Showing posts with label Haliburton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Haliburton. Show all posts

Tuesday 19 April 2011


       The UN No-fly Zone resolution 1973, specifically ruled out foreign military action on the ground in Libya. The enforcers of the No-fly Zone have always said that in this operation there would be no “boots on the ground”. Of course that doesn't include Special Forces who have been there more or less from the start, probably on a photo shot for some travel agency. Now the UK is sending in high ranking military officers. No doubt to comply with the UN resolution they, like the Special Forces, will go in barefoot. It is the usual creep process. If they can't get what they want with the rules then we can indulge in some euphemisms. First there will be advisers, then training and support, then there is humanitarian help, which will need military protection, and of course then comes the “Peacekeeping Force”.

        Is there anybody out there who believes that we are doing this for the good of the Libyan people? Today the “rebels” stated that there has been 10,000 killed and 50,000 wounded, (the figures can't be independently verified), the city of Tripoli has suffered over 200 strikes by weapons of mass destruction with fancy names like Pathfinder, etc. followed by claims that we killed no civilians. Think of all the money the arms industry will make replacing all those missiles at prices ranging from £500,000 to £800,000 a shot. Very smart missiles these, they don't explode if there are civilians in the area. The country has now been turned into another African nation where civil war rages. Our support has hurtled Libyan against Libyan in a bloody struggle that wont be healed for generations. The country's infrastructure is smashed, now there's an opportunity for Haliburton, what hope now for the Libyan people, with the West calling the shots, one thing for sure, they can say goodbye to their oil.