If you can be in Athens around 12-14 November, you could be in for a wonderful few days experience. That's the dates of the of the
Insurrection Festival, being held in the Athens Polytechnic University. Three days of everything from music, information, talk, discussion, workshops, theatre, fun and chat. What more could you ask for?

SUNDAY 12 NOVEMBER 16:00 Security on cellphone and internet / Digital sabotage Bring your laptop or smartphone, and a usb stick (4 Gb enough) 19:00 ZAD Bure (France) Story telling of rural conflicts in the struggle against the project of nuclear waste burial 22:00 Theater team Tsiritsantsoules THE RHYME OF SAINT EVAΝGELOS SO-CALLED ALSO AS A SQUATTER by loyis lazarou 00:00 Music installation μουσική εγκατάσταση URBAN CHAOS MONDAY 13 NOVEMBER 16:00 The depiction of the relationship between insurrection and revolution in the historical experience of barricades, as a limiting point of the social- political relationship 19:00 Projection Adapt and destroy. The doctrine of counter-insurgency Introduction and conversation around the greek example 22:00 Past & Present The organization of Exarchia’s defense on 6 December 2016 and the open social conflict fronts today 01:00 Projection NO GOD NO MASTER ‘a history of anarchy’. Part 1o THE PASSION FOR DESTRUCTION (1840-1906) TUESDAY 14 NOVEMBER 16:00 10 YEARS FROM THE INSURRECTION AT MALANDRINOS PRISON The conditions that create the Insurrection, the battlefield and the de-briefing. 19:00 Intervention from political prisoners INSURRECTION AND THE PRISON’S STRUGGLES TODAY 22:00 An attack to Florence Carabinieri station A bomb outside the fascist library that ends up with the serious injury of a cop & and the repression wave that follows with squat evacuations and imprison of 2 comrades. Information and discussion with the participation of prosecuted comrade from Italy. 01:00 LIVE ΟΧΕΤΟΣ NOVA ROMA LA RU CASE ΚΑΡΤΑΣ -StreetDog (marocco) -Ex-nihilo -DOXA from Brava (france) -16 MONKEYS ARMATA (italy) DURING the festival free price brochures, books from movement publishers, workshops, collective kitchen. insurrectionfestival@riseup.nethttps://insurrectionfestival.noblogs.org/Act for free receive by mail

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