Showing posts with label Gramsci. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gramsci. Show all posts

Sunday 21 October 2012


     It is always important to keep alive the deeds and names of anarchists who have lived their life with honesty and a dedication to the principles of anarchy. They make our history something to be very proud of and worth broadcasting far and wide. From them our generation and those that follow can draw inspiration and they add to the richness that is anarchism. For those interested in the lives of anarchists, past and present the DVD of the life of Umberto Tommasino is now available at: An Anarchist Life.
      A documentary film on the life of Umberto Tommasini, an anarchist blacksmith, born in Trieste in 1896, then moved to Vivaro and then back to Trieste, he crossed the 20th century, through revolutions, wars, social struggles with an enthusiasm and a vitalism unique and fascinating. Between Italy, Paris, Spain, the fascist confine, the Catalan revolution, the 68 movements and beyond, a story collected in the book of Claudio Venza and Clara Germani "The Triestine anarchist" now to be republished by Odradek with a presentation of Claudio Magris. An incredible man, from the book you have the impression of vitalism and such a strong irony, a human approach to all issues, and a contagious enthusiasm.
       We will enjoy to cross the 20th century and Europe accompanied by this humble man, that partecipated directly to the making of history, facing the Big Characters of European History with an anarchist attitude, as equal (Gramsci, Di Vittorio, Vidali and so on..) as a simple and direct human being, that risks, gets into action with no compromises, keeping alive his enthusiasm and coherence.
      The reasons to make this film are many, maybe one is to tell about what was the partecipation in politics in the 20th century, not only the image of negativity of the ideological clash and violence that today's post ideologic ideology tries to present us. It will be a film on what we lost and why.
Excerpt from:  Produzioni dal Basso:

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