different coloured skin is cause to reject,

smile at a brown eyed sister with reddish hair
yet mock one who walks a jungle path, bosom bare.

Shower with praise and welcome embrace
anyone from our spurious race,

greet with snarl and angry glare
those strange people from over there;

then useing our culture as some kind of shield
guarantee our future in isolation sealed.

If only we could find the imagination
to see this world as one rich colourful nation. 

A new Dawn.

Today we live in a peace
midst a thousand pygmy wars;
a humanity bankrupt by its past
dragged wearily through darkness and despair
yearns for a day that's cast
long, warm and fair,
a dawn that sees humankind discard
its class, its nation and prepare
to grind outworn creeds to dust,
so mankind naked is revealed,
then moving with common cause,
what such a dawn may yield.

Our Children's Inheritance. 

Blind to the future's unrisen dawns
we change nature to industrial debris.
Lead our children to a terrifying land
there to let them do or die.
Consign our children's children
poisoned air, a sterile earth,
set hungry faces fishing on some odious fishless sea.
Bequeath them a silent world
no feathered friend wings and sings
no hare, no fox runs free; by our efforts guarantee,
no wondrous woodlands, no wild forests,
no blushing bloom of spring,
no clear streams, no rolling meadows,
no fresh breezes blowing in on a bounteous sea.
How can we meet their trusting eye
when our legacy they acquire;
who by our actions will receive
a thorn in every kiss, from every mouth a lie.
What will our heart reply when asked,
"Why no harmony with nature?"
"Why has the truth been masked?"

         I can hear you say, "OK, so you missed the day, but there was no need to go into overdrive!!"
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Monday 5 October 2015

The World Is Our Village.

        How much bloodshed and misery has been caused by armed thugs belonging to a rich elite defending imaginary lines on the ground? Some warmongering thug gathers around themselves a bunch of paid mercenaries to hold on to some land they have stolen, they set up an apparatus called "the state", this is supposed to legitimise their theft and butchery. From then on, all those trapped within those imaginary lines are the slaves and servants of that elite. All those outside those imaginary lines, are alien, different, inferior, dangerous, of course the same insanity is going on within all those plots of land bound by imaginary lines and defended by force. It is the mind set of the insane, the greedy, the psychotic, their are no borders, these are simply robbers stakes from plunder by deceit and force. We the people do not need borders, we do not need imaginary lines to create imaginary enemies, we are one world, one humanity.

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Thursday 17 May 2012


          Have we reached the "Fuck it" point? If not when, can it be now or is it too late? Or will we blindly carry on as if everything is just fine and science will sort things out as the problems arrive? As poverty increases across the planet day by day, it becomes clearer and clearer that something is drastically wrong. Our wonderful economic and science orientated system is seen to be a complete  and utter failure. Seeking answers within a system that is so obviously destroying the planet we live on, is nothing short of insanity. We have to think outside the present system, put the blame where it belongs, on the system we live under and not the individuals trapped within that system. It can't be modified, altered slightly, or turned into a manageable environmental friendly system, it is unmanageable and environmentally destructive. The system has to be destroyed one way or another, and a new consciousness has to take its place. One that neither desires to exploit the planet nor seeks dominance over it and all its inhabitants.  

ann arky's home.

Monday 7 May 2012


           A chance to hear how the ecology movement and anti-globalisation movement functions in America. We can all learn from one and other, Panagioti Tsolkas has been active in the Earth First movement in America for most of his adult life and has a wealth of experience to discuss. This is a free event but it would help if you let ann arky know if you intend coming along, so that we can assess numbers. We need to get enough cups for the tea.
May 14 2012.
VENUE: Unitarian Church 72 Berkeley Street Charing Cross, Glasgow.
TIME: 6:30pm. to 9-ish.

           A History and Future of the International Earth First! Movement, from ecological resistance to revolutionary struggle.

          In this talk, Panagioti Tsolkas, an Earth First! agitator and editor of the movement's publication, Earth First! Journal, from the US, will briefly introduce the movement's history and explore the possible future of Earth First!, and other radical ecological efforts, in contributing to the re)emergence of a global resistance to state and capital.

