A wee bit late with this one, but better late than never. On Saturday 12th. November in Edinburgh, Friends of the Earth Scotland, organised a march and protest demanding a system change. It was massive, colourful, with meaningful banners and costumes, and they were joined by many other groups, all displaying their anger and disgust at the powers that be and their intransigence, all in the name of profit, in meaningful action to stop this climate disaster. It would appear that it is nonsense to expect the present capitalist system to stop its plundering of the Earth that continually fattens their coffers. They are in it for the money and power, not for the well being of any living thing. It is on the streets that we will destroy this system of exploitation. We have to keep up the organising and demonstrating in ever larger numbers and support the strikers, if we are are to make an impact on this system of insane economics of greed. Don't demand change, make change, we owe it to our grandchildren.
A few photos from the very colourful and peaceful event.
More photos from Saturday's Friends of the Earth Scotland event, Nov 12th.
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