Back from my daughters wee weekend birthday bash in Auchterarer and had a wonderful time, I did manage to find the farm I was evacuated to during ww2. It brought back some wonderful memories. The place has changed, a lot of the outhouses have been demolished, but some of the outer walls are still standing. The actual farm house where my sisters and I lived is still there, looking all smart and well kept. Couldn't locate the small school that we walked to every morning, it may have been expanded or demolished. The town of Auchterared has massively expanded, and was very busy, it was rather difficult to cross the road. So very different from my time being there during the war, we only stayed in the town for a couple of months, and then back to Glasgow.

During my short absence for my beloved city, there were two march/protests. Friday was the climate change protest held in George Square, from reports from my friends, it was not as well attended as one would have hoped, but a reasonable crowd. Never the less people are becoming more aware of the oncoming disaster unless we sort out our economic system away from capitalism towards a green and sustainable system that sees to the needs of all our people.
Thanks Keith for the photo:
The other event I missed, was on Saturday, a Glasgow annual march and rally, where the citizens of Glasgow and further afield come together to make it quite clear, Glasgow is not a racists city. The last Saturday of ever November, the people of Glasgow gather with friends/acquaintances/comrades from surrounding areas to march from Glasgow Green to a rallying point where they hold a large meeting. The whole idea behind this event is to raise the fact that the people of Glasgow will not tolerate racism in any shape or form.
As always, a great turnout and a multitude of banners and flags proclaiming who they were and what they stand for. Again, well done Glasgow and friends.
Again thanks Keith for photos:
A pop-up IWW stall at anti-racism march.
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