Showing posts with label George Square. Show all posts
Showing posts with label George Square. Show all posts

Sunday 23 March 2014

Glasgow's Anti-fascist March.

    UN's anti-racism, anti-fascism day, March 22, saw many colourful marches, rallies and demonstrations, take place across the globe. Glasgow was no exception, with a noisy colourful march from George Square through the city centre and return to George Square for lots of music and some speeches. The Glasgow march was lead by wonderful inspiring drum band and was a sea of colour with banners from as far a field as Dumfries.

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Thursday 13 March 2014

East Is East And West Is West!

      As a football pundit once said, "Football is a game of two halves", to me a non-football guy, I thought that was obvious, I always  miss the subtleties of the "beautiful game". However it could also be said that Glasgow is a city of two halves, the West End and the East End, and according to the Mafia in George Square, East is East and West is West, and ne'r the twain shall meet. This divide is obvious to all our senses, visit each End and the difference startles and baffles all those senses. On visiting these "ends" the first impact is visual, the West End, busy shops, cafes, bistros, pubs, restaurants and the smell of affluence, visit the East End, closed shops, derelict buildings, empty spaces, poor housing and the smell of poverty. The difference is not just apparent to our senses, it is embedded in the lives of those who live in each of these two "Ends". The life expectancy in parts of the East End are as low as 53.9 years, while a short (but expensive) bus journey across the city, and in parts of the West End, life expectancy can be as high as 82 years. 
      Now we know that it is not a genetic difference between the species that live in these two ends of our city, the root cause is that first visual appearance, affluence and poverty. Quality of life governs length of life, and in this society that is decided on affluence and poverty. We also know that poverty is not an accident, it is caused and prolonged by policies, and policies are made and carried out by people. It therefore follows that those people are directly responsible for the poverty, deprivation, short life expectancy, and the criminal plunder of the future of all those children who are born into those policy created conditions.


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Monday 22 July 2013

Crooks In Suits.

      An interesting event is coming to Glasgow Green, Saturday August 3, at 11am onwards. An event packed with information regarding our Kremlin in George Square. A not to be missed event for all the family.
This from JC:

Crooks in suits.
      Need a crooked councillor? Well Glasgow’s the place for you!
     Glasgow City Council has swept crime from the streets – right into the Shitty Chambers at George Square!
       Glasgow has the best councillors money can buy. If you need a bevy license, or a bit of help with a dodgy land deal, you will always find a member of Labour’s Mafia willing to help – for a nominal fee of course!
     Remember, our Labour crooks have had almost fifty years experience of fleecing the Citizens of Glasgow. They can make a brown envelope stuffed with money disappear quicker than a fart in a fan factory.
      Knowing a good racket when they see it, many of them have turned their council crookery into a family business, with Ma, Pa the weans, and the family dug all in on the act. And of course with the forthcoming Commonwealth Games and the so called Clyde Gateway Development, oor sticky fingered cooncillors and their business pals have never had it so good.
        Not so long ago most of them were just corner boys who joined the Labour Party with a view to becoming a cooncil yes man content with getting a seat on the Gravy Train with the occasional junket or expenses fiddle thrown in, - but responding to increased opportunities, the craftiest among them have gone from being small time chiselers to white collar career criminals.
      The setting up of Arm’s Length organisations (Aleos), by the council, meant that Aleo Directorship’s could be dished out to Labour Party hacks. So a scheme that was supposed to save money, actually cost Glasgow’s taxpayers millions.
     While the Aleos made losses, the crooks that run them got richer. No prizes for guessing where the money has gone!
      Ronnie Saez, former chief executive of the Glasgow East Regeneration Agency pocketed a severance packet of £500,000 thanks to his pals in the council. The Scottish Charity Regulator said this was inappropriate and amounted to “misconduct in the administration”, - but they cannot force him to give the money back!
        Another famous council institution is the Labour Party Old Pals Club. The old pals club ensures that Labour Cooncilors and their goons, will be looked after by their cronies when their fingers have become too arthritic to steal any longer.
From the Daily Record 29 November 2011:
       EIGHT bosses at Glasgow City Council have been paid £738,000 in "golden goodbyes" while staff suffer a pay freeze.
      Three of them walked away with early retirement lump sums of more than £100,000.
      Chief solicitor Ian Drummond got £109,303 "compensation for loss of office" plus an annual £11,040 payment.
     Steve Inch, the council's "regeneration tsar", left with £109,279 plus a yearly sum of £11,032.
      Inch's assistant director, Jim Cunningham, walked away with £82,741 plus an annual sum of £7853.
     Wendy O'Donnell, an area education manager for south-west Glasgow, got £70,297 and £6935 a year.
      Dawn Corbett, who was head of corporate policy, left with £48,044 and a £6571 annual payment.
      Fergus Chambers, head of care and catering firm Cordia, got a £101,662 exit payment plus annual compensation of £11,032.
      Disgraced chief executive Steven Purcell set up Cordia and other publicly owned companies to provide council services during his reign.
     The Labour Mafia have been getting away with robbing the citizens of Glasgow for decades, but the level of crime and corruption has now reached epidemic proportions.
      Glasgow’s crooked councillors make Al Capone look like a bungling amateur, but despite this it would seem that the media and the Police are deaf, dumb and blind to their shenanigans.
         When is something going to be done about this?
      Why doesn’t the Scottish Parliament order an enquiry into the business dealings and personal finances of Labour Councillors?
       While everyone else is struggling to survive these parasites are living it up, and sucking the life blood out of Glasgow.
Come and show them we are on to their crookery!
        Join together on Glasgow Green at the People’s Palace on Saturday 3rd August at 11.00am to hang out the Council’s Dirty Laundry for all to see!
       Bring along your own sheet with your own slogan.
Let’s make Glasgow City Council’s dirty going- on’s the talk of the steamie!
(Disclaimer: Not all Labour councillors are crooked of course, - only 98% of them!)

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