This campaign has delivered a 2.4 million petition to the European Parliament, but it seems it is not enough, so let's keep the pressure up and win this one. This from

Our outcry has stunned European politicians and nearly buried ACTA, but the European Commission is now trying a last ditch attempt to revive it through a legal endorsement. We can stop it if we rally together again and demand the Court assesses ACTA's full impact on our Internet rights and freedoms. Sign the urgent petition now:
In days, the European Commission will try a last ditch ttempt to revive ACTA. But if we intervene now this global attack on Internet freedom will collapse.
We are so close to winning -- our 2.4 million strong petition has stunned politicians across Europe and halted the censors. Now the European Commission is on the back foot and hoping the Court of Justice will give ACTA the greenlight by presenting a very narrow legal question that is sure to receive a positive answer.
But if we all raise our voices now we can ensure the Court looks at all the legal impacts of ACTA, and releases an opinion that tells the truth about ACTA's attack on our rights.
Sign the urgent petition to European Commission President José Manuel Barroso to call on the Court to tell the whole truth: The European Commission spent five years negotiating ACTA in secret with corporations, but in the last five weeks we've blown the ACTA debate into the open.
Now the Commission is fighting to keep ACTA alive by getting the blessing of the EU’s highest court. The Commission, well-versed in bureaucratic dodges, may only present the court with a narrow question, preventing it from assessing ACTA's impacts on our freedom of expression, privacy and democracy.
We’ve forced governments in Poland, Germany, Bulgaria and other countries to freeze ratification. And now,
if we win this battle in the European Commission, we can stop ACTA for good. If the EU does not ratify, ACTA will never become a global agreement and negotiators will have to go back to the drawing board to produce a treaty that stops genuine abuses but protects our rights.
Let's urgently call on the Commission and Court to give ACTA a full and fair hearing, and
make sure the whole truth about this threat to our fundamental freedoms is revealed. Sign now and send this to everyone: Millions of us joined together to fight for Internet freedom and stop the US censorship laws. We won, but now this threat is back on a global scale with ACTA. We've done what no one thought we could and stopped the treaty's march to ratification. Let's finish what we started and beat back ACTA, for good!
With hope and determination,
Alex, Pascal, Laura, Alice, Ricken, Dalia, Diego and the whole Avaaz team
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