          The presentation includes a slide show of images from Earth First! actions and other ecological resistance efforts.

A short intro to talk:

       The Earth First! movement, which began in 1980, has had a presence in several countries around the world. While the movement has been relatively small in numbers, it has had a significant impact both in influencing other social movements and the society at large. Earth First! has challenged people to take the human species down off of the industry-constructed hierarchy of the planet's wild nature. It has succeeded and survived so long precisely because the style of anarchistic organizing and decentralized direct action which it uses. By reflecting an organic, spontaneous wildness we see in the Earth, we have endured through the state repression and spirit-crushing misery of industrial domination...
        Followed by a short period for discussion and questions. There will be tea and biscuits to help to smooth things along.
        More on Earth First! can be found

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Friday 20 April 2012


Sunday April 22nd
the 42nd celebration of Earth Day.

         Earth Day is a day early each year on which events are held worldwide to increase awareness and appreciation of the Earth's natural environment. Earth Day is now coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network,[1] and is celebrated in more than 175 countries every year.[2] In 2009, the United Nations designated April 22 International Mother Earth Day.[3] Earth Day is planned for April 22 in all years at least through 2015.[4]
         The name and concept of Earth Day was allegedly pioneered by John McConnell in 1969 at a UNESCO Conference in San Francisco. The first Proclamation of Earth Day was by San Francisco, the City of Saint Francis, patron saint of ecology. Earth Day was first observed in San Francisco and other cities on March 21, 1970, the first day of spring in the northern hemisphere. This day of nature's equipoise was later sanctioned in a Proclamation signed by Secretary General U Thant at the United Nations where it is observed each year. About the same time a separate Earth Day was founded by United States Senator Gaylord Nelson as an environmental teach-in first held on April 22, 1970. While this April 22 Earth Day was focused on the United States, an organization launched by Denis Hayes, who was the original national coordinator in 1970, took it international in 1990 and organized events in 141 nations.[5][6] Numerous communities celebrate Earth Week, an entire week of activities focused on environmental issues.

        Well we all know that if we want to do something to preserve the earth on which we all live and depend, then we have to think of getting rid of corporate capitalism. We can celebrate Earth Day by doing something simple, like forget the car and/or public transport when possible and walk or take the bike. Plant a tree, don't buy anything, decide where possible to grow your own veggies. There are a million small ways we can all do something to protect the environment, but the damage will still go on as long as we don't change the system under which must of the damage occurs, capitalism. It is the continual drive to control world markets by large multi-national corporations that is ripping the heart out of the planet. Everything must be done on a massive scale, whole swaths of land are turned into a colossal chemical driven agricultural factory, mountains are ripped apart and polluted for their minerals, the sea is vacuum cleaned of its fish. Everything has to be on a gigantic scale to feed the greed of the corporate world. Until we address that problem all the little efforts of turning the heating down one degree, taking less time in the shower, only boiling enough water for the amount of tea you require, etc. will be of no avail. The planet can support the human race and all its other diverse species, but it can't support the greed of corporate capitalism.

ann arky's home.

Wednesday 11 May 2011


       Here we go with the next exciting page from The Teapot Collective Introduction to Anarchy. Enjoy page 10, page 9 can be found  HERE.
       Women were conditioned and beaten into the roles of dedicated mothers, housewives and general carers. We were (and still are) there to make everyone happy but not to demand anything in return. Feminists broke out of this, challenging the way women are brought up, sexually used, denied our own thoughts and judgements. And they fought for this, bring about many changes we take for granted today. Feminist also created their own structures to deal with life and to practise mutual aid. One example was "consciousness raising groups", where women came together without leaders to talk about their lives, support each other and organise.

      One large anarchist current today consists of those influenced by ecology which seeks to understand the living earth as a whole, including us. This is one of the most critical periods in the history of life on earth - by the end of next year another 10%  of the world's species will be extinct. Industrialisation is a tool created by elites to shackle humanity and control nature,---
